
Everyone Has a Protagonist luck Except me (dropped)

ZEONxs · Fantasía
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16 Chs

2.Slacking off is a necessary skill for people in society

"The gurgling stream flows into the mighty river, and finally flows into the vast ocean. You are in me, I am in you, this is the origin of your names. As an older brother, you should tolerate your younger siblings, and as younger siblings, you should always help your older brother... This is what we call 'siblings' and 'family'."

The three of them seemed to understand what their grandfather said when they were children, and I wonder if they have forgotten what their grandfather said now.

Memories should be the hypocritical emotions of the present day. Ye Xinhai looked at the brother and sister who were arguing with each other in front of him and smiled with relief.

Perhaps compared to being alone in a strange environment, his noisy brothers and sisters became his only comfort.

Just as he had said to comfort himself before, even if the world changed, people's mentality, personality and life trajectory would not change much.

As the youngest brother in the family, Ye Xinhe has been "the child of other people's families" since he was a child. At the age of 16, he skipped a grade and was admitted to a key university and was reported by the local TV station. After arriving in the so-called Haoran New Territory, he was also favored by the immortals and was called "a rare immortal genius in a thousand years" by the elders.

The word "genius" has always run through his life. After only two and a half months of learning, he had skipped the "initial acquaintance with the true self" and started the second stage of "quiet meditation and inner observation". Today, his aura seemed to be more delicate and light, as if he was going straight to the third stage of "clear consciousness".

The youngest is like this, and the second oldest, Ye Xinxi, is no less so.

After failing the college entrance examination, he worked like a madman to repeat his senior year and was admitted to the university of his choice. Although he was slightly less talented than his younger brother, he made up for the gap with others by working ten times harder.

This is even more true after coming here. Although the impurities in her body are several times more than those of ordinary people, people who work hard will never be let down. When others practice, she practices with them. When others rest, she takes the marrow cleansing pill and starts to clean out the impurities in her body.

The reward was that she got one of the ten most famous magic weapons in this continent by chance right after she entered the sect - "Sumeru Cold Light".

This was also the reason why she was recruited as an exception to be trained as the sect master's last disciple.

Throughout, neither of them has changed, but the world has changed for them.

Ordinary people adapt to society, while outstanding people change society.

It is reasonable for them to become the "protagonist" and there is no objection to their being the brother of Passerby A.

"Brother, you're daydreaming and grinning foolishly again." Ye Xinxi gently pinched her silly brother's face and said dissatisfiedly.

Yes, I was in a daze again... Ever since Ye Xinhai entered society, he would always be in a daze and slack off at work. No one had ever taught him this skill, but it suddenly appeared in his skill column and he used it skillfully.

"Humph, what do you know, little brat? You'll know once you start working. The method of killing time by daydreaming is a necessary skill for people in society! It is especially useful when the leader is speaking."

"Ah, here we go again, brother, your useless social knowledge..." Ye Xinhe waved his hands helplessly, it seemed that he was already accustomed to Ye Xinhai's remarks.

The three of them chatted for a while, and the sky gradually darkened. Ye Xinxi and Ye Xinhe were about to return to their respective mountains. Before leaving, Ye Xinhai fumbled for a long time and took out a black pill, and threw it into Ye Xinxi's hand.

"Ah, thank you, brother!" Ye Xinxi smiled happily when she saw the pill. "I was just about to tell you that I've finished the marrow cleansing pill you gave me last time."

"You are biased. Brother, why don't you give me some?" Ye Xinhe complained when he saw his sister getting some pills.

Ye Xinhai gave his brother a slap on the head and said with a smile: "Do you need this kind of rubbish ninth-grade cleansing marrow pill when your meridians are so clean that there is not a trace of impurities? You want to compete with your sister for everything, right!"

Not only did he not get what he wanted but he also got a slap on the head from his brother. Ye Xinhe, who was in a bad mood, said "I don't want it" and returned to Qingzhu Mountain along the bamboo path.

"Brother, I'm going back too."

"Well, don't push yourself too hard. The impurities in your body are not so easy to remove."

"I know..."

Ye Xinhai gave a few instructions and said goodbye to his sister.

Walking back from the foot of Qingzhu Mountain, he inevitably bumped into fellow disciples coming and going on the way. Everyone was very curious about this older disciple, and the disciples passing by him started talking about him.

"Is this Junior Brother Xinhe's brother? Hmm... he looks like he's almost thirty years old, right?"

"You're so dirty. I heard you were burning the alchemy furnace in Wufeng Mountain. Hahaha."

"Shh, keep your voice down, what if he hears you?"

Gossip floated into his ears. Even someone as thick-skinned as Ye Xinhai rolled his eyes and muttered, "I heard it clearly," and gradually quickened his pace.

Facts have proved that the more anxious a person is, the more likely they are to get into trouble. At the corner, due to his absent-mindedness and fast pace, Ye Xinhai bumped into a disciple who was walking towards him.

The disciple who collided with him was obviously quite skilled in Taoism. Not only did he not fall down, he didn't even take a single step back.

On the contrary, Ye Xinhai was unlucky. Before he touched the other person's body, he felt pushed by an invisible force, and the whole person flew two or three meters away as if he was hit by a moving car.

The man on this side was knocked unconscious and before he could recover, the man on the other side started to curse: "You have no eyes!"

At least Ye Xinhai had some foundation so he would not suffer greater harm. He got up and regretted how unlucky he was. He ignored the pain and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I was a little anxious and didn't pay attention..."

After he finished speaking, he looked up and saw a guy wearing the same purple and gold robe as his brother, looking at him angrily. He thought to himself, "Oh no, I have offended a true disciple this time."

Except for Wufeng Mountain, the other seven peaks are divided into three levels of disciples: outer gate, inner gate, and true disciple. The outer gate wears beige clothes, the inner gate wears reddish brown, and the true disciple wears this purple-gold clothes.

By the way, because there are few people in Wufeng Mountain and they need to go down the mountain to collect herbs, Ye Xinhai and Wu Cao both wear cheap coarse linen clothes.

Without waiting for the true disciple to speak, the red-robed inner sect disciple next to him rushed over and pointed at Ye Xinhai's nose and shouted, "Open your dog eyes and take a closer look! This is Brother Wang Lu, the seventh-ranked true disciple under Elder Liu Zhu of Qingzhu Mountain, and the 32nd-ranked inner sect competition winner! You bumped into him, do you think you can solve this problem by just apologizing?!"

Ye Xinhai sighed helplessly in his heart, "Ah... here it comes, what a classic villain and his lackeys."

"Hmph..." Seeing his younger brother helping to speak, the true disciple snorted coldly and put on a sour face.

"Then according to your advice, how can I calm you down?"

Seeing this, I probably need to use the second common skill of social people, kneeling down and licking shoes, to get out of this situation, right? Ye Xinhai thought to himself, praying that these two uncles would not make too outrageous demands.

"Kneel down and kowtow to our Senior Brother Wang and say, 'Please, wise and mighty Senior Brother Wang, please let me go!' Did you hear me?"

As expected, there is no God in the world, and praying is useless...



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if you like It plz support my work. I will try my hard to upload 1 chapter regularly.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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