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As her knees fell beneath her, she seemed not aware of the grains of beige coating her dress. At this point nothing mattered anymore, only the moment she shared with the divine and the book between her fingers. She tilted her head to the stars hoping the heavens could hear her. Stroking the weathered book within her thumbs, she let out a breathless sigh and once more gripped the book with all her might.

"Thank you" she whispered to the waves

At this point the wet ground mixed with her tears compelled her to stand from the uncomfortable position. She looked back for a final time at the navy blue horizon, this night edged with a silver tint where the sky and the water meet. She wanted to keep this scene within the dearth's of her memory however time was finite. The sapphire glow of the sea reminded her of the beauty the world offered. The sounds of the beachfront surrounded her with tranquility and she finally began the walk back.