
Everything belongs to me!

Alexander Curry, born and raised to be the ideal servant for the Dove family, faces punishment when he defies his master's orders. Forced to donate his eyes for his master's daughter's transplant, as atonement for his disobedience, he vows revenge. [CONGRATULATIONS, MR. ALEXANDER CURRY. THE GODS OF VENGEANCE AND POSSESSIONS HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES OF DESPAIR AND HAVE GRANTED YOU THE POSSESSION SYSTEM. RICHES, TALENTS, SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN EVER DREAM OF ARE YOURS FOR THE TAKING.] Empowered by a mysterious system, Alexander sets out to take vengeance by seizing wealth, talent, and everything else from those who wronged him.

South_Ashan · Ciudad
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20 Chs


Chapter 18

Jerry dropped to the floor like a rag doll and everyone looked at Alexander with shock.

"What the hell? Did that punk really just do that?" The gentleman said.

He looked at Jerry on the floor and said "I can't believe this bastard lost to a kid. How embarrassing."

He palmed his face.

"Now, because he affiliated with me, I've also been embarrassed. Looks like I'll fire the idiot when he wakes up, but I guess the time for that was coming anyway" he said, making sure Stacy heard because he wanted to impress her.

He looked at Jeff and said "What are you doing just standing there? Take care of the brat and don't disappoint me like your friend just did, or I'll fire you too. I pay good money for your asses, but this is the nonsense I get in return. What a joke"

Jeff nodded and stepped forward.

"You've made a really big mistake, kid. Jerry went easy on you and that was an error on his part. I on the other hand, don't care about just beating you up. I'll make sure I send you to the hospital, and you'll be needing a wheelchair for a whole year when I'm done with you—" Jeff said, but Alexander cut him off by yawning.

"Has anyone told you that you talk too much? If they haven't, then let me be the one to do it. You talk too much and, for a man your age, it's very unattractive," Alexander taunted.

The vein on Jeff's forehead popped and throbbed.

"Why you!" Jeff grumbled, fists clenched and vibrating with rage.

"Ready whenever you are," Alexander said, then got ready to defend himself.

Not wasting a moment, Jeff attacked. However, Alexander, who had gotten better at fighting with just the few blows he traded with Jerry, knocked him out too, but in fewer moves.

Alexander looked at the unconscious man's body on the floor and said "Don't go around talking so much if you can't defend yourself."

There was a ruckus in the store. No one could believe what they just saw. Such a young man was able to knock out two grown men so easily? It seemed unbelievable, but it happened right in front of their eyes.

Seeing that the gentleman was in a tight spot and still wanting to make a good impression, Stacy left her post and went to stand with him.

She pointed at Alexander and yelled "Have you gone crazy, huh, brat?! You hooligan! How dare you come in here and start a fight with the customers?!"

She reached for the landline and said "I'm going to call the police, and they'll come arrest you. Just stay there and don't you dare try to run away!"

Alexander looked at the corners of the ceiling, then he looked at her and shrugged.

"Run away? Why would I want to do that? Call whoever you want. All I know is that the cameras will say something different. Those guys attacked me and I only defended myself", Alexander said nonchalantly.

Stacy laughed "You think the police will take your side when the person you're up against is Mr. Alexander Curry? Better think again, kid. For your sake, I hope you aren't up to eighteen years because you'll be going to prison instead of juvenile detention—" she said, but was interrupted.

"Hey, who is this Alexander person you're talking about?" The gentleman asked.

Stacy looked at him with confusion.

"What do you mean who is the person I'm talking about? I'm talking about—" she said but was interrupted when the manager suddenly rushed onto the scene.

"What's going on here?!" The manager asked in a panic, drawing everyone's attention.

"Sir! It's a good thing you're here. Look at what that maniac did", Stacy said the moment the manager walked to where she and the gentleman were.

The manager looked at Jeff and Jerry on the floor, both knocked out, and then he looked in the direction Stacy had pointed to, seeing Alexander, who didn't look at all hurt.

He asked "Young man, is that true? Did you really do this?"

Alexander shrugged "Like I told your staff. They attacked me and I only defended myself. The cameras will prove that I'm telling the truth, so all you have to do is check it if you want."

"That's a lie, sir! He attacked them, unprovoked. Those are the security guards that work for this gentleman over here and look at what that bastard did to them. He has disrespected our customers. I was about to call the police before you came in, but I'll go ahead and do that right now. When they come and take this hooligan out of here, I think we should find a way of apologizing to Mr. Alexander Curry for what he had just gone through", Stacy said, pressing her body up against the gentleman.

The manager looked at Stacy and the gentleman she was so cozy with, then he focused on her and grimaced.

"Mr. Alexander Curry? What are you talking about, Stacy?" The manager asked.

Stacy chuckled.

"What do you mean, asking about what I'm talking about sir?" She asked.

The gentleman looked at her and asked "My uncle is right. What are you talking about? Who is this Alexander Curry you've mentioned twice now?"

Stacy's eyes widened "Uncle? What do you mean uncle?" She asked, then shook her head in confusion.

"What do you mean "who is Alexander Curry"? That's you, isn't it?"

The gentleman, looking confused, replied "Umm, no. What makes you think that I'm this person you're talking about?"

He looked at the manager and asked again "Uncle, what's wrong with her?"

Stacy looked at the manager. "Sir, are you seriously his uncle?"

"That's right. What don't you understand, Stacy? That's my nephew, Allen Phelps", the manager said, frowning at Stacy.

"Allen Phelps? Wait, that's not right." She said, then looked at the man she was standing so close to.

"I thought your name was Alexander Curry. I asked you what your name was, and you told me that it was Alexander Curry, so why are you saying something different now?" Stacy asked, her demeanor completely ridden with confusion.