
Everything Out

Excerpt ~ Now, Kendrell felt color draining from his face. " I'm. not. a. thief." he said, word for word. " I should be calling you that, not the other way round. What explains why you're in a male restroom, with a parcel in your hands?'' Kendrell asked. " Because it's mine and you stole it." Morticia replied. " No I didn't. And it's not yours!" Ken exclaimed. " Then it's yours?" " No. It's not mine either.'' Kendrell answered. Scoffing, Morticia remarked, " Great. Now we have a confused thief.'' And that was it! That was how much he could take! Taking three more steps, he stood right in front of her. " Hand it to me, so we can both leave here peacefully." Kendrell said calmly. Clearing her throat again, Morticia replied " No, I will not and I'm still gonna leave peacefully." Dropping her hands to her sides, Morticia turned to leave. But without taking another step further, Kendrell grabbed her left hand by the wrist, forcing her to face him again. But a little more than that happened, as her face collided with his chest, while her hair brushed his defined jaw. In a trice, Morticia stepped backwards, and on the third step, her back touched the wall. Kendrell then closed in on the distance between them, before he placed his hands on the wall, right above her shoulders. Bending his back a little, he spoke up, more like in a domineering manner, as his voice was somewhere between a whisper, sounding devilishly hoarse. " I'm not a thief and you are gonna hand it over to me. Why? Because it's not yours and it's not mine either." Pausing, he continued seconds later as Morticia couldn't say anything " I won't explain myself to a... stranger like you." Ken said, looking at Morticia who had goosebumps all over her. " So just give it to me, so_" " I don't think it's right for you both to give it to each other in the open." commented a viking haired guy who had just opened the door, only to find Morticia and Kendrell in a rather intimate position. " Maybe you can find a more private location." he said. " The type that accommodates positions too." he added with a grin. Morticia was dumbstruck with terror! Her cheeks grew hotter. Hotter because it was already hot while Kendrell was speaking things her brain failed to put into meaning. ~ What does the future hold for these two? _ IG: Cristabelxx Discord: https://discord.gg/qvcywz4CNX

Cris_pan · Ciudad
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52 Chs

Chapter 47: Everything about her

When Morticia and Jenna returned to the restaurant, the news of Carmen's look when she stormed out of the restaurant with them, had reached everyone already.

Some of their colleagues pretended to care about their absence, while others didn't care to disguise their reason for being nosy. Since the pair had saw it coming, they told the same lie, the one they had agreed to tell on their way back.

For the rest of the day it was work as usual, at least for Jenna it was. For Morticia, it wasn't quite the 'best' day at work because as she mixed up two table's order. She was physically present, but absent minded.

But since the customers were understanding, she was at least lucky in that regard.

When the girls got home, this time, Morticia prepared dinner. Valeta's service was discontinued only because she needed the time off for her studies and she became friends with the pair who were understanding.

Even Jenna wasn't really comfortable with the idea of Valeta being her house help, since she felt she could do a lot on her own. Not that it was wrong for Valeta to assist them, but she was a chef as well and she worked in shifts at madam Carmen's, so she kind of had the time to cook for herself and Morticia as well.

So at the moment, the girls lived by themselves. But Jenna still understood the primary reason her parents asked her to resettle in Hentritch, was so building their bond would be a lot easier. So she had dinner with her parents at least more than twice in 8 days.

But since she had barely spent three weeks in Hentritch, that had happened for only four times. But the evening of the current day would make it the fifth as Jenna prepared to leave for her parents mansion.

As for Morticia, she was to stay back. Not like she wasn't welcomed in the Smith's Mansion, but she opted not to join Jenna. It was the time the parents and daughter had to bond, and she need not to ruin it anyway whatsoever. But It didn't mean her bond with Jenna was weakening, infact, the pair were getting closer by the day as they got to understand their likes, dislikes, personality and character.

While Morticia did well never to step on Jenna's foot, Jenna also learned to have even more respect for Morticia, thanks to Morticia's personality.

They of course had disagreements on topics, but they nevertheless respected each other's views.

Jenna had already started house hunting. But since the girls were going to continue living together, Morticia decided she was going to make her financial contributions. And with that in mind, the girls decided to work for at least three months more, before moving out.

At the current moment, Morticia's hair was disheveled, all thanks to her inability to take all that transpired between she and Kendrell, off her mind.

The duvet was almost on the floor, due to the countless lying position shuffling she did, but she didn't even know that.

She didn't know what part of the whole thing she couldn't take her mind off. She was surprised at her reaction towards him. From how she didn't stop talking, to the fact that she overreacted, or so she felt.

'' Go to sleep Morticia.'' she said to herself.

'But he's a really ha_'

" Shut up. Do you hear me? Shut the fuck up?!'' she scolded the voice in her head. Actually, she and Kendrell did, simultaneously, unbeknownst to the both of them.

Just like Morticia, Kendrell also couldn't sleep, or better still, he couldn't take her off his mind.

It was just her. Everything about her. The way she talked, reacted, freaked out and of course, the way she smiled.

'' Damn you Morticia." said Kendrell, who had also disheveled his hair.

'' Great. I'm calling her by her name now.'' Kendrell said in a mocking chuckle.

' You didn't even need to damn her you know. She literally did nothing wrong. She was only trying to save her job.'

" Just keep quiet and let me sleep." Kendrell said to his own self.

Unfortunately, his inner man wasn't ready to let go, such that he slept two hours before dawn. Now, he had little room in his head to think about Tiana and Jordan.

His mind was fixed on either Malcolm's condition, Rollins Group, his business with Mario and a couple of other business partners, not forgetting how to avoid a time crash with his deal with Rollins and Mario. And now, Morticia. He also had his family to think about. He had bills to pay, his business capital to raise and a host of other expenses as an adult.

' One step at a time Ken.' the voice advised this time to Kendrell who sighed, with his gaze also never leaving the ceiling.


Over at the Smith's mansion, Jenna and her parents were having dinner.

While Jenna was eating, her parents were cooking up ideas in their head to make her spend the night with them so they could gossip, especially Evelyn.

But Sampson couldn't wait for that as he began throwing the questions at Jenna. Questions that had to do with her on a personal level.

" So princess, I've always wanted to ask you know, how your friends reacted to the news of you leaving Planora on such short notice." he said.

" Well, I don't really have friends, as in, in real sense of the word. They're basically acquaintances, so they didn't really make a big deal out of it." Jenna replied.

" What about your male friends? How did they take it?'' Sampson asked.

" Honey!'' Evelyn called out, before glaring at him. But Jenna simply chuckled at her father's poor approach in asking about her love life.

" What?'' Sampson asked in his defense, but Evelyn still glared at him, for bringing that out of the blue. She also wanted to know, but she would have appreciated a better approach as she didn't want Jenna to be reminded of unpleasant memories, since she knew Jenna would get what Sampson was driving at. His approach was sort of obvious anyway.

" They're all the same dad." she answered with a grin. " I didn't separate them. But if you want to know if I have any other male figure in my life, then no, at the moment I don't." She added with a smile.

" Please don't mind your dad baby." Evelyn said to Jenna.

" It's fine mom." She answered, grinning again.

" What did I do? I was only_"


" Excuse me." Jenna said as she stood up and left the dining table to answer the call that came in.

" Hello Johnny." Jenna answered with a smile.

" Hey Jenna. How are you doing?'' Johnny asked.

" I've been great Johnny. What's up? How have you been?''

" I've been great Jenna, thanks for asking. I'm just coming from Robert's house (The security guard at Wallace's Restaurant)."

" Oh. How is he? I hope he's recovered." Jenna asked.

" No Jenna. Wallace is dead. He died of cyanide poisoning."