
Chapter 26 Shit Storm

"....This, this is.... complete and utter trash." Long Lei complained before grabbing the scroll and throwing it towards the floor. This scroll was the "Azure Soul Refining Technique" and it had only one stage, which would take even a talented genius 20 years to complete, even so the benefits were subpar to say the least.

'Hmph, 20 years of training to allow one to do some soul stealing and shit, if I really wanted that I'd save some rage points for a Rinnegan, even my genius ass will take at least a couple years to complete that considering I can't use shadow clones for a soul technique.' Long Lei thought before pocketing the technique anyway.

"Well I can always give it to my fodder minions later." He said to himself before looking around the room. Apart from the scroll there were also a few sealed chests. 'Well might as well pocket whatever's in them.' Long Lei mused before moving towards the chests.

After about 5 minutes he had opened every single chest and pocketed all the items, and it was quite the haul to say the least. There was, "Basics in Puppet Manufacturing", "Silver Gauntlet Technique", and a peculiar map which seemed to detail the location of a treasure.

'It seems I've gained more than I bargained for, but its best if I don't hunt for this treasure yet. With the current beast flood, and father's current mission if I were to suddenly disappear or even get lost in the forest it wouldn't bode to well.' Long Lei thought before looking around the room.

Seeing nothing of else of value he swiftly dusted himself off before running out of the golden Hall, luckily for him the guards were still sound asleep. 'I guess its time to complete my ultimate goal.' He chuckled to himself softly, before a repugnant bag appeared in his hand.

This was cow shit and there was more where that came from. 'Good thing I got a clone to buy this, now time to vandalise private property!' Long Lei thought before chucking the steaming bag of cow shit at the hall he had just left.

It didn't end there though, Long Lei proceeded to run throughout the entire palace throwing bags of shit, at one point he even got found out. "YOU, WHO ARE Y-!" A random butler shouted before getting a bag of shit thrown into his face.

"I am the Fart Emperor, as silent as a fart, creating as much stink as possible, but also being able to be as thunderous and as awe inspiring as a fart! Whoever dares to oppose me, shall be met with nothing but cow shit!" Long Lei announced before throwing 5 more bags of shit at the butler.

"G-GUARDS!!!!" The butler screamed furiously as suddenly lights began to flash around the palace, people had been woken up by the noise. "Yes, more of you come eat shit!" He declared before continuing his crusade, spreading the way of the Fart Emperor.

'Haha, my Rage Points are going to, explode!' Long Lei thought as he chucked a few more bags of shit, but soon, he had a massive crowd of people chasing after him.

"Catch him! Catch that Fart Emperor!" One of the guards announced, before suddenly getting hit in the face by a bag of shit. "Expansive Shit, 1000 Bags in 1!" Long Lei declared before a bag of shit 10x bigger than the rest appeared in his hands.

This, this was, Rhino Shit. "You, you vandal!" "Fucking trash!" "Come fight me bitch, I bet you won't even last one blow." "I swear if you chuck another bag of shit, I won't even leave your corpse intact." They all screamed one after another, as the massive amount of shit began to rain down on them.

"Fine, since you have all clearly not understood the way of the Fart Emperor, I shall allow you to witness my ultimate move. Wet Fart Ex Machina!" Long Lei said before throwing a kunai above the crowd.

In the next instant he teleported to it, with a bag in his hand. "H-How did he end up there?" They asked in shock as suddenly the gigantic bag in his hand open up, raining diarrhea on the masses. Bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase "Shit Storm."

"Fart Emperor, you bastard!!!!" They screamed in unison as the wet shit landed on them, their rage knowing no bounds.

Long Lei then grabbed his kunai mid-air before teleporting away, his job here, was done.

HMMMMMMM? Two releases in a row? I haven't done that in ages, well at least I am getting back into the groove of things.

If you enjoyed the chapter do leave a comment, and sorry if this came off as cringe. (writing comedy is hard and I am not too good at it either so this is my best)

Anyway, till next time, bye guys.

AntiSimpcreators' thoughts