
Everything On My Palm

Zerahab, a man frequently haunted by nightmares, finds himself trapped between dream and reality. One night, after an incredibly vivid and terrifying dream, he hears the voice of God bestowing upon him an unexpected mission. God blesses him with extraordinary powers and sends him to a new world called Cosmara. There, Zerahab is granted the ability to create and transform everything with just his words. Initially, Zerahab is bewildered and frightened by his newfound power. Every word he speaks brings about drastic changes in Cosmara. From a black-and-white field of flowers transforming into vibrant colors to mute creatures suddenly able to speak and dance with joy. However, this miracle also brings great responsibility that he must face. In Cosmara, Zerahab meets Verdantus, a wise, ancient tree and the only creature that could speak before his arrival. Verdantus explains that Zerahab is the long-awaited God of Cosmara. With his presence, the once desolate and silent world of Cosmara is now a place filled with color and life. Zerahab's journey in Cosmara is not without challenges. He must learn to use his power wisely, confront his own fears and doubts, and understand the essence of hope and balance. Throughout this journey, Zerahab realizes that true change does not only occur in the physical world but also in the hearts and souls of the creatures around him.

KADDRTheWriter · Fantasía
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9 Chs

The Power of Spoken hope

Zerahab stood frozen in disbelief, trying to comprehend the words of the tree named Verdantus. The creatures around him continued to sing in joy, their colorful wings fluttering in excitement. As he gazed upon the changed world of Cosmara, an overwhelming sense of responsibility enveloped him like a heavy cloak.

Amidst the festive celebration, Zerahab's mind was filled with questions. "How can this be happening? Why me? Am I truly a god?" Doubt and fear gnawed at his thoughts, threatening to overwhelm him despite the newfound beauty surrounding him.

Zerahab's incredulity, still wavering between dream and reality, made his heart feel as if it might burst at the sight before him. "STOP!!!" he shouted loudly, causing all the symphony to halt instantly.

"Enough! Stop all of this! My name is Zerahab, and I am just an ordinary human! I don't even know why I am here, and I don't know what just happened. This can't be real!" Panic-stricken, Zerahab fell to his knees, clutching his head, hoping to wake up from what he thought was just a dream.

"Stop worshipping me!" tears streamed down Zerahab's cheeks. "Someone wakes me up... please!" 'sobs'

Verdantus, sensing Zerahab's turmoil, spoke again with a soothing voice echoing in the vibrant air of Cosmara. "My lord Zerahab, do not be afraid. The power within you has awakened to bring light and color to our world. You hold the key to balance and harmony in Cosmara. Embrace your role as our God, for only you can guide us towards a future full of wonder and joy."

Zerahab felt the weight of Verdantus's words pressing down on him, both awe-inspiring and daunting. He could feel the eyes of every creature in Cosmara upon him, awaiting his response.

Silence fell, so profound that even the rustle of the wind seemed to hush.

Zerahab ceased his sobbing. He rose to his feet and wiped away his tears. "I must be able to face this and find a way back to my own world," he resolved firmly. Taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart, he finally spoke, his voice barely audibles as a whisper.

"I... I accept this role," Zerahab said, feeling a surge of determination welling up within him. As he uttered those words, a golden light began to emanate from him, bathing the entire expanse of Cosmara in warm golden light.

The creatures of Cosmara cried out in awe and joy together, their voices rising in a chorus of gratitude and reverence. Zerahab could feel their confidence and trust in him like a tangible presence, enveloping him like a comforting embrace.

With newfound conviction and resolve, Zerahab lifted his head high, the golden light surrounding him illuminating his face with brilliance from another world. As he gazed upon the changed world of Cosmara, a sense of purpose welled up within him, replacing the doubt and fear that had clouded his mind moments before.

"I will do everything in my power to protect and preserve Cosmara," Zerahab declared, his voice now strong and unwavering. His words seemed to resonate throughout the universe, filling every corner of the colorful world with hope and renewal.

Verdantus and the creatures of Cosmara prostrated themselves before Zerahab, their colorful forms shining in the golden light emanating from him. Tears of joy glistened in their eyes as they beheld the God they now acknowledged with respect and gratitude.

"May your light guide us, O God of Cosmara," Verdantus spoke, his voice filled with deep reverence. Other creatures joined in, their voices adding to the circle of divine strength. He knew that his journey in Cosmara had just begun, and the challenges ahead were as vast as the universe itself. But with the support of the enchanting world he now led, Zerahab accepted his role as the God of Cosmara with unwavering determination.

As he walked through the colorful meadow, Zerahab could feel the pulse of Cosmara's energy flowing within him, connecting him to every living creature within it.

"I hope all the creatures in Cosmara can speak so they can pray for their hopes. And I hope Cosmara becomes a beautiful home for all creatures. I bless Cosmara," he said. Instantly, a strong wind blew, stronger than before, as Zerahab spoke and transformed the meadow and creatures like butterflies and bees. Shining light emerged from the sky, dazzling the eyes. Just a moment later, the wind and the light vanished.

The creatures were shocked and frightened because they did not understand what had just happened. Zerahab, who still did not understand the power of his words, looked surprised too. "What just happened? Is it because of my words? My annoying mouth... Be careful of what you say, you foolish Zerahab!" Zerahab scolded himself in his mind, patting his mouth as if it were to blame.

His words echoed in his mind, a reminder of the great power he possessed as the God of Cosmara. Zerahab realized that every word that came out of his mouth had the potential to shape the world around him, for better or for worse. "It seems the hope I speak will come true. Terrifying! From now on, I must guard my words. Remember, Zerahab, "Your mouth is your tiger." Zerahab's inner self reminded him of the power bestowed upon him.

However, as the brilliant light faded, a soft and melodious hum filled the air, calming the startled creatures of Cosmara. From the heart of the meadow emerged a new creature, radiant and ethereal. Unlike any other creature in Cosmara, with its sparkling wings shining in various colors and eyes holding the wisdom of all ages.

The new creature approached Zerahab gracefully and respectfully, its presence radiating an aura of calmness and power. As it spoke, its voice harmonized with the essence of Cosmara itself, resonating through every fiber of Zerahab's being.

"Don't be afraid, O God of Cosmara," the creature said, its words like gentle caresses. "Your words have stirred deeper wonders in this realm, transcending space and time. The creatures of Cosmara now have the gift of speech, allowing them to share their hopes and dreams with you."

"Ah... is that so? Well, that's good to know," Zerahab awkwardly replied, as if trying to cover up his mistake. "In that case, I must give you all names since only Verdantus has a name here. Come here and line up."

All the creatures, who were initially fearful, became calm and obedient, following Zerahab's command. They seemed very enthusiastic about being given names by Zerahab. "Wow, there are so many of you. The line is so long, I might get tired and run out of names hahaha."

An idea crossed Zerahab's mind to shorten his time. "From now on, your name is Lumina. You will be the leader of all the creatures in this meadow. Give names based on each type of creature, surely you understand what creatures live in this meadow. And for all the heads of households, let them give names to each of their families." That was Zerahab's first command to the new creature, radiant and ethereal, that emerged from the heart of the Cosmara meadow.

"It is an honor for me, Lumina. Thank you for the beautiful name. With full responsibility, I will carry out the orders of the God of Cosmara." With a soft voice full of wisdom while kneeling in reverence to the God of Cosmara, Lumina replied to Zerahab.

"I hope the names you all receive will become your strength, put those names in your hearts."

Whoosh, the wind blew as if caressing every creature in Cosmara after Zerahab spoke. They seemed accustomed and no longer surprised by the miracles that occurred because of Zerahab's words.

"Alright, the celebration is over. You can continue with your work. As for me, I will find a place to rest," Zerahab said casually, as if denying that he was still awkwardly becoming the God of Cosmara.

"Lord Zerahab, let this old tree be your abode. Stay within this old tree. I have been awaiting your presence for thousands of years, and I know my life will not always be long. Perhaps this will be my first and last request to the God of Cosmara." Verdantus pleaded with humility to allow his body to be the dwelling place for the God of Cosmara. Zerahab, knowing Verdantus's feelings, felt compassion. And with love and enthusiasm, Zerahab said, "Of course, Verdantus, I have long desired a treehouse. You will be the perfect home for me. I hope Verdantus will not only be a beautiful and comfortable treehouse for the residence of the God of Cosmara, but also Verdantus can move and take me around all of Cosmara."

Whoosh, the strong wind blew again along with the light of change, enchanting Verdantus into a treehouse that could move. Its roots became legs and its branches became arms. From its leaves emerged beautiful and tempting flowers and fruits.

"Thank you, my Lord, this is truly amazing. You have transformed me into something so beautiful. Not only that, I can move! This is more than enough, Lord, I am very grateful." The atmosphere then turned into one of emotion, as the Verdantus tree shed tears.

"I am glad to see you happy, Verdantus. Thank you for allowing me to reside in your body." Zerahab said, stroking Verdantus, the large old tree. "Are you ready to adventure to all corners of Cosmara with me, Verdantus?"

"Of course, my Lord, I am ready to accompany you at any time," replied Verdantus.

"Not now, I want to rest. I hope time in Cosmara is the same as on Earth. And I hope there will be warm and sunny days and beautiful nights like the expanse of stars illuminating the darkness."

Whoosh, the strong wind blew, and instantly what Zerahab said happened.

That night, Zerahab looked up at the beautiful sky filled with stars he couldn't count one by one. It was so bright that there was no need for a lamp and no need to be afraid of walking in the darkness of the night. However, no one knew that Zerahab harbored deep fears and confusion within him.

"If I sleep, will this dream end and I return to my own world?"

"If I sleep, will there be another nightmare?"

"I'm afraid to go back, but I also don't want to be trapped in a dream even though it looks beautiful."

A thousand and one questions began to emerge in Zerahab's mind every time he wanted to sleep. Until finally, he became exhausted with his own thoughts weighing heavily on his body. Until finally, he fell asleep on his own as if fainting.

"Please help me!"

And it happened again.