
Everything Out

Excerpt ~ Now, Kendrell felt color draining from his face. " I'm. not. a. thief." he said, word for word. " I should be calling you that, not the other way round. What explains why you're in a male restroom, with a parcel in your hands?'' Kendrell asked. " Because it's mine and you stole it." Morticia replied. " No I didn't. And it's not yours!" Ken exclaimed. " Then it's yours?" " No. It's not mine either.'' Kendrell answered. Scoffing, Morticia remarked, " Great. Now we have a confused thief.'' And that was it! That was how much he could take! Taking three more steps, he stood right in front of her. " Hand it to me, so we can both leave here peacefully." Kendrell said calmly. Clearing her throat again, Morticia replied " No, I will not and I'm still gonna leave peacefully." Dropping her hands to her sides, Morticia turned to leave. But without taking another step further, Kendrell grabbed her left hand by the wrist, forcing her to face him again. But a little more than that happened, as her face collided with his chest, while her hair brushed his defined jaw. In a trice, Morticia stepped backwards, and on the third step, her back touched the wall. Kendrell then closed in on the distance between them, before he placed his hands on the wall, right above her shoulders. Bending his back a little, he spoke up, more like in a domineering manner, as his voice was somewhere between a whisper, sounding devilishly hoarse. " I'm not a thief and you are gonna hand it over to me. Why? Because it's not yours and it's not mine either." Pausing, he continued seconds later as Morticia couldn't say anything " I won't explain myself to a... stranger like you." Ken said, looking at Morticia who had goosebumps all over her. " So just give it to me, so_" " I don't think it's right for you both to give it to each other in the open." commented a viking haired guy who had just opened the door, only to find Morticia and Kendrell in a rather intimate position. " Maybe you can find a more private location." he said. " The type that accommodates positions too." he added with a grin. Morticia was dumbstruck with terror! Her cheeks grew hotter. Hotter because it was already hot while Kendrell was speaking things her brain failed to put into meaning. ~ What does the future hold for these two? _ IG: Cristabelxx Discord: https://discord.gg/qvcywz4CNX

Cris_pan · Ciudad
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52 Chs

Chapter Twenty Seven: Trust The Process

'' Thank you for being here'' Kendrell said to Malcolm while they were still embracing each other.

" We have to be here for each other Ken. I need you to be strong. I know it's a lot, the whole thing is too much to process but you just gotta to go easy on yourself." Malcolm said, before they both pulled out of the embrace.

" Where did I go wrong Malc? Where?" Kendrell asked, with his gaze on the broken vase.

" No where Ken. You're too good for them. And what they did just goes to show it. Sometimes, life puts us in the appropriate places, with the right people, but in a crazy way. Sometimes..." Malcolm paused and relaxed his back on the wall before he continued.

" Sometimes, it helps us filter the ones we don't really need, the people the future doesn't want in our lives, the people we thought we needed. We are just too broken to trust the process. But we have to, it hurts, trust me, I know it does. " He added.

" So you don't need to ask where you went wrong. You did nothing wrong to deserve what they did to you Ken." Malcolm said, right before a call came in, but on Ken's other phone.

Seeing that Kendrell wasn't making a move, Malcolm stood up and looked around the room for a while, before he sighted the phone on the floor beside the sofa Kendrell turned upside down. As he went over to pick it, the caller ID read 'Mario'.

Not wanting to pry, Malcolm handed the phone to Kendrell. But the call disconnected before Kendrell could even stretch his hand forward.

It came in again, almost immediately. Glancing at the phone briefly, Kendrell dropped it on the floor and closed his eyes then he rested his head on the wall.

" Isn't that important?'' Malcolm asked still standing.

'' I don't wanna take it." Kendrell replied.

" You don't wanna answer it, but it's important, isn't it?'' Malcolm asked, Kendrell who said nothing.

" If you know it's important, why not answer it. You shouldn't do this to yourself Kenny." Malcolm advised. But Kendrell still kept mute.

" Fine. If you won't take it, then I will. I'll tell whoever's calling that you, my boyfriend, is in the bathroom. How about that?'' Malcolm asked.

Kendrell however, still said nothing.

Just as the call was about to disconnect for the second time, Malcolm answered it.

" Hello."

" Hello Kendrell. Is everything okay? We were supposed to have a virtual meeting yesterday, but you didn't even take my call. What happened?" Mario asked causing Malcolm to have deep furrows on his brows.

" Um_"

Kendrell snatched the phone from Malcolm, before he could say a word. Malcolm wasn't going to say Kendrell was his Boyfriend anymore, he was too dumbfounded to do that.

" Sorry Mario. Something came up. Please give me a few minutes, I'll call you later.'' Kendrell said before dropping the call.

By this time, Malcolm already had a questionable gaze directed at Kendrell.

Sighing, Kendrell swept his hair backwards, he didn't need Malcolm to say the word.

He then sat on an arm rest chair while Malcolm looked at him as he stood.

" It was supposed to be a surprise. " Kendrell said.

" What?''

" When I moved to Hentritch, Mario and I bought shares at VGQ. Recently, we've been working on starting up a retail store and a textile firm with our returns from the shares. But we involved other business partners, which is why we were supposed to have a meeting. The major reason I'm not doing so well financially is because I've invested most of what I have in it." Kendrell said.

" Why didn't you say anything? You could've told me. I would have assisted you Ken." Malcolm said.

" Like I said, it was supposed to be a surprise. I haven't even told my mom and dad about it yet." Kendrell said before closing his eyes as he thought about Tiana, who was a major driving force.

" I'm not judging you Ken.'' Malcolm said as he went over to where Kendrell sat.

'' I just,... I don't know, you know we don't keep such things from each other, but I get it." Malcolm said, trying to understand Ken.

" Thanks." Kendrell said before closing his eyes again.

" You need to freshen up Ken." Malcolm said after a while.

" Or do you need me t_"

" No, don't bother." Kendrell said before he stood up.


By the time Kendrell was out from the bathroom, he smelt nice and looked different.

But that was it.

There was no sparkle in his eyes. Water, paste and shower gel only cleansed his teeth and skin. It did nothing else. It failed to wash away the pain in his heart along with the stench of alcohol.

When he got to the living room, he discovered it looked different. Nothing like the mess he left for the bathroom.

But looking around, he didn't find Malcolm. Kendrell assumed he left to get something, so he sat on the sofa and leaned backwards, relaxing on the sofa. Sighing, Kendrell placed his arm on his forehead as the memories of the previous day flooded his mind.

A tear ran down his cheek, followed by another, then another.

' Damn the both of you' Kendrell murmured to himself.

Barely two minutes after, the door bell rang. "I'm not in the mood for your rubbish Malcolm.'' Kendrell said, assuming it was Malcolm.

But it rang again. Clenching his jaw, Kendrell stood up and wiped the tears on his face before walking to the door.

" I said I'm not_"

Kendrell's sight was greeted with non other than Tiana and Jordan.

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