
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 43 – Night Stay    

Late night.

While staying in Vermilioness Atelier, Elisabeth taught Misha some knowledge about Magist as her gratitude for their assistance.

It was Misha requested since rarely did she get a chance to learn from another Magist.

At first, Elisabeth little anxious how to taught her. Though they are Magist, she and Misha developed in different path of Magist. Her knowledge may not necessary to her.

However, she found her anxious misplaced. Rather worrying her knowledge may not necessary, she now worried and amazed with this Little Miss lack of knowledge.

"Miss Misha, how in the world you grew as Magist until now?" (Elisabeth)

"Eh, is it that bad?" (Misha)

"You didn't even know basic of basic knowledge of Magist! It was weird you haven't gotten mana deviation with your current practice." (Elisabeth)

Screaming, she slamming the table to show her mood.

"A-A-ha-ha-ha." (Misha)

Aware with her situation, Misha could only scratch the back of her head.

"Didn't mean we're lucky?" (Arc)

Beside her, Arc also following the course as usual.

"Lucky? No. It's miracle you still could grow like this with such scarce knowledge. Just how in the world you do it?" (Elisabeth)

Sighed out, she resumed the lesson.

Elisabeth then taught them all basic and proper knowledge about Magist after learned they didn't even know the basic of basic knowledge. She even taught them some knowledge outside Myrdiana Kingdom.

"Deed you called meditation in basic knowledge for Magist known as Spiritual Zen or Mana Fortitude. It was does in order gather and control mana inside our body." (Elisabeth)

"So, it's a common basic knowledge? How could no one mention it here?" (Misha)

"Well, it may not a common knowledge around here since the number of Magist here too scarce even though they're scarce to begin with." (Elisabeth)

Arc attention pulled at her word.

"Do you mean Magist outside there not scarce?" (Arc)

"That's right. Also, out far there, your so-called Warrior is different existence." (Elisabeth)

"Yeah, you said it before. Apparently, Myrdiana Kingdom… no, most countries in southwest continent have a big misunderstanding about Warrior." (Arc)

As diligent student, Arc noted all Elisabeth's lesson.

In lesson, he learned the continent they residing known as Arcetica.

Mydiana Kingdom and surrounding countries are part southwest Arcetica known as Mysticia Domain. An undeveloped and isolated land.

Misha thunderstruck heard that. The home she long living actually undeveloped land to outside world.

In her youth, Elisabeth often traveling as traveling merchant and had visited many places.

According to her, most place outside Mysticia Domain vastly more developed than any Mysticia countries. Because such difference, most information in Mysticia Domain about outside was restricted from masses.

Arc and Misha couldn't imagine the picture of world in Elisabeth's story.

Flying metals and ships.

Sky piercing towers.

Civilized Monsters.

Moving city.

Floating island.

World trees.

And others amazing things.

Some of them felt somethings coming from Misha. Even so, she not sure if it's same with previous world, knowing the existence of magic.

The story captured the children, especially Misha. For long, she longed adventure. Even before she reincarnated.

But that desire gradually dismissed as she grown.

However, Elisabeth's life story made her realized the world she living saving more surprises she could imagine. Reignited that buried desire inside her heart more than ever.

It's frustrating she couldn't do anything about it with her current condition.



Returned to lesson.

Outside there, Warrior is very different existence. They didn't use mana as their power, but an energy called Ki.

So, to outside Mysticia Domain, Arc wasn't Warrior.

If he not a Warrior, what is him? Arc asked after listened the explanation.

Elisabeth's answer shocked him.

Seemingly, Arc was classified as Magist like Misha.

Force Magist precisely.

A type Magist that specializing in martial arts and self-enhancement and close combat. Magist with least talent for projectile type magic.

That's the true identity of Mysticia 'Warrior'.

For the children, it's a very groundbreaking answer, as it denied their previous knowledge. Also, answered many questions that hovering in their mind.

Arc has been wondering how could Warrior and Magist could use same enhancement magic despite being different profession.

Afterward, he asked if it possible for him to use projectile magic.

The answer was possible, however, a Force Magist will require ten times more effort than any type Magist to use any type projectile magic.

Arc overjoyed, almost jump out in place hearing her confirmation.

The lesson continued until late night.

Recalling the lesson, Arc asked.

"Wait, if 'Warrior' actually Magist, are the number of Magist here still lacking compared the outside?" (Arc)

"That's right. Compared here, the number of Magist outside there were 20 times more number than here at least." (Elisabeth)

""That many!!"" (Arc, Misha)

Their scream almost wakening Herlin and Raina from sleep.

Every knowledge they gained this night opened new view of world. They now realized Myrdiana Kingdom just a small part of the world. The world out there, the something more powerful, more mysterious.

Their current place nothing but a bucket of water in the vast ocean.

"This also I learned in my journey…." (Elisabeth)

She told them her experience.

Unknowingly, the lesson changed to Elisabeth's journey tales.

An elf country.

Vast dessert.

Country under ocean.

Region of unending war.

Dangerous yet fulfilling adventure.

And many others sad and happy stories she hasn't told to them yet.

The children didn't know until when her story continuing, as unknowingly they fall sleep.

Today quite a rough day.

The lesson over with the children sleeping.

"Good dream." (Elisabeth)

It's the last thing they remember before they lose consciousness.




It's another dream.

A dream of strange place under unending starry night sky.

He recognized this place, as this already several times he visited.

Now, he could tell this place was dream, yet not dream at same time.

He doesn't know how to descript this place accurately.

However, unlike previous times, he won't be confused.

Though, there wonder as to why he here again or it'd different, he steps forward to his destination.

He always questioning why he couldn't remember any of these whenever he wakes up.

Not remember anything always made him disregard this problem.

Sighed, as he didn't have any solution, he slowly walking at where she is.

As always, the building shrouding in unique atmosphere. He not sees her figure as he entering the building.

It's weird.

Usually, he could find her sitting on terrace.

He went to backyard, as he heard splash of water from there.

He then saw her.

Sitting gracefully on lip of pool, playing in water with her feet and the tip of couple of her tails.

Her profile is same as usual.

It's a picture of beautiful pure maiden.

The fox girl's ears stood up.

She lifted her face and spot him. The fox girl threw a wide smile seeing him was coming.

Not knowing what she thinking, he approaching her.

Her tails swinging joyously.


Not sure what he surely dreaming of.

Nonetheless, he was sure.

Today dream is a bit different.





Misha woke up and found she was in unfamiliar room. She then remembers stayed a night in Vermilioness Atelier.

Pulling up her body, she saw Raina still sleeping beside her, but Arc and Herlin figures on in her sight.

Quietly, she moves up from bed. When she out bedroom, she found both of them.

Herlin leaning on Arc while him telling her story from book.

They seemed focusing in story that they not realize her presence.

A little wondering what story they have, she approached them. Quietly, she sat beside them, not intend disturb them.

Arc seemed have noticed her presence as he not giving any reaction as she touched him.

The story telling goes on.

In the story, telling about a lonely witch living in desolated forest.

A story begun with a girl casted from society because her power.

Despite the prologue, it's actually a warm story, where the lonely witch one day encountered a wounded and unconscious traveler. Because her past she hesitated to approach him. However, seeing his condition convinced the witch to brought him home and saved him.

When the traveler awoke, he found himself in witch's house, and bandaged. Knowing his life saved by her, the traveler giving his gratitude even realized she is a witch.

That day, the witch got a warm word she never gained before.

Once the traveler healed, he lives with the witch to pay his gratitude.

Since then, the witch and traveler living in happiness forever.

Truly, it's a simple and warm story.

After finished telling the story, Arc closed the book.

Unknowingly, Raina already woke up and sat beside Arc, opposite her position.

Arc raised his face, with gentle smile said:

"Good morning, everyone!" (Arc)

Thus, the new day coming.

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