
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 42 – Interpretation     

<<Tell me, what happened to you?>> (Saffron)

With stern face, Duke Saffron image questioning her.

A question mark jumped out Misha's mind at the sudden inquire. Quite surprised when her father suddenly called her.

"Could fill me first, Father." (Misha)

<<Guards I placed on you said you suddenly vanished for an hour. They can't find you until you suddenly appeared on spot you vanished.>> (Saffron)

"Ah, that… it just an incident." (Misha)

Duke Saffron groaned in other side.

<<Again? What this time?>> (Saffron)

"Nothing serious, Father. I only dragged into someone space transfer this time." (Misha)

<<...And you said not something serious… Really…>> (Saffron)

Misha and Duke Saffron conversing through Whispering Orb.

After Misha vanished an hour without any report, Duke Saffron called her. Coincidentally, the call happened at time she returned.

Duke Saffron interrogated her recent deed as he worrying what kind problem she would run again.

Misha only said half-truth of the incident. She concealed the fact she helping Herlin awakening as Elisabeth requested. Also, not giving another worry at her visibly tired father. Though the half-truth already very shocked for him.

How could she run into someone space transfer? And isn't space magic a very rare thing? How could my daughter run into it?

Such question whirling in his head.

Misha then recalled.

"By the way, Father. I intend to stay here for a night, can I?" (Misha)

<<…Do as you like. Remember to back tomorrow, however.>> (Saffron)

"Thank you, Father. I love you!" (Misha)

<<Ugh!>> (Saffron)

Duke Saffron warned her.

<<Don't make any problem and don't involve in any problem, understood?>> (Saffron)

Misha felt his warn strangely familiar.

"Roger!" (Misha)

After gave her promise, Whispering Orb call closed.

"Fuuh…" (Misha)

"Finished?" (Elisabeth)

"Yeah." (Misha)

"So, we truly stay here tonight?" (Arc)

"That's right." (Misha)

Arc returned read the book beside sleeping Herlin and Raina.

Today was very tiresome day for them.

As they returned, Elisabeth gave Arc the ancient book once she mentioned. The book pages were blank as she told. But when Arc touched it, the book content magically revealed. Despite written in language he never saw, the book strangely readable to him.

"What's written inside?" (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth asked, seemingly fretful. The book was hers, but it responded to Arc only or someone with whatever so-called Seer Aptitude. It as though said she wasn't worthy.

Elisabeth upset.

Misha too came nearing as her curiosity inflated again.

"This book descripted the Fate Cards divination." (Arc)

"Really!?" (Misha)

In flash, Misha stood behind him.

Elisabeth peeking the book from behind. She then frustrated as she couldn't read any word in it.

"What the meaning of your divination then?" (Misha)

This Misha was most concerned after knowing the book could descript the divination meaning. She impatiently urgent Arc continue.

"Wait a moment… these I have founds." (Arc)

Arc opens the page with illustration of sun and moon.

The first card. Sun in Left and Moon in Right.

"First card illustrated in this page as 'West Sun East Moon'. Meaning, 'The Time is Near'. For the hourglass symbol, it's mean Time as us expected. The first card seeming told the time divined will come." (Arc)

"Time is near? Good, another puzzle. What does that mean?" (Misha)

"It's meaning it wouldn't be long the prophecy will happen, Miss Misha." (Elisabeth)

"I know that. Just how near is it truly means?" (Misha)

"That… Good point." (Elisabeth)

Conceded, Elisabeth admits the near mean very vague. It could a day, a weak, a month, or a year. It could happen right now or after some time. 'Near' term very vague.

Arc flipped other page.

This time is page with illustration of castles.

"Where… Where… This one!" (Arc)

He pointed at ruined castle illustration.

"Let's start with flag symbol. Flag means 'territory' or area the divined place." Arc said. "As for ruined castle or 'Dusk of Age' there three meanings: it's meaning 'Ruins of a Country', 'An End of Era', or 'The Destruction of Palace'. Whatever was true, it always represented with destruction." (Arc)

"Um, those three meanings look same no matter I heard." (Elisabeth)

"It seemed the difference of those meanings were the represent of scale." (Arc)

Another vague term, Misha thought.

"Arc, continue." (Misha)

Arc complied Misha's request.


The third card. Black Sun Burning the Earth.

Once he saw the illustration, Arc somewhat feel it more dreadful than when it in the card.

"'Sonne Wrath', epitomize of Misfortune, Calamity, Plague, and Death. Very straightforward compared with other illustrations." (Arc)

"Arc." (Misha)


"Sorry… what was written in book very simple, as long 'Sonne Wrath' come out, a certain great disaster will befall in divination." (Arc)

"…That's bad." (Misha)

"Hey, isn't that very bad omen? Not that I really trust something suspicious like fortune-telling, but looking at your divination made me uneasy." (Elisabeth)

"Auntie Eli. Please not made me worrier than now." (Misha)

"Sorry." (Elisabeth)

Arc continued his explanation, ignoring their comments.

"By the way, the tree symbol called 'Branch of Will', which representing fate and destiny. I not really sure what's it really means but I guess it representing the thing that will going to happen." (Arc)

"Third card easier to understand than second. But still, it's very ominous." (Misha)

"Divination always working in mysterious ways. This clearest divination I ever seen however." (Elisabeth)

"Had you seen other divination, Auntie Eli?" (Misha)

"I had. There two variety divination I encountered during my journey. One with ball crystal, another gazing at star. Though their prediction rarely come true or very difficult to interpret." (Elisabeth)

"Is that so… I don't' know there so many types fortune-telling." (Misha)

"Later. Didn't you said there four cards come out in your fortune-telling. What the last?" (Elisabeth)

"…" (Arc)

Arc flipping the pages with very troubled look.

"Arc?" (Misha)

"There isn't." (Arc)

"Hm?" (Misha)

"I fear there no corresponding explanation in the book for the last cards." (Arc)

"What?" (Misha)

"Are you sure?" (Elisabeth)

"However, there a note in the last page. Read this." (Arc)

Arc showed the note. Strangely, unlike other page, the last page was written in language Elisabeth and Misha could read.

"This all I could interpret in Fate Cards divination.

However, need to know, even the knowledge all I have gathered isn't perfect.

Sometimes, a divination that not recorded in the book or too difficult to interpret would come out Fate Cards.

The Fate Cards are wonderous artifact from unknown age. The hint of great fate. Too mysterious and difficult to understand with human mind. For it could hinted the branch of fate.

For the future holder of Fate Cards, I hope this record will help your understanding of Fate Cards Prophecy.

Never let misfortune befall on you.

May Great Mother, the Creator of All Beings, XXXX look upon you."

Somehow, the name of Mother was no longer recognizable.

"It's weird only this page that written differently." (Misha)

Misha the first one commented.

"It's ancient magic language. Miss Misha, you could read this?" (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth amazed saw Misha nodded.

"So, the last black card was an unrecorded divination since there no explanation about it in book." (Misha)

"What kind divination come out in last card you talking about?" (Elisabeth)

"It just a blank black card. Nothing was inside. But… it most frightening card among all of them." (Misha)

"Frightening?" (Elisabeth)

"Yeah, frightening… even though it just a card, it was let out a menacing presence that terrified me. That moment, I thought something terrifying would come out it. I shudder whenever I recall it." (Misha)

"…" (Elisabeth)

What kind result is that?

Elisabeth was hoping she could see the process divination herself.

"Since we all know the interpretation your Fate Cards divination except the last, we could sum it up like this; in near future, a great disaster that could lead country downfall would befall on Myrdiana Kingdom." (Elisabeth)

"Seems so." (Misha)

A heavy atmosphere fallen between them.

"U-fu-fu! Why you make that kind face Miss Misha?" (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth first breaking the ice with laugh.

"I'll advice you Miss, never truly trust divination. Most time, divination rarely come true. Moreover, Little Arc not a someone like prophet, it may be just an incident for what you have predicted. So don't worry it too much. You'll just tire yourself." (Elisabeth)

Elisabeth trying reassuring Misha who looked so worried. And her word was worked.

Though honestly, she might be deceiving herself.

"...You right, Auntie Eli." (Misha)

"Remember, a future isn't set in stone." (Elisabeth)

With that, a warm returned.

"Anyway, why your little servant so silent?" (Elisabeth)

"Arc, what happened?" (Misha)

Since the middle, Arc stopped talking entirely, making them curious what was happen to him.

Both of them widening their eyes when saw him placed couple of cards on floor.

"Arc, what were you do!?" (Misha)

"Little Arc, what you did!?" (Elisabeth)

They asked at same time.

"Uh, oh, what I did?" (Arc)

"Why you confused? Are the cards you placed were Fate Cards?" (Misha)

"Right, somehow, I want to do again? I don't know, it just happens to me." (Arc)

"Why so suddenly?" (Misha)

"Is it worked? What you got now?" (Elisabeth)

They crowded around the cards.

Arc flipped the cards up.

First card; Nine Stars in Night Sky.

Second card; Nine Noble Figures.

Both of cards have intertwined sword and branch symbol.

"Arc what does these means?" (Misha)

"…" (Arc)

Arc checking the book. Flipping the pages many times until he put it down.

"None…" (Arc)

"What?" (Misha)

"None of both recorded in the book. Not even the symbol itself." (Arc)

"Huh?" (Misha)

Misha shocked by his revelation.

"Great. Now another mystery. And I thought this would be clearest divination." (Elisabeth)

Her comment ending their conversation about Fate Cards divination.

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