

''Well... it's a long story, but to make it short, lots of things happened and I did some things I shouldn't have and now I'm regretting it and I'm a bit frustrated''

''A bit of frustration doesn't normally make people punch walls''

''Okay well, a lot frustrated''

''So, what did you do that has you so frustrated''

''Well, I....''

''Go on''

''I... I can't tell you; it might freak you out suddenly hypnotize people with your surprisingly good voice and threaten to chop off their heads''

''How did you...''

''I saw it all''


''Yeah, from the time when you went out to the weird tree till when you went cannibal''

''But I never saw you all that time''

''Yeah, I was-uh- well in hiding you can say''

''And you didn't even try to help even when I was tied up, how cowardly of you..... maybe I should have eaten your head''

''Or, I could make it up to you with an early morning snack''

''It might well save your life''

''Well come along, your ravenous Highness''

We both laughed and he led me towards the cafeteria.

''The cafeteria, isn't it locked''


''So how will you get in''

''I-uh-have a key in an odd sense''

''Okay, but how do you know there'll be anything worth eating in there''

''I normally visit every night''

''Oh'' was all I said.

We reached the door and stopped. I expected him to reach into his pocket and pull out the key, but instead, he just stood there.

''Well, aren't you gonna open it''

''I am, I was just thinking, but after tonight, I don't think, anything can freak you out or even surprise you''

''I don't understand''

He smiled and extended his right hand. Then, ever so slowly, it began to transform from a normal hand to a key small enough to fit the keyhole and open the door, which he did. 

I look up at him in surprise

''You-you're a shifter''
