
Every Tear, A Waterfall

Princess Aurnia had it all: beauty, brains, and a royal upbringing. But her heart belonged to Aramis, her royal confidant, who was a commoner. Their love could never be, for the King had vowed to never allow his daughter to wed someone beneath her rank. However, as fate would have it, Aurnia found herself pregnant with Aramis' child before she was married off to a powerful Duke's son from a neighboring kingdom. Aurnia and Aramis secretly pledged their love to each other, but the King was furious upon discovering the pregnancy. He allowed the couple to wed and granted Aramis a title, but their marriage was not to be recognized by the court. Despite the odds, Aurnia and Aramis were happy together, starting their own family and enjoying every moment they had. Suddenly, Aramis vanished one day, leaving the princess devastated and alone with their child. She had to raise her child on her own, without so much as a word from her beloved. She mourned her loss, but her love for Aramis never died. Ten years later, Aurnia was now the Queen of her kingdom, and her child had grown into a fine young girl. She was still holding on to the hope that Aramis would return, but deep down, she knew it was unlikely. Her heart ached, still longing for the one true love she had. But one day, a mysterious stranger arrived at the palace, and lo and behold, it was Aramis, looking as handsome as he did ten years ago. They reunited, and the old sparks flew between them. They soon realized that their love for each other had never died. They worked to rebuild their relationship, but it wouldn't be easy, for they both held secrets from each other, the worst of which would test their love and the bond they once shared. This is a tale of forgiveness, second chances, and true love that transcends time and distance. It is a story of a love that never died and the promise of a new beginning.

Missy_Castillo · Ciudad
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43 Chs

The Ransom

Ring. Ring. Ring.

While Anderewe was in the middle of asking Aramis' questions about the kidnappers, the telephone in their headquarters rang. The father and son exchanged glances before Anderewe went to his table and answered the call.

"Who's this?"

Aramis nervously unclenched his fists when his father answered the call. He couldn't hear the other line, so he just patiently waited for his father's response.

"What do you need? And where did you bring the princess?"

Aramis instantly bolted upright. His haunch was correct, the other line was one of Aurnia's kidnappers.

"What do you need from the King? Do you really think you can get away from this?"

Aramis impatiently tapped the table with his trembling fingers, feeling the urge to snatch the telephone from his father and answer her perpetrators himself.

"Tomorrow? Are you crazy? How can we collect that huge amount within one day?"

His brows furrowed when his father's began to raise, and his face contorted in frustration.