
Chapter 3

"You see, this is what happened., I was playing YY Quest pretty hard last night right. I was so immersed while playing I didn't notice it's already morning, so i slept at 5am. I mean time flies so fast its not my fault. I have this project I needed to submit today I've worked so hard to finish it early and caused me my two days of playing time. Now, my two evil dorm mates changed the time on my alarm clock and on my phone 1 hour in advance, I was so sleepy I didn't notice that they changed it not until i bumped into you. I was so worried my head was about to burst eariler because I thought I'm gonna be late, and my project will come to waste, and I worried for nothing and I lost my precious sleep. " she explained, she was still unknowingly holding onto Johan's right arm.

"Damn I swear to God im going to seek my revenge at those two witches as soon as my classes are over. " she exclaimed, she was so angry that she tightened her grip, making Johan silently ache.

Stella continued on her ranting until they've reached the cafeteria.

She handed her things to Johan and went straight to the vending machine pulled out her wallet then asked


"Hot or cold? " as she started to insert some coins into the machine.

"Let me pay for it." Johan offered.

"No. It's okay, think of it as payment for listening to my rants today." she replied.

Johan wanted to insist but he just helplessly sighed, "cold." he said.

"Nice, I like my coffee cold too." she picked up the bottled cold coffee then handed Johan's share.

"Thanks." he said.

"No, I should be the one thanking you for accompanying me now, my moods a lot better and I'm sorry for dragging you into this. Too early for drama right.

"She said, she was actually not a chatter bug, but somehow, today she felt like talking non stop and she really don't know why, talking to him feels so easy and comfortable.

"By the way, what's your department? I haven't seen you around are you new here?" she asked as she drank her iced cold coffee.

"Actually I don't study here, I just helped my friend bring in his thesis material." he replied.

Stella then realized that she's been acting so close and casually to him when he's practically a stranger.

"Oh my gosh, Im so sorry if I acted so close and casual to you, I mean is your "friend" a girlfriend, I don't want to cause any misunderstanding." she genuinely apologized, afterall Johan is good looking and it's no doubt he's already got a girlfriend she doesn't want to be accussed of being the third party.

"No, he's a guy. "

"OMG!!! A boyfriend!"


"Why am I in this embarrassing situation. Now Im really in hot waters, I don't want to be called a home wrecker." Stella internally scolded herself.

Seeing Stella's confused and worried looked Johan can't help but chuckled.

"No, just he's my best friend." he said.

"Oh, haha." Stella can only laughed at her stupid assumptions. Seeing Stella's uneasiness, Johan then suddenly asked.

"You've mentioned earlier your playing YY quest right what's your IGN?" he deliberately changed the topic so Stella won't feel awkward.

"Yes, yes are you play it too?" Stella enthusiastically asked. There's a hint of excitement in her round eyes.

"My IGN is STELLAR. What's yours? I'll add you" she said her voice was filled with excitement.

"It's fine, I'll add you later You have classes right? " Johan said.

"Oh my god yes, I totally forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. I'll be going then. Bye!" Stella said her eyes sparkling.

"Oh finally I found someone I can talk to about games." she thought as she happily trotted her way to to her classroom.


IGN - In-game name or username.