
Every Night Star

Star that shines, is Stary there?, I wish for you, I wish, The first star of that night, A path to the universe today, Celestial shine, spark of magic, Take my soul, I wish for a family, Past, present and future, Our treasure will unite everything, One day,

Liry_Cat · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Every Night Star 6

Nyla focuses all her energy on finding an opening in the ax wolf's attack, she had to end this quickly,

She looks at the sword in her hands, well she was good at aiming, right? she could try that,

The ax wolf keeps trying to attack without stopping, he was obviously stronger than her, so if any blow hit her it was game over,

In a quick attack, the wolf lunges with his axe, making a crack in contact with Nyla's sword. However, with her strength, she is unable to defend the attack, and the ax cuts her arm a little, leaving some blood,

"Hey asshole! This is my friend, if you leave marks on her I will kill you" Livry shouts from the other side of the arena,

Nyla growls in pain, but that wouldn't be enough, she would just leave there fainting, also just thinking that Stary was watching her, she had to show herself a little,

"Hey asshole!" Nyla screams getting his attention,

"Wow, because asshole, I'm cool, you know?" the wolf responds, only to be surprised,

Nyla holds her sword tightly, throwing it towards the wolf, only for him to defend himself with the axe, knocking him off balance,

He tries to regain his posture, but he is a little dazed, his mind was distracted looking for possible injuries,

She then takes advantage and runs towards him, she slides on the ground, and trips the wolf, making him fall,

Nyla, picks up her fallen sword, and stands up, aiming a single blow at his axe, throwing him away, stopping the sword at his neck,

"Give up?" Nyla asks laughing,

"Rrrr, never!" the wolf says, punching her in the stomach again, and trying to attack with another punch,

However, Nyla successfully endures the pain, and catches the other punch with her claws, and hitting the wolf's back with the base of the sword,

Thus beating the three idiotic teenage wolves,

Nyla takes a brief moment of calm to catch her breath. She looks at Livy, who continues to defeat the other wolves with tenacity,

With the victory over the three wolves, Nyla feels a mixture of relief and euphoria, Stary was up there, shouting and bragging about being her friend,

Livy joins Nyla, wearing a proud smile on her wolfish face,

"That's it girl! You've earned the right to partner with me," Livy says braggingly,

"Come on, let's pair up until night comes," Livy says, as the two look at each other,

The battles continue for hours, Nyla and Livy take a more defensive strategy, several other wolves join together in groups, but they fight in synchrony, surviving as long as possible,

"Lanay… if it's a fight of everyone against everyone, why are they forming groups?" Stary asks, already knowing the obvious,

"Ha, a good question Lyor, a wolf alone could hardly handle it, now with friends, everything is easier, right?" she responds enthusiastically,

The afternoon falls, Stary is surprised, wolves were really resilient, they were down there already fighting for hours, the crowd goes crazy, cheering and shouting, they really had energy,

Nyla and Livy continue to fight tirelessly as the number of wolves in the arena progressively decreases,

The arena is filled with the sound of howls and growls and weapons, mixed with the noise of blows being thrown, the sword that Stary made for Nyla was very good, it was perfect, and Nyla was taking great care not to strike and get blood on her. ,

She didn't even need to, Livy was already scratching everyone like crazy. She just had to breathe, and save as much breath as possible for the night,

Finally, there are only seven wolves left in the arena, including Nyla and Livy, the tension in the arena is palpable as the remaining wolves prepare for the decisive confrontation, but it all ends with the fall of the last wolf,

"Finally!" Aryndor shouts, making everyone stop,

"The night has come, the moment of twilight comes upon everyone, now wait, soon, we will have a new Lu-a warrior among us" the king shouts, returning to sit down,

The afternoon falls, the sunset slowly hides behind the world, and some stars can already be seen in the sky,

The audience remains silent, anxiously awaiting the next event. Nyla and Livy prepare for the challenge to come,

Suddenly, a mighty roar echoes through the air, a majestic figure emerges from the shadows, illuminated only by the dim light of the crescent moon. It was a wolf with fur as black as night, with shining and penetrating eyes,

This seventh wolf arrives in the middle of the arena and stops abruptly, waiting with the others for nightfall,

"Hey! Who is he?" Stary asks,

"Well Lyor, at this stage, one of our Lu-a warrior enters the arena, with the aim of fighting everyone else, making it difficult for the last wolf left in the arena," Lanary explains,

The remaining wolves in the arena, including Nyla and Livy, feel a shiver run down their spines,

The Lu-a warrior fixes his cold gaze on the remaining wolves and emanates an imposing aura. He assumes a defiant stance, ready to attack,

As the night progresses, the stars shine brightly in the dark sky. Nyla and Livy feel a supernatural energy,

"The night comes!" Lanary shouts from the stands, "Now the moon watches you, fight fiercely!"

As night sets in, the arena is lit by torches and the moon shines in the sky, the remaining wolves are hidden by shadows, adding an element of surprise to the confrontation,

Nyla and Livy move with agility and caution, adapting to the nighttime environment. Their heightened senses allow them to perceive subtle movements,

However, something comes to everyone's attention, the warrior Lu-a advances, knocking out one of the participants with a quick movement,

A red wolf approaches running close to the two, he had a long sharp blade, like a katana, but thinner, it was Redf the wolf who boasted to Stary before,

"Nyla, Livy!" Redf says, "So… we have to stick together to defeat him…"

"And why would we do that, especially with you?" Livy asks mockingly,

"Well, I survived, right? and you want to stay until the end, right?" Redf says quietly to both of them, "Just follow me and everything will be fine…"

"Auuuuuuuuu" Redf howls, drawing the attention of the other participants,

He runs towards the warrior Lu-a, Nyla and Livy decide to go along, now there were five wolves against one,

While the Lu-a warrior keeps his focus on dodging the blows, Nyla and Livy coordinate their movements. They attack in sequence,

But the warrior Lu-a simply takes two of the participants, in both hands, blocking the attacks with their fainted bodies, scaring everyone, now there were only three left,

Redf, in turn, looks for gaps in the enemy's defenses, and decides to give him a cutting sequence of blows, cutting some parts of his body, but the Lu-a warrior feels no pain, and grabs Redf by the neck,

"Nyla, Livy, now…" Redf chokes, using all his energy, and stabbing his sword into the warrior wolf's foot,

The Lu-a warrior begins to show signs of wear, Redf's blow makes him retreat,

Nyla and Livy take the opportunity to surround him,

Nyla, trying her best not to hurt him, aims her attack at his leg, cutting him a little, and Livy goes towards the other with a powerful bite, knocking him down,

With everyone's effort, in a matter of minutes, the three of them defeated the warrior Lu-a,

He looks at the wolves surrounding him, a mixture of anger and admiration in his eyes. The audience bursts into applause, recognizing the bravery of the fighters,

Nyla, Livy and Redf look at each other, satisfied with their joint victory, but reality soon brings them back,

They were the last ones left, now they had to fight to win,

The moon shone in the sky, illuminating the rest of the arena,

The stars looked on, eager to see who would win, and Stary looked too, along with them,

"Stary…" Nyla says, gripping the gun tighter, "For you! I will win!"

Her voice breaks the silence, making Redf the first to lunge, towards Livy,

"Livy, be careful!" Nyla screams but too late,

 Redf lands a blow with his sword, right in Livy's face, causing her to fall to the ground, leaving a mark of blood,

"Uuuuuuuu" the crowd boos,

"Livy… I'm sorry, I wanted to be your friend, but…" Redf says, as a small group of shamans enter, carrying her out,

Nyla sees this catatonic and can't help but scream,

"Because you did this you idiot! You would never be friends with her!" She screams growling,

"Shut up!" Redf shouts back, "Don't play heroine, you almost killed your friend too, didn't you? I will do everything to win… we are equal…"

"I'm not like you…" Nyla says, drawing her sword again, yes she was wrong, but now her life was Stary's, and she would do everything for him to forgive her, to be the best friend in the world,

"And I will prove it" Nyla says quietly, preparing for battle,

The remaining wolves in the stands observe the tension in the air and wait anxiously for the confrontation to unfold,

Nyla advances towards Redf with a fast and precise attack. Her movements are calculated and agile, showing her combat skill, she had changed a lot this last week,

The Redf wolf, dodges all attacks, he skillfully defends himself, blocking Nyla's attacks with his blood-stained weapon,

Nyla uses her agility to avoid Redf's blows and takes every opportunity to counterattack,

But before his sword reaches her, she feels a sharp pain in her belly,

He had hit her with his sword, enough to cut her lightly, before he forced the weapon further into the wound,

Nyla pulls her sword back and pushes his away, rolling, and moments later Redf surprises her with a kick to the face, throwing her a few meters away,

"Nyla!" Stary shouts from the stands,

The crowd in the stands is in suspense, witnessing the epic battle, when everyone was clawing at their hearts, Nyla does the unexpected,

She stands up, with blood dripping from her wound, she is all tattered from the sand of the arena, and her sword is slipping from her hand,

Nyla concentrates, channeling all her determination and energy into the fight. She remembers Stary's words, the adventures they had together, and this motivates her to keep fighting,

"Stary…" Nyla tries to say however,

 Redf was more agile, and reached her before she finished saying, throwing a right punch at her, followed by a scratch on her arm,

Nyla growls in pain, and falls back, but remains standing, that was nothing, Stary had felt much worse pain, she wasn't going to fall just because of that,

With an agile blow, Nyla manages to disarm Redf who was off guard and very close, leaving him vulnerable,

With Redf momentarily disarmed, Nyla takes the opportunity to quickly recover. Even injured, she channels her inner strength and connection, investing,

I... I didn't want to hurt you," Redf mutters, his anger slowly giving way to reason,

Nyla was about to throw the punch of her life, and win the tournament,

However, the pain from her injury paralyzes her halfway, causing her to fall to the ground in agony,

"Nyla!" Stary screams again, with fear in her eyes, "Queen please…"

Lanary makes a gesture, sending some doctors to help Nyla, until a vision appears, Stary sees her, in the middle of the arena, getting up again,

"I'm not… going to give up on him," Nyla mutters with blood dripping from her waist,

The remaining wolves in the stands watch the fight with awe and tension, they see the strength and courage of Nyla, who refuses to fail,

Stary, unable to bear the sight of her injured friend, gets down from the stands and approaches the arena,

"Nyla, you've already proven yourself to me!" Stary screams, trying to motivate him, until he sees the most threatening scene of his life,

Nyla, who was remaining standing, is surprised by a punch from Redf, knocking her to the ground, unconscious. She had lost!

"Noooooo" Stary shouts, "Nyla, please"

Stary runs into the arena, heading towards her fainted friend, next to the medical wolves,

"Nyla let's go…" Stary hugs her unconscious,

"Lyor!" Redf shouts, "I won the tournament, you should be thanking me."

Stary looks at him with a threatening look, he was angry, he lets out a surprising growl, scaring the winning wolf for a moment,

"We have a new warrior Lu-a" Aryndor shouts,

The Crowd cheers up again, music starts playing, congratulating the winner,

Stary, on the other hand, didn't hear or feel anything, he was only worried about Nyla and Livy, the winner Redf goes out to a podium to be awarded, while he stays with her hugging him on the floor defeated,

"Stary…" Nyla says with the last of her strength, looking at him and placing her claws on his chest with his soft fur,

"I... never gave up... for you" she tries to say as much as possible, but suddenly faints,

"Stary!" another voice shouted, entering along with some medical wolves,

While many wolves went to raise the newest warrior Lu-a, few wolves doctors in the tribe were led by the lead shaman, Althea,

"Come on, we have to take her to the moon temple now! Come with Agent Lyor!" Althea screams, being followed by healer wolves and Stary, to the temple,

He enters the temple and is led to a healing room, where Althea and the others begin to treat Nyla's injuries,

Stary watches in anguish as doctors work to stop the bleeding and close Nyla's wound. He holds her paw gently,

Stary also remembers Nyla's words before she passed out. She said she wouldn't give up on him, thinking about that just makes him want to cry even more,

Livy was there too, unconscious, being treated along with several other injured wolves,

"Livy… you fought well too" Stary comments looking at her, before turning her attention to Nyla,

Finally, Althea approaches Stary with a comforting smile. She informs that the doctors did everything they could and that Nyla is recovering, but for the moon's magic to work on her, he would have to leave, tomorrow he could come back to see how his friend was,

Reluctantly, Stary stood up and followed Althea out of the healing room. Worry and anguish still dominated his mind, but he tried to keep hope alive. The fox looked back one last time, seeing Nyla lying on the bed, with her fur bruised and breathing weak, he promised himself that he would return as soon as he could to be by her side,

Stary returns home, on the way he could only think about Nyla, making him tear up a little.

He arrives home, closes the front door with a thud, he goes first towards the bedroom and throws himself on the bed,

"Nyla…I'm an idiot" Stary says starting to cry,

Sadness takes over him, making him scratch the pillow a little, just like her, to get rid of some of the anger,

With the night casting darkness over the world, Stary quickly falls asleep, dreaming of him and Nyla playing in a field, happy once again,

Please, Nyla, I can't do it anymore either, if I had known that you were going to fight just for me, I would have stopped you, I just hope, to hug you tomorrow,

Bells sing about dreams, the wind blows, the night is quiet, predicting past and future disaster, everything was so quiet, it was as if the world decided to be at peace, just for Stary to sleep,

But everything that is good is short-lived, and peace dies suddenly,

"STARY!" a voice shouts from outside,

Stary feels the front door open, letting in the night wind. Waking up half blind, he can see a silhouette in front of him, a moment of fear counts,

"Who…" Stary says, before feeling her heart speed up,

"Stary hey… calm down, look it's me, Nyla!" the silhouette says,

Stary tries to get up in a hurry, but he is still in doubt, everything was dark and he couldn't see anything,

Until a candle lights up, clearly revealing the figure in front of her, it was actually Nyla! All bruised and with a band wrapped around her body,

"Nyla!" Stary doesn't finish saying, and runs to hug her friend, with joy in her voice, "What are you doing here? and your injuries? You didn't run away, right?"

"Well… Stary I have to tell you something…" Nyla says before being interrupted by another hug,

"You stupid little wolf" Stary says, feeling happy and sad at the same time,

"Hey! I… I just want to talk to you, I missed you too," Nyla says, sitting on the bed next to you,

"Stary, there in the arena… I'm sorry I came on so hard, I just wanted to do my best, for you, like…" Nyla stops for a second before returning, "Like… I lost, right? haha, I think everyone is going to start treating me worse than they already did, I never really liked it here Stary"

"Hey, they won't treat you badly, I'm Lyor remember, just tell me…" Stary tries to say,

"You don't understand... these idiots only accept those who are strong, my whole life I've never liked it here, I've thought about running away several times... but I'm very scared, you know? Stary, do you know why I ran away?" Nyla says sadly,

"No…" Stary replies sadly too,

"The shaman wolves, they… kicked me out of there, and that old woman Althea, didn't do anything" Nyla says growling, "I hate it here…"

"She? But she's super nice to me, why would they do that?" Stary asks angrily,

"You're not me... I lost the tournament, did you know that here in the tribe, when you lose the last test of the tournament, it's tradition for the other wolves to humiliate you? just to prove that the winner is strong, I've lived this forever, now that I lost... I'm just scared of them treating me even worse..." Nyla says, trying to hold back the tears,

"My past, Livy already told you right? As if it wasn't enough that I already blame myself, everyone here treats me like a murderer... I can't take it anymore..." Nyla says crying,

Stary listens to this perplexed, he didn't know that with other wolves, the tribe was that stupid,

"Nyla… don't cry… I'm going to cry too…" Stary cries a little seeing the scene of her falling into tears in front of her,

"Stary! Run away with me!" Nyla suddenly says, "I don't want to stay here anymore, I just want to be with you… those days when I met you, it was the happiest adventure of my life, we can go wherever you want… please!

Stary couldn't help but laugh a little at that, he also had secrets, and for him, it was okay to run away, one day they would discover that he wasn't this Lyor, it was better to escape first, right?

"Nyla!... Of course, we can run away... I don't care about them either, you know?... actually I have to tell you something too..." Stary says, kind of happy to run away with her,

"Well… I was just using everyone from your tribe," Stary says, surprising Nyla,

"Let's see... look at the beginning, when I woke up, I saw this guiding moon that you worship, I told you that, remember? What I didn't tell you was that she spoke to me, kind of, I felt… look, I'll try to be quick, okay?" Stary says embarrassed to sound crazy, hoping Nyla believes what he's going to say,

"Nyla… actually, I'm a cosmic fox, I came from another planet, I lost all my memories while I was looking for treasure in the stars, then I need to build a ship, and I was using your tribe to… build it for me!" Stary says screaming with her eyes closed, "I'm sorry…"

"Wow… that was it, seriously?" Nyla says surprise, there at the end Stary's story was more interesting than she thought,

"Well… it sounds crazy but, you're my best friend Stary, I believe in you," Nyla replies, smiling a little,

"You believe?" Stary asks in disbelief, had she really believed it?

"You just have to explain it better, but yeah… now what's this treasure business?" Nyla says with a wolf face without understanding anything,

"Good, my treasure…" Stary starts to say, however, he is interrupted,

A powerful sound runs close to the cabin, like lightning, but not just any sound, it was something familiar, far away. Stary and Nyla stop for a moment looking at each other, after hearing this,

"Did you hear that?" Nyla asks, getting up from the bed, and heading towards the window,

Lightning after lightning, the sound repeated, making Stary and Nyla look at each other with more fear,

"Hey Nyla, have we heard this before? it looks so familiar," Stary says, causing Nyla to have an epiphany,

"Devils!?" Nyla says, jumping in fear, "But it's not possible, come Stary, you can see the tribe on a hill nearby, let's go there,"

They both left the house running towards the nearby point that offered a clear view of the region. As they approached, the sound of gunfire intensified, echoing through the night,

As they reached the top of the hill, the sight that unfolded before them was devastating,

They really were machines! Devils! There were several of them this time,

An explosion, catches their attention, ash, fire, and bursts of gunfire,

Nyla's entire tribe was being attacked by armed robots, straight from a science fiction movie, there was fire everywhere, burning down some houses, dead people in the streets, there was literal pandemonium,

Several high-pitched sounds were heard, the machines screamed, echoing, a typical strange noise surrounded everything, only drowned out by the sounds of screams, and calls for help, from all sides,

Howls of pain echo through the air, marking that night forever, as if it split the skies, foxes, wolves, humans, nothing would save them now,

"That…" Nyla says perplexed,

She felt a mixture of anger and despair taking over her being. That was her family, her tribe, she had grown up there since she was little…

Weapons, completely foreign to that world, were down there, killing anyone who got in their way, it was as difficult to see, as it was to believe, that something like this existed, and it was not an illusion,

"It can't be...what's going on?" Nyla murmured, her eyes watering with pain and anguish,

"Livy! Yes... Lanary... everyone!" Stary murmurs,

Stary, even in a daze, realized that this was the threat he feared had reached them...

"NYLA! WAKE UP!" Stary lets out a roar, snapping Nyla out of her catatonic state,

"We have to help… I don't like them either for what they did, but we have to try to save at least our friends!" Stary shouts, starting to run towards the moon temple,

The moon temple was far away, as it was inside a mountain, it would be difficult to get there. Stary and Nyla began to try to charge, running to get there in time, through the next field, but a sight quickly takes their breath away,

A large explosion fills ahead, roaring with a shockwave, pushing them running back to the ground, destroying a few houses in the process,

Nyla and Stary felt a mixture of fury and despair,

The vision of the explosion came from one place, the temple of the moon,

The Mountain that guarded the temple begins to collapse on itself, shaking the earth around it, killing everyone inside, then with the impact, a giant cloud formed, staining the skies,

The moon temple was completely destroyed, now only rubble remained, the moon that once covered everything with a calm light, was starting to be completely covered in fiery smoke,

"Livy…LIVY!" Nyla screams in despair,

Nyla and Stary try to start running desperately towards it, but the machines are faster, another sharp whistle is heard, starting another attack,

Several missiles are seen being launched from the darkness below, like floating points of light, looking like fireflies, roaming the night,

The points of light let out an ignition noise, and roamed the streets, hunting for the nearest buildings, as if they were simply invading houses, and blowing them up in the process,

The entire tribe begins to explode, houses, plantations, everything, in the distance the vision of the great royal palace on fire, lights up the night, drawing the attention of all the living to it, announcing the inevitable, it was the end!

There were large machines, with huge weapons, shooting at everything that moved, similar to the one that had killed Nyla's group, and there were smaller robots, with blades, hunting the survivors who fled into the forest,

"Damn… Nyla," Stary stops for a moment analyzing the situation, he is afraid to say it, but it was the most sensible thing to do now, "Agent will have to flee!"

"Run away…" Nyla says crying, the same scene as before was repeated,

The wolf in front of her was face down, with her claws stuck in her fur, not knowing what to do,

"NYLA!" Stary shouts getting his attention, "I just want to protect you, you wanted to leave here before, your tribe didn't deserve you, let's run away NOW!"

Stary runs towards her, hugging the wolf with all her strength, and looking deep into her eyes, at that moment she can see, Stary could be selfish, but his eyes were shining, and small tears were also forming in them, he was sad, for her, he was willing to ignore it, to save her,

"Shall we?..." Stary asks lightly getting up,

"Let's go! I will follow you," Nyla wiping her tears,

Screams were now quieter, however, noises of saws and blades followed right behind them, they were the cutting machines, they must have identified them as fugitives,

As much as they wanted to distance themselves from the danger, the memory of the people they lost and the bonds that were broken weighed on their hearts, making them both sluggish,

Stary used his cunning to find safe routes, avoiding the tracks that could lead the machines directly to them, but without success,

"Analyzing… vvvvvv" a threatening machine tracks them, activating several protocols,

He knew that, even though he was fast, he couldn't face that army of machines alone, or even one. The priority was to keep Nyla safe,

"Nyla, come on, let's go to the waterfall!" Stary screams, running like crazy,

The heavy footsteps echoed behind them, along with the sounds of sharp saws, getting closer and closer, it was pure cruelty, sending something like that after someone who wanted to escape,

When they arrived at the waterfall, Stary had an audacious idea. With a quick movement, he grabbed Nyla and threw her into the raging waters of the waterfall,

Jumping after her, the killer automaton appears right behind, he advanced with his sharp blades, trying to hit Stary, but missed,

The machine falls with them into the current, and they are all carried away by the water,

"Nyla, use your strength, at the last moment, take the agent out of the water, hold on…. that… branch!" Stary tries to scream, with water entering his mouth,

Nyla obeys, holds Stary and pulls him along with her, supporting herself on a large branch, digging her back claws into a rock, and forcefully throwing them to the bank, she was strong, enough to beat the not so impressive current,

The machine activates a long-range system, and shoots small projectiles at the two, but misses, it hits the branch, unbalancing it, and with the force of the water it falls into the waterfall,

Nyla approached Stary, shaking herself off of the excess water covering her,

"Come on, we have to keep going…but where are we going?" Nyla asks,

"We're going to the city of those thieves, remember? they can help us" Stary says, fixing his torn clothes, and running again, surviving again,

However, they knew that the confrontation was far from over. More machines would come, and it was only a matter of time before new challenges came their way,

The moon witnessed, the Moonlight tribe that night, was attacked and completely destroyed!

Ashes spread across the sky, along with small snowflakes, which began to fall, starting winter. The forest murmured sparks as it caught fire, and Stary and Nyla ran over the stars, towards the city, tomorrow was a promise,

Cold and sadness, the snow fell along the way carrying the dreams of those who are gone, wolves and she-wolves, the blacksmith, kings, all of them, like this forest, being little by little, covered by the fierce snow, fell,

A wolf without a home, and a fox without memories, walk together in the night across the landscape, autumn gave way to winter, little by little, the snow fell,

"It all happened so fast…" Stary says shaking a little, with her paws hurting from walking so much, "I didn't remember this city being so far away,"

"..." Nyla seems, being distracted, it was better to let her rest for a while,

She is fine? Well, she didn't like it there anyway, deep down I'm a little sad for Livy, from my heart, I hope she's at peace now, but for the rest, I apologize, but I didn't know her enough to care,

"Stary… are you there?" Nyla asks,

"Oh hi, did you say something?" Stary shakes his head, looking at her,

"I smell bread… the city must be close, but Stary, I smell something else," Nyla sniffs the air, lightly touching it, "Hmm I smell a sad fox, is that it?"

"Livy…" Stary says somewhat discouraged,

"Hey... I know, I miss you too, but I know... no matter where she is now, she's happy, I feel..." Nyla says, looking up at the sky,

"I feel like she was loving being our friend!" Nyla finishes, small tears forming in her eyes, "Come on, let's keep going,"

"You're right… I'm going to miss it…" Stary says, scratching the snow and walking again,

The sky was gray, sadness filled the air, as they walked in the soft snow,

In the distance, a melancholic wall was revealed, it was the city! Everything was so slow, it was as if nothing existed, everyone was inside their houses,

The streets were empty, not even the guards were patrolling, Stary and Nyla felt a chill running through their hair, the part of the villa seemed deader than before, things seemed to get worse these last few days,

The air becomes heavy, the temperature drops even further, and a feeling of terror spreads through the room,

"Stary, I'm freezing... it must be close to dawn, come on, do you remember where that woman's cabin was? Silverlock?" Nyla, says tremblingly,

Stary just shakes his head denying it, following her, he really didn't remember,

It was pitch black, there was no smoke in the chimneys, and all the lamps were out,

"Nyla… it's a little strange here…" Stary asks, a little scared,

"True" Nyla states, trying to lift her ears and hear something, "Strange… I don't hear anything…"

Stary looks around, the houses were cold, the streets had some ice forming, winter had arrived here first. In the distance he sees some houses, in the middle of the darkness,

"Nyla, I know it sounds stupid, but let's try to see through the windows of those houses?" Stary asks, to which she accepts,

Heading towards the housing complex, they hear a noise in the bushes next door, but ignore it. Coming closer, they look out the window, darkness, deciding to stay warm, they decide to break into the house, and explore,

The old wooden door was fallen, loose on one side, fallen a little downwards, with Nyla's strength she simply holds on and pulls the door out,

The house had several pieces of furniture thrown on the floor, some in front of a hallway, the house creaked with the wind on the old wood, whispers blew in the windows, lifting the curtains,

"Stary, can you see anything?" Nyla asks, trying to light an old candle lying on the floor,

"Well… yes, I'm half feline, remember? It seems like you don't... come on, I'll help you with that candle..." Stary says, scraping Nyla's sword against a random iron, making light,

The light fills the room, the flickering candle, illuminated the room, and the end of the corridor, giving them a frightening vision, there was something there! in the end, looking at them all this time,

"Hey… what is this?" Nyla, now trembling, asked scared, pointing to the corridor,

"But, what the fuck…I…I don't know," Stary says shocked, getting scared too,

At the end of the corridor, there was a deformed statue trying to represent a wolf, or a god, made of wood and scrap, as if it had been made in a hurry, it was nailed to the wall, with iron nails, along with drawings on the wood, it was a vision of taking the soul from the body,

"Does it look like a scarecrow? But why put it indoors?" Stary says, stepping back,

The vision was bad, the macabre statue seemed to be looking at them, analyzing, it had a strange head imitating a smile, obviously made from scrap metal, and between the cloths, both of them see something clear, looking a bit like blood on the floor,

"I don't know… hey, I think we better get out of here," Nyla says, as she retreats, a shiver down her spine, leaving the house, back into the cold and wind,

"What… what was that?" Stary says shaking, at the sight, "There's something happening here, come on, let's go to the thieves' house there, I don't want to stay another minute in this villa"

Running through the abandoned streets, they try to find some sign of life, but fail, the houses are still dead, everything is completely empty, without anyone,

"It's very cold out here, you can't see much because of the fog" Stary exclaims,

"I know… my senses are really bad, I can't hear anything either… this wind" Nyla covers herself, avoiding being in contact with the snow for a long time as much as possible,

Amid the fog, they see an imposing structure emerging in the distance, it was an imposing tower, similar to an abandoned church, pointing to the gray sky, showing the past, of what this villa once was,

"What do you think?" Stary points out, flinching a little,

"Stary… I don't know, I still think it's better that we wait for dawn, sometimes everyone is asleep, right? What do you think about us sleeping under a tree? I can hug you" Nyla throws a tantrum, afraid of not wanting to enter the building,

"Come on please…" Nyla lets out a small howl,

"Hmm I don't know Nyla, it's not autumn anymore, your heat, I mean ours, won't be able to keep us alive for long! Look at this cold…" Stary says, stepping back and curling up next to her,

"Okay, okay, just a quick look, okay?" Nyla comforts him, walking towards the building,

Stary and Nyla hesitate for a moment, feeling a haunting presence emanating from that church, but they don't have much of a choice, do they?

They approach the entrance, an ancient rickety door, pushing through the heavy wooden doors, which creak and rustle ominously, they shift to a simple sight, a large abandoned hall.

Your footsteps echo through the empty place, the smell of mold and abandonment permeates the air,

"Um Stary… did you hear that?" Nyla for a moment,

"I? No, what is it?" Stary trembles, not knowing whether it is fear or cold,

"Something…out there, right there oh!" Nyla points to one of the windows, "Like a scratch, you know?"

"Crosses, let's go... it would be cool to go up to the tower, we would see the wall, and find that girl's house" Stary, shakes his head, ignoring scary thoughts,

As they venture deeper, they find a staircase leading upwards, there is trash and debris thrown around the corners, the air gets worse, more and more, fear,

Climbing the steps carefully, they reach the tower, the wind hits them again, up there, they see everything, or almost everything, the dense fog continues to envelop the city, there was a large wall in the background making everything even darker,

"True, you can see the wall, so the house is close by" Nyla gets excited with the news, "Ha hey Stary! look there!"

"Oh, what's wrong?" Stary jumps with sudden fright,

Nyla then, looking like an excited girl in a mall, goes towards a piece of wood thrown on the floor,

"Look what I found… it's a beast, yayyy" Nyla takes the gun in her hand anxiously, "They're really expensive, can I get them for myself?"

"Wow, sure, we just have to find the darts now, right?" Stary says taking a look around,

"Nha, don't worry, look, I found five here, and I can make more later with branches" Nyla seems really excited! A weapon like this was something rare indeed!

Stary for a moment, just to admire his wolf friend, happy as he had never seen her before, it was cool to see her like this, she had started to say "nha" just like when he was excited, it was so good to have someone!

"Nyla… I'm glad you liked it, come on, not only that, but I promise you that I'll give you some upgrades later on, that weapon of yours," Stary says simply, making mini screams from the wolf,

Suddenly, a shrill creak cuts through the silence. Stary and Nyla turn around, looking in shock at the stairs they just climbed. The old wooden steps begin to move, swaying and crumbling, blocking your only escape route.

Stary and Nyla look at each other, cringing at the noise that echoed throughout the entire village,

"What it was?" Stary says, "I didn't eat that much, okay! It was not me…"

Nyla laughs a little, returning her attention to the current situation, terror grips them as they realize they are trapped in the abandoned church tower,

"Serious? We are stuck?" Stary laughs too, a little awkwardly,

"Well… there's a way out, but I don't know if you'll like it," Nyla shrugs,

She quickly starts to look around, looking for a way down, until she notices something disturbing and strange in a house in the distance,

In the midst of that vision of desolation, they see a solitary figure in the central square, below the church tower. A dark, distorted figure, walking clumsily through the frozen weather,

The figure emitted anguished sounds, mixed with the wind, which only Nyla could capture, a lament that echoed through the deserted streets,

Stary and Nyla felt a chill running down their spines as they watched that scene. A feeling of terror takes over them, an ancient fear that seemed to spring up in that place now,

Nyla runs to the other side of the tower, trying her best to find an escape route until she notices something strange again, all the houses have their lights off,

Except for one, a hut, close to the wall, with lights on, the hut of Raven, the woman who helped the Runic Wolves, until finally, they found it,

The air around them seems to grow even heavier, as if the church itself rejected them, it was time to go,

"Stary, are you afraid of heights?" Nyla turns to him, placing a hand on his waist, "And if you did would you scream? Please say no!"

Scared Stary shakes his head, in denial,

"Great, trust me ok," Nyla smiles, she found a way to escape,

A quick throw, she gathers her strength, grabs the fox, and throws herself from the tower, using her claws to scratch the walls, slowing her down. In a few minutes, Stary opens his eyes, they were on the ground!

"This…" Stary says almost fainting,

"Hey, it's her cabin…" Nyla shouts, running closer to the dizzy fox,

"Come on let's go… are you okay Stary? Say who is the bravest fox in the world?" Nyla says, invigorated by the action, with a caress trying to cheer him up,

"Me?!… ok, let's go there, and hey Nyla, let me know next time ok!" Stary says staggering a little, starting to run with her,

They run, approaching the door, their ears catch an unusual noise, a small laugh, and a sound of rusty iron, but without time, they decide to increase their speed.

Entering without thinking twice, inside the cabin, they decide to first lock the door, ignoring the sound they just heard, inside, they cower in a corner, afraid of something having their ears,

"That… phew, that's really weird Stary," Nyla was desperate, catching her breath,

"I don't know… come quickly, do you remember where the secret passage was?" Stary says,

However, before anyone can respond, they hear the same noise again, this time coming from the front door, as if something is trying to open it.

They freeze, trying to think of something, until Stary takes the lead, and decides to look out the window, to see what it was,

Well, he can see, in the darkness, he sees, a tall figure, with thin legs, and a long black cloak, moving in a macabre way, the figure still twitching as it walked around the cabin,

Creaks of metal, clicks and laughter, the being slowly began to approach the window that Stary was standing at, with the light from inside. He could see more details, the figure had not just one, but three faces, arms with thin blades like needles, and a wolf's head hanging on its back, like a trophy,

"For…" Stary gasped at this, and fell back, "Nyla, quickly… the bed! The bed, below, the passage, was there!"

He runs, trying with all his strength to push the bed, revealing the trapdoor underneath,

"Damn, it was locked, Nyla, can you…" Stary tries to say, only to tremble again,

A metallic scream is heard, along with a scratch on the wall, showing that they were no longer safe.

"Nyla, hurry up… it's a demon, worse than anything you've ever seen…" Stary trembles,

"Okay, are you trying, but the lock is made of iron?…" Nyla rolls her eyes, unaware of the danger, which Stary saw,

The figure tracks the two, and with a quick movement throws itself against the window, breaking it in the process, letting the wind in, and blowing out the candles, voices and whispers are heard, was it really a machine?

A thin blade, enough to be a needle, passes through the door, a black liquid runs down the lock, similar to petroleum,

"NYLA!" Stary shouts, no longer caring about being seen,

The scarecrow throws himself against the door, breaking half of it, with his teeth he gnaws at the wood, and six other blades appear, ready to cause excruciating pain,

"What…" Nyla screams looking back, seeing the demon and the wolf head, "FUCK!"

"Wants to know. FUCK YOU," Nyla screams, taking out her sword, and stabbing it into the ground with the greatest strength of her life, breaking the wood of the passage, and almost breaking her hand with it,

Stary, seeing this, is the first to jump, without thinking twice down there, Nyla follows, falling into the corridor that led inside the city walls, they run in the hope of passing through the cave passage and arriving at the thieves' cave. ,

The apparition lets out a scream when it sees this, high-pitched, adjusting the right frequency, to give both of them headaches. The attack is successful, both almost fainted upon hearing this, but they continue running, feeling the adrenaline commanding them,

They begin to hear screams closer, together with rapid metal bangs on the cave walls, but they continue running, along they see, the iron door, which led to the main cave,

"RUN! COME, COME" Nyla arrives first, waiting for Stary to close the door,

"Nyla, I… I don't want to die!" Stary screams, running as fast as he can,

"THEN RUN!" Nyla screams, seeing the figure running in the shadows behind him,

She decides to take her crossbow off her back and shoot, trying to help the fox escape. She loads the crossbow with the greatest possible force and fires, missing the target, hitting nothing,

"Serious!?" Stary screams, running like an idiot,

Nyla, couldn't see very well in the darkness, so she puts the beast away and decides to wait for Stary to get closer, to lock the door with all her strength,

Stary then decides to spend all his strength, he digs his claws into the ground and runs as fast as possible, he has never run so fast in his life, and like lightning, he goes through the metal door, with Nyla closing it then. ,

"Oh… that was… that was horrible!" Stary says, almost fainting, with her heart racing, they can only hear the scratches, on the other side of the door,

"Yeah, I don't even want to know what that was, but come on, we have to find the thieves.." Nyla says,

"Okay, let's go…" Stary follows her,

The cave wasn't as lively as before, however the second they entered, the first thing they saw, in the center of the room, was a woman with blonde hair, it was Raven Silverlock,

"…" Raven looks at them, "My god, how did you survive that?"

There weren't many people, only about 30 in the room, and everyone was discouraged,

"Hi, do you remember us Raven?" Nyla is the first to speak, but is soon stopped,

Raven runs up to her, hugging her tightly, shocking everyone in the room,

"Nyla… I'm sorry, if you're here, it means… your tribe has already been destroyed, right?" she says,

"How did you…" Nyla says, surprised,

"Nyla!" A scream echoes through the room, "Hi, wow, I was really excited to see you, I cried all day yesterday, when Raven said what happened"

It was the same little girl with red hair as before, she runs, and also hugs Nyla, trying to avoid crying,

"Oh I'm sorry, but you don't know me… but I remember you, in the barrel room, remember? My name is Ryn," the little girl says, introducing herself,

"Come on Ryn" Raven interrupts her, "You'll have time to talk to her, now let the adults talk ok! They… must not be very well…"

Raven takes them to a more private place to talk, as they pass by, they notice the hopelessness in people's eyes, as if something had happened,

"It wasn't just the winter that made them depressed, it was something more… I don't know if you'll believe it, well I didn't believe a fox could talk, and here we are…" Raven says,

"Believe what?" Stary says, receiving scared looks from all sides,

"Well, have you seen the village outside? What if I said it was witchcraft?" Raven speaks with trepidation, "And that the current king is to blame… that corrupt bastard…"

"Witchcraft?" Stary and Nyla look at each other,

"The people weren't starving enough for that bastard. He waited for winter, and made a pact with the demons… they were just stories, until a few days ago, they came from the plantations… people started worshiping them until… yesterday…" Raven says,

"Yesterday, with the cold of the snow, the entire villa disappeared… dead, and the only things left were those apparitions you saw… prowling the city, muttering ancient magic, and tearing apart anyone in their way" Raven stands up, in towards the center of the cave,

"But we are here, yesterday we broke into the king's house, in the center of the city, and stole his magical contract! Tonight, IT ALL ENDS!" Raven shouts, raising a scroll, cheering everyone around,

"Hihi I helped!" Ryn says, standing next to Stary and Nyla, startling them both, "Hey… are you a talking fox? How does it work?"

Wow this was starting to get weird, this city is on the verge of collapse, I guess it wasn't a good idea to come here, but now, at least I can get some information from this little thieving girl,

"Well… Ryn, right? Nice to meet you, my name is Stary… you already know Nyla, right? kinda… could you explain what this magical contract is?" Stary asks, with the other human thieves, elated by Raven's speech,

"Ha, I'm the best thief here, you know I stole from the king's house a few days ago, I could have killed him... but I didn't want to" Ryn says boasting with a dagger in her hands,

"Wow, how old is this little girl anyway?" Nyla says sarcastically, poking Stary,

"I have 12!" Ryn screams, scaring them both, more than the monster from before, "One day, I'm going to be the best, no... the biggest, thief in the world,"

"Hmm like, steal from the rich and give to the poor?" Stary asks laughing a little,

"No!" Ryn shouts again, "Stealing from everyone, to give to myself!"

Stary and Nyla look at each other, they were especially exotic humans, and strange,

"Ah, I liked her personality!" Nyla lets out a laugh, "Just try not to steal from me, okay?"

"They!" Raven shouts, finishing her speech, "They are proof of the power of the ritual, the Moonlight tribe was destroyed, there is the proof, let's go thieves, let's fight… we need the king's blood to end the ritual! At dawn! LET'S INVADE THE CASTLE!"

"AAAAAAA" all 30 thieves in the room shout, grabbing their weapons,

Stary looks at this situation, he thought things were going to get bad, but not at this level, and so quickly, that wasn't good at all...

"Ei..." Stary whispers, "Nyla... we have to go embora..."

"You two!" Raven shouts, getting their attention, "Join us!"

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down…" Stary starts to speak, walking to the middle of the cave, "Raven… I know you're the leader and everything… but isn't attacking a bit too hasty? like… do you really need the blood, and all this barbarity?"

"Of course I do, look, see for yourself!" Raven shouts, tossing the parchment to Nyla, "It's written in ancient magic, but the illustration shows it all... a man with blood..."

"Stary… come here and just see this" Nyla says, opening the parchment on the floor,

To his surprise, the scroll does not contain a representation of mystical rituals or ancient magic. Instead, it's a business scroll, covered in charts, tables, and business plans, with a place signed below,

"Hmm… it says it…" Stary reads for a moment, until she gasps in fear, "Wow!"

"This isn't magic, it's just a business document!" Stary screams, afraid of what she had just read,

"What is a company?" Raven asks, "And how can you read ancient magic?"

"Stary… what does this have to do with all this, with my tribe?" Nyla asks, worried about his reaction, to which he looks scared,

"Here, he says everything…" Stary explains what he read out loud, "Here… Your king sold the entire kingdom! For a mining company!"

"And it's not just that… there's more," Stary trembles with fear, before revealing the truth, "He sold the entire world… I mean planet… I mean everything, everyone, he gave this company, MinerSpaceMS, the right to destroy the entire world , and mine all resources,"

"He authorized the destruction of the Runic Wolves tribe… and the kingdom itself," Stary says as he stumbles back,

"WH…WHAT!" Raven, Nyla, Ryn, everyone, scream in disbelief,

"The document says, at dawn…" Stary looks around, before having a lapse,

"Nyla!... come... let's go, we won't stay here a minute longer," Stary shouts, getting her attention, and leaving quickly,

"Hey, where are you guys going?" Raven shouts, looking a little disturbed by the news, "You guys don't…"

"NO! We've seen enough deaths for today, and that's... not our problem," Stary shouts again, heading towards the opposite door, the one that leads to the kingdom,

"If I were you, I would give up this stupid idea of ​​killing the king! He already ran away… this is just a graph, stop being like that… running away isn't wrong, you know?" Stary says, throwing away the paper,

Stary starts to leave, and Nyla takes her side, going to look for help in the end wasn't a good idea. However, before leaving, two humans bar the way, blocking the door,

"Ugh, look, huh… how grateful you are… see, this type of person we robbed, remember who helped you? Now are you just going to turn away? You know what, let them go, I won't give the royal guards a minute to arrest them!" Raven screams,

The thieves get out of the way, Stary and Nyla, leave the cave through the door, feeling the cold breeze of snow falling on their hair, they were outside, in the city, there were stone streets covered in snow, and an imposing castle in the background, everyone was in their homes, scared,

"Stary… you didn't have to act like that… they were nice to us, remember?" Nyla says, she had never seen him angry before, so everything was new to her,

"Look Nyla, I'm sorry... but I'm not going to fight other people's fights, all I care about is us, let's get out of here ok! They are the ones who decide, to run away, to stay... now we... let's leave, before more robots arrive," Stary says, as he moves cautiously, taking care not to be seen,

"So… this city is going to be attacked too? you know when?" Nyla asks, analyzing the surroundings,

"No… at dawn I think, relax I have a plan! you can sink your claws into the wooden parts of the wall, and I will hold on to your back. then, we run ok," Stary says with courage,

"Nyla" a low voice, right behind them shouts, "Wait… come back…"

It was the little girl, Ryn, she was running after them like crazy, carrying a hooded figure, who was following her at the same pace,

She runs, avoiding falling because of the snow, the wind blows, taking off her hood, revealing a pair of wolf ears,

"I… phew" Ryn sighs, "I have a friend, who really wants to talk to you…"

"Hi Lyor… Nyla, so in the end, you survived! Someone else?" the figure reveals itself, it was Anaa daughter of Lanary, the wolf from before,

"Anaa, you survived!" Nyla speaks excitedly, before realizing the complicated situation, "Your mother, the queen, the tribe… everything happened so fast, me and Stary… at his house and…"

"I know, Nyla, I know, my mother sent me here to watch over the province of Rain, along with the city, but…I failed…" Anaa speaks sadly, remaining in a long silence,

"You tried, you don't have to be like this Anaa, your mother, was really nice" Stary says with a smile trying to cheer her up,

"Thank you Lyor!" The wolf says, putting her hood back on, "I heard the conversation from before, there in the cave, I have something to tell… there are traitors with the thieves, they are manipulating Raven, making her attack the king, this is going to get worse soon, come I know a place to escape, a passage near the wall… can I go with you?"

"Hey, I want to come along too!" Ryn grumbles,

"But… you're still little, you know, don't you have to go back to your father? that man who brought us food earlier," Nyla crouches down to talk to the little girl,

"My father died…" Ryn says depressed, and then she raises her head, "I'm going with you!"

"Sorry, okay you can come… you too Anaa," Nyla says, before focusing again, "Be more careful ok, the demons are not what we thought, they are worse,"

The group now consists of Stary, Nyla, Ryn the little girl with red hair, and Anaa the queen's daughter,

 They talk a little, apparently the kingdom of humans, Lost Rain, had been suffering from corruption for years, everyone was locked in their houses in fear, and the guards were arresting everyone suspicious,

At one time, the people were starving, the city was once alive, in the same stone houses, before happy, now only hatred remained, as paranoia set in, the people began to go crazy, worshiping these apparitions, now, was the peak of everything,

"RELEASE ME" a scream echoes through the city,

"What was this?" Stary asks, before everyone hides, behind a house,

In one swift movement, a group passes through the empty street, revealing a crowd of heavily armed guards, carrying several of the arrested thieves, including Raven,

"We finally found you bastards, stay in jail for the rest of your days!" A guard says, "The party is over, you were betrayed! You are to blame!"

"Hide!" Anaa, the wolf screams, fleeing behind an alley,

"Raven… but as it turned out, we were such a close-knit group, and there's no way someone betrayed us," Ryn says, cringing in sadness,

"Wow, that, that was close, imagine Nyla! If we were there now, it would be the end of us," Stary comments, scared,

"I have to help!" Ryn screams, getting up and running towards the jail,

"Ryn No!" Anaa screams, trying to hold her back, but in vain, Ryan had already run away."

"Wait! Damn, she's going towards the old school, I'm going after her!" Anaa, despair,

"School?" Nyla asks, "Wasn't this town super strict? Why isn't there a prison?"

"The prison was destroyed, several guards have already escaped, those who remained are just crazy… they are arresting people in the old school… to execute them later," Anaa, shrinks, scared too, humans…

"I'm going too!" Stary also speaks with motivation, surprising Anaa and Nyla,

"Stary…" Nyla tries to speak calmly, before being interrupted,

"Serious? but didn't you say it wasn't your problem?" Anaa speaks indifferently, as if she were judging him,

"Yes, I said, are you happy now? I... I don't care about them, okay, but... I don't like being the idiot in the situation, and well, it's still night... so, I don't want to see any more deaths today," Stary says, looking up at the sky, "Aliais, allies are never too many,"

Darkness still loomed over the city, indicating that there was still plenty of time,

"Look, I know I'm boring, okay! Make no mistake, this is all part of my plan, we need people to fight the demons, right? and these thieves, can they help... that's all, rum" Stary says, giving a small sniff of anger,

Nyla can't help but let out a smile at that, Stary was very selfish when he wanted to be, but he was cute, in his own way, apparently he wants to help this little girl, so whatever, if it was his plan, she will help,

"Nyla! Don't kill anyone, I don't want those idiots' blood on our hands!" Stary says,

It was a mission against time, we needed numbers, and apparently this mining company, MinerSpaceMS, had the resources to dominate the planet. So if there was going to be a war in the end, to survive, we need soldiers, as many as possible!

Nyla and Anaa look at each other, shrugging their shoulders, and follow Stary through the streets, it would be an adventure, the city was beautiful, the stone houses, with various carvings, and different shops, if it weren't for the touch of death and loneliness, it would really be a beautiful city,

Walking a little they find the school, on the other side of a road, a building completely destroyed and burned, only a few guards guarded the entrance, that would be easy,

"Ha this will be easy!" Stary says almost laughing, "Anaa, Nyla, could you guys like… kind of, knock these guards out?" Stary asks, as the wolf violently jumped at one, knocking it out,

"Lyor?" Anaa asks, to which Stary nods with a surprised expression, lucky for him the wolves weren't the enemy huh,

"Hey, I can hit better than her," Nyla says, pulling one closer and punching him in the face with satisfaction, "I've always wanted to do that…"

"Hi guys!" Ryn the little girl shouts, she was hiding behind some boxes with a mischievous smile, "Look I was planning on getting past the guards, but thanks for taking care of it for me! Come, I stole the cell key now!"

Stealing in which Ryn says, she simply goes to one of the guards lying on the floor and takes the key from his pockets,

"See, I'm very skilled in the art of stealing!" Ryn actually thought she was skilled,

The four enter, walk, go down stairs, and pass next to some windows, Anaa had two daggers, prepared for combat, Stary was behind, analyzing everything, and Ryn, well the little girl had a huge bag on her back, Nyla, well she was normal,

"Hey Ryn… what's this?" Stary asks pointing to the cloth bag,

"That? Haha, some little things I picked up, you know?" Ryn smirks, revealing a bag full of gold goblets and silver cutlery,

"Wow!" Stary looks, with her eyes shining,

"Hey guys" Anaa calls out, "I found them!"

With care and secrecy, the trio approaches the abandoned rooms where the thieves are being held. Ryn takes the lead and slides the keys into one of the locks, hoping they match the door,

"It opened! Ryn, you clever little thief, what's…" Raven stuck with the others says, only to see Stary and her expression change, "What's he doing here?"

"See, I already saw that someone here doesn't like me, ha, ha," Stary says making fun of her,

"Hey Raven, relax, Stary is cool, he's just sorry, and wants to help" Ryn says, finding the key and opening the cell, "I got it! It saw? It wasn't difficult!"

"That talking critter doesn't seem very sorry to me!" Raven screams, angrily,

"Raven, you… I'm sorry!" Stary says, rolling her eyes,