
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs

Chapter 7 – Trip to Capital




Terrifying cries resounding in dark wilderness. Coming from dangerous and weird creatures known as monster residing inside.

One of them is Goblin.

The lowest of lowest monster. Having ugly appearance, tall as child, green skin, low intelligence, and coward. They're robber by nature as they can't producing their necessity themselves. They are weak individually, even child could kill them. Because of their weakness and cowardness goblin always found in group.

They living like parasite, disdained by all intellect creatures, even by fellow monster.

Strong people won't place their attention to them. They are so weak, that they could killed with a snap of fingers.

Despite that, goblins are feared by masses.

Though they are weak monster, they are threat to common people.

Their actual fearsome lie in their strong productivity and vicious nature. As long there's female, goblin can multiple their number quickly. Goblin will capture female regardless their race to reproduce, and any female that fall in their capture would face a horrible fate worser than dead. Any woman would rather choose suicide than fall in goblin's hand.

Goblin were weak and coward, but they very vicious. When goblin hunt, they never attacking alone, using cunning tricks, or assault prey in the moment of weakest. So many casualties and tragedy caused by goblin.



Right now, such frightening weak devil ran for their life.

More than 20 goblins rushing through the uneven path of wilderness. Their breath ragged as they currently desperately running… wrong, escaping from the hunter.


It the leader-like goblin would cry if he could talk.


One of goblins reached its limit and fall from exhaustion.

Its fellow goblin continued to flee, ignoring their fallen kin. It left behind as they prioritize their life.


It cried watching its fellow leave behind it away.


The goblin clamped shut at the sound.

It's over.

Its nightmare has come.

A small shadow gently striding toward the goblin.

The goblin trembling crazily. It's instinctively knew the hunter already caught up.

It's truly regretting its choice to follow its stupid leader. If they never intruding to that place, it wouldn't chase them. If it had knew what live there, it would run as far possible before they could disturb it.


Before it can scream, a silver line flying through its neck. The next moment, its head leaped into air, following by blood spurt.


Leaving the dead goblin behind, the small shadow continued its pursuit on the remains goblins.

As goblin having short leg, they didn't manage to run far.

Shortly after, the small shadow caught them up, and appeared before them.




The goblins let out terrified shrill as they saw their pursuer chilling looks.

After spotted them, the small shadow quickly struck the goblins, creating bloody pool on its path.

The goblins are slayed in terrible fashion. Bisected or crushed. Not leaving their original appearance.

When it's killed the last goblin, the bloody storm stopped.

The forest turned silent, regained its former peace.


The small shadow's body red, bathed by goblin's blood.

As the sharp bloody smell permeating in forest, the shadow silently watching the bright moon.




Two weak passed since the Hookshot trial.

Since the first trial, Arc and Misha continued train with Hookshot in their free time and become proficient with it. Now Arc can skillfully leap with Hookshot and rarely make mistake and fall. While Misha… while also she trained with Hookshot, she just barely made safe landing in two weeks.

There's one time Arc puzzled by Misha random talk. Misha randomly said he was like a certain spiderman. Arc didn't know who was she means about. Speaking of spiderman, Arc thought it would Arachne, but he was wrong apparently.

She sulked at his answer, told he was big wrong.

Arc confused.


Gaping in boredom, Arc observing the white cloud moving through blue sky, then shifted to surroundings outside carriage via window.

In surrounding, the guards marching steadily. The sound of uniform steps and horse neighs can be heard. In front and behind, there're similar carriages like the one Arc in.

Basically, he currently in caravan.


Beside him, Misha leisurely reading a book with weird word and design.

"It's truly unexpected." (Arc)

"You're right." (Misha)

Misha agreed with Arc comment.

Arc and Misha were in carriage in their journey to capital of Myrdiana Country, Myrd City.

Last night, Duke Saffron suddenly called all Everyne family member, informed all of them to go at Myrd City for celebration of the crown price fifteenth birthday. Even though there's still two months before celebration, Duke Saffron emphasized his family to hurriedly went to capital. Seemed he was in hurry.


Although they not know the reason for hurry, a crown prince adulthood celebration is a national important event. As a noble, Everyne family can't afford to absent.

Misha thought it was so sudden and a hassle. She didn't like an unprepared travel.

Fortunately, Everyne family is a Duke rank noble, they have a big manor in the capital in the case something like this happened.

Duke saffron prepared ten carriages and hundred guards for their entourage, the necessary commodity for entire family and vassal that went to capital, ensuring the comfort and safety during the trip.

A trip from Everyne City to Myrd City would take at least a day. The distance between two cities not far considering the transport means.

Misha looks outside the carriage.

Currently is slightly past noon.

The caravan had passed two villages since beginning of departure from early morning.

The journey procced peacefully, no bandit was attacking, and Everyne guard competent enough to repel monsters on the road.

Arc and Misha idling in carriage as they didn't have anything to do, except reading.

Their carriage in the middle of group. Arianne was supposedly with them, but she went outside joining with guards.

Now they're alone.

Bored, Arc spoke.

"Misha, are you fine reading like that?" (Arc)

"? Yes, I'm fine. What wrong?" (Misha)

Misha tilted by Arc sudden inquire.

"Didn't you felt dizzy when you reading in carriage before?" (Arc)

"Oh, that… I'm truly fine. I have developed a simple magic that prevent dizziness." (Misha)

"Huh, you had?" (Arc)

Arc surprised with this newly found information, doesn't know Misha have such magic.

"Can you use that on me? I want read comfortably too." (Arc)

"Didn't you just fine?" (Misha)

"No, I just endure it. My head dizzy and my vision slightly whirling since while ago." (Arc)

"Stop reading then!" (Misha)

It's Misha turns surprise by the newly discover.

Sighed out, Misha cast the magic on him.

[Mind Balance]

After receive Misha's magic, Arc's vision and mind freshened.

"Wow?" (Arc)

"What? Is there problem with the magic?" (Misha)

"There's no problem. Contrary, the effect better than I thought." (Arc)

That's Arc honestly feel. Not just the dizziness vanished, Arc felt his mind widened. He feels he could read faster and easier to memorize.

"This truly good magic." (Arc)

Misha proudly lifting her chest heard his praise. Then, shook her head.

"This nothing. This is just the deprived version from your [Mind Strength]." (Misha)

"So that's why I feel the effect strangely familiar." (Arc)

[Mind Strength] is a mind strengthening magic. With this magic, one can forcefully pull buried knowledge and memory, even that long forgotten. This magic also widening perceive ability, strengthen someone ability to realize. In short, this magic let someone become smarter and wiser for short moment. A true desired magic for any scholar. The only shortcoming is that this magic cause severe headache and nausea once the effect wear off.

Because its usefulness, Arc and Misha always using this magic whenever they tried new magic or experiment. Especially for Misha, she can pull her another world knowledge with [Mind Strength].

For the side effect, Misha just can neutralize it with her heal magic.

For how Arc come with this magic, even he doesn't truly know how. He just randomly scribbling over a mind-type magic to pass time, never in the world he expected it would actually work with wonderful effect.

Even so, it's Arc proudest creation.

Misha's [Mind Balance] considered as the downsized of [Mind Strength], as its effect only let someone easier to memorize. It has advantage though, as it'd remove dizziness and freshen mind that [Mind Strength] haven't. A better magic than [Mind Strength] if looked from another aspect.

So, Arc honest evaluation toward [Mind Balance] is a good magic.

"When did you developed this magic?" (Arc)

"Since half-year ago, I think. I made this magic after that incident, just finished couple weeks ago." (Misha)

"Half-year ago?... Ah, I understand." (Arc)

Arc nodded, realizing the origin of magic creation.

The thing at half-year ago is very memorial event for both of them and another big incident. At that time, Misha got into trouble caused dizziness. Arc laughing wryly as he recalling those memory.

"Hmm?" (Arc)

Arc tilted.

"What's wrong, Arc?" (Misha)

"The carriage stopped." (Arc)

Before they knew, the entire entourage halted their advance.

Curious what happened, Arc and Misha get their heads out, observing the outside situation.

"Thinking, what's happened?" (Misha)

"Nhh, I can't see from here." (Arc)

"Let me ask the guard. Hey, you over there!" (Misha)

Misha called out the nearest guard.

"Yes, Young Lady."

"Why our group stopped?" (Misha)

"Apologize, Young Lady, but this servant also clueless about the situation."

"Oh, thank then." (Misha)

The guard bowed before leaving.

After the guard left, Arianne comes back timely, then informing them the situation.

"What? Our road broken?" (Misha)

"Right, our way blocked by fallen woods. Isn't just that, the path also being dug out. Looks there're sign of large-scale monster fight." (Arianne)

Misha become nervous heard the 'sign of monster fight'.

"How we'll continue the trip then?" (Misha)

"We'll clean the road." (Arianne)

"Is this safe? Are there no other ways?"

"Sadly, there're other way… only this path is the shortest and safest."

"But… aren't we currently trapped."

"Ahaha, it's not, Misha. Our situation isn't that distressing. The road still good enough for our entourage to pass through. We only need to clean the woods, maybe for hours, and finish."

"That's good news, then." (Misha)

Misha relieves knowing the situation is fine. However, she felt little uncomfortable stay still after discover their predicament.

Realized Misha's thought, Arc offering a hand.

"Is there something we can help, Miss Arianne?" (Arc)

Misha little surprised then immediately following up.

"Yes, Sis Ari. Can we help something?" (Misha)

"...Stop, you two don't need to help." (Arianne)

Arianne paused for a moment before turned down their offer even she knows their capabilities. With Misha's magic, the cleaning procession might be faster. But a bad hunch suddenly crossed in her mind.

"…No, you two just stay nicely in carriage. Don't made trouble, and don't get caught in trouble. You heard me!?" (Arianne)

Arianne ordering them sternly, while cold sweat flowing down her head.


Overwhelmed by her demeanor, Arc and Misha obeyed Arianne's order, no, plea. Not take a step out the carriage.

Never Arianne thought they still caught in trouble because they didn't get out the carriage.

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