
Everlasting Era

Join the journey of a young man who wants to live a better life and have to go through many hardships and unknowingly enters the cultivation world where his life take a drastic change, when he know that the things he work for can be destroyed by superhuman easily and decided to challenge his way through the dark path where one wrong step and he will spell death

Dana_Ash · Acción
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15 Chs

9: Underground Market

Carriage start to move straight on east dragon street, after traven Ember pass 5 more houses and take left turn and enter another dtreet which branch from east dragon street, after 2 hours the number of other carriages on street increase and flow of people also increase because od which Ember had to slow down the carriage.

After few hours Mùyáng peek out from the carriage and was stunt and ask "Ember how do we get here and what business do you have? "

Ember " We come from a secret route and since the guard we stop us from leaving from main street, we will have to go from another secret route, just relax and do not sleep today night can be dangerous I am going to drive while night, we will arrive at the underground market at day break"

After taking some turns and giving bribe to some people Ember got out of the busting place and arive at a street with no lamps and on both sides of street houses look expensive but it look like people living here hate light.

After travelling for 4 more hours and when the night was going to end in few minutes, the carriage suddenly stop.

Ember " Do not panic and make wrong decision only sit in one place"

Right after Ember warnings to the 6 guards and Mùyáng the carriage started to sink. The ground beneath the carriage was going down and with it the carriage was also going down but because of the dark streets with no light thoose who see this with his eyes will think that the house carriage was sinking in darkness with a no way to return. After going down few meters the ground stop sinking in the darkness.

Unknown to Mùyáng and the 6 guards Ember has already wrap a blindfold around eyes of horses and they were only following Ember command and hence they do not get in distress because of sudden darkness and ember had already let then sit even before the ground beneath move.m and hence they do not fall.

Right after the movement stop Ember let the horses stand and move forward.

"Mùyáng light 6 lanterns and hang 4 on four sides of carriage and remember do not leave the carriage and give the rest two lantern to me"

When this command given Mùyáng do not hesitate to light the lantern and open the door to hang the carriage but when he look out side it was all dark and he cannot se anything except darkness for him it was like he was in a carriage that was just moving in darkness with no destination, he muster his courage and hang to lantern on four side of the carriage and pass the rest to Ember who attach one lantern in the fornt of the horses with a rode and rope and keep one with him.

Mùyáng " Ember where are we"

Ember " We are in the underground market but this a secret route therefrom there is no light, once we cover some distant we will see shops and houses"

"Why would some stay here? "

"I do not know, but some say that are afraid of sunlight and like to drink blood and consume souls of people, so do not run round once we reach there"

Mùyáng ' They are from Ghost sect, but Gost sect was destroyed 1 thousand years age, this place is dangerous, bit more dangerous is this Ember, being a mortal and having connections with Sects, knowing so much secrets that even beginner immortal practitioners do not come across'

Ember " There is light"

Mùyáng peek out from the front to see a blue fireballs floating in air and froze thinking ' I am dead this is soul eating fire, the more soul it consumes more powerful it becomes, I never think I will die like this, but this 6 guards and Ember are mortal who do not know about blue flame, I can only but some time for them to escape and if that Gost sect member is not stromg I can even finish him and continue to go in'

Embet " Hey vampire it is me did you want to take payment from your friend"

Mùyáng 'Why are you provoking him"

An eerie voice came " Ember it is you, how is your life going"

With this voice the blue fireballs vanish and multiple tourchs lit up spreading light throughout a street which stretches long way and a kid can be seen standing on side of the street who look like 20 years with pale skin.

Ember stop the carriage near the kid and reach out a hand and help that jid to sit beside him.

Mùyáng was already shock to his soul that he was thinking 'My soul will be lost if I stay with Ember for too long, how can he have this strong connections, I should clam down and will retire after this task '

Ember and the pale face kid keep on talking and laughing but for Mùyáng it was like two ghost laugh, other 6 guards where unconscious right after seeing that they where moving from drakness and till now is unconscious, by it is good they do not get to see this all'

After 1 hour the carriage stop and Ember give a box to the pale face kid and seeing this ge laugh out loud and got down fron the carriage and said to ember to keep on comming to which Ember return the greeting, but Mùyáng fell like his life was slipping from his hand and he will only live if this carriage do not stop.

Like Mùyáng wish comming true the carriage start moving again and he truly felt relief, because Ghost sect was the most dangerous sect thousand year age and also one of the top sect in sect ranking.

Ember " Mùyáng we will reach Shadow Union headquarters in quarter hour, after delivery the boxes our task will be completed "

Mùyáng " Yes, ones the boxes are deliver, our task will be over"

After some time traffic of people begin to increase with many stores and restaurant, but after some time Ember again find a quite street and move the horses in that direction and caome at the end of that street, on both side of the street there was only destroyed houses and in front was a big 10 storage houses touching the sky I mean ground of the city. Ember ask Mùyáng to open the gate since the guards where now sleepinp from unconscious to sleep and even snoring,Mùyáng get down the carriage and open the gate with trembling hands and ran up the carriage one the gate was open.

After Mùyáng sit inside the carriage Ember drive it inside the gate where there was a person standing there with his head covered with a hood.

Ember get down the carriage with Mùyáng and approach the man and ask to meet the manager of the Shadow Union.

The hooded mam said " Follow me with the boxes"

Ember and Mùyáng do not ask how he known about the boxes, they wake up the sleeping guard and tell them to follow with the boxes.