
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs

Chapter 23 – Stroll 2    

When he realized, he was here.

It was unknown night space.

A world where countless stars sparkling in the endless vast universe.

In place where law of time and space doesn't be applied.

A place never been existed in the current world. In the past, present, or future.

Gazing through the space, he saw nine familiar figures hovering, circling around him.

Nine-Tailed Fox.

Dragon Emperor.

High-Elf Priestess.

Holiness Archangle.

Vampire Ancestor.

Forgotten God.

Mermaid Queen.

Ancient Dwarf.

Human Hero.

Each of them letting out an ancient aura and unique presence. Something the current him couldn't possibly have.

He gazes at them, but they gazed thorough him.

Amidst their gazes, filled with hope, despair, will, hopelessness, strength, weakness, satisfaction, and regret. Various kind of emotions mixed up, make it a new whole complicated emotion that showing its most beautifulness and ugliness.

Each of them trying to says something in their language. He can't understand them, nevertheless.

Then the scene moved.

One by one, the figures in the sky slowly vanished. Leaving out the nine-tailed fox alone with him under the stary sky.

As the only figures left, he observing it more carefully.

A beautiful beast.

This is his honest impression toward the fox.

Its white fur exuding strong holy presence that will purge any evil that approaching it.

The fox landed on the ground, staring at him. He felt its gaze could saw through him.

The next moment, its profile distorted. Then, change into a girl with platinum hair.


As he saw the fox current form, something inside him cried and exploded, like a raging beast. Seemingly try to break out.

Looking at him, the girl smiles gently.

The girl lightly touched him, calmed down the rage inside him. Afterward, she took several steps back.

He can see the girl clearly now.

The girl wearing garments he's never seen before, yet it didn't reduce her charm. On contrary, her charm added. Her figure simply so beautiful.

The scene forwarded.

They are in the backyard of strange house. The surroundings no longer dark like before. As gentle moonlight pouring from above, illuminating the space.

In the middle of backyard, the platinum-haired girl dancing under the moonlight. Her move simply gentle an elegant, mesmerizing his heart.

Small and beautiful flowers fall from tree, decorating the girl's background.

So beautiful.

As she dancing, nine white tails and fox ear emerge from girl's rear and head, added charm into her current charm.

The dance doesn't stop. The tails didn't obstruct the dance.

In the time that seemed frozen in eternity, he can't shift his gaze from the fox girl.

He watching her dance.

Keep watching until she stopped.

Keep watching until eternity.




"Huwahh~" (Arc)

"What is it, Arc?" (Misha)

"Master?" (Raina)

"I'm fine, just felt little tired." (Arc)

Last night, Arc felt he had a weird dream again. Like before, he couldn't remember the content of his dream, however. He still has little impression, but it's so blurred.

For what he could remember, it was he stand before nine figures. There's no other.

No, it seems he has impression of fox girl in that dream.



Just now Arc felt Raina called him with weird title.

I might still sleepy, that's why I mishearing thing.

Arc shook his head.

Lately, he was felt he often misheard something.

This time, Arc, Misha, and Raina walking around the capital. Uncle Jug doesn't come with them since he was accompanying Duke Saffron, Misha's father, to an important meeting somewhere.

Arc's gaze scrying the surroundings naturally. In the corner of his view, he caught several shadows hiding. Some of shadows were familiar, they are previous guards. Seems they allowed return to their post. With that, Arc counted there 4 people total guarding them from the dark. Doubled the number from previous time.

"Hey, it's my imagination that Little Miss's servant has seen through us?" (Guard 1)

"Are you a newly joined knight?" (Guard 2)

"Yes, I just had joined Everyne's knight for two months." (Guard 1)

"Since you a newly joined guard, then you must know never underestimating Little Miss's servant. He was known as sharpest people among Everyne people. He basically a human radar." (Guard 2)

"That's right, isn't it? I remember I saw him avoided Sir Robert's stealth strike in a sparring, not even our captain could avoid that strike. That child also had awakened before adulthood." (Guard 3)

"I also remember when that child won in hide and seek competition of our yearly knight competition last year. Almost no one could hide from him when he searching people seriously. Even Sir Sharl shocked when he was defeated by child." (Guard 4)

"Is he really a child? I had heard Little Miss prestige as Little Saint, a blessed person under heaven. It's unexpected her servant also blessed." (Guard 1)

Such conservation happens among shadow guards, when Arc's sight brushed through them. He can't know since his hearing hasn't reaching that far yet.

"Where we're going this time?" (Arc)

"No idea, I just wanted to take fresh air." (Misha)

"Are you want to walk around capital aimlessly?" (Arc)

"Good suggestion, Arc. Let's do that. We'll strand where wind would lead us." (Misha)

"Wait, that isn't suggestion." (Arc)

"I know, that's why I said it was your suggestion."

"Please, don't."

"Nope, let's go Arc, Raina."

Misha quickening her steps, urging Arc and Raina to follow.

"Sheesh…" (Arc)

"*Stare*…" (Raina)

Arc hurriedly following Misha along with Raina behind him.

Despite his protest, Arc isn't seriously trying to stop Misha. Actually, whenever Misha doing mischief, Arc never strongly opposed her, unless it really dangerous. On contrary, Arc always end up with helping her.

"*Sigh*…" (Misha)

When he approaching her, Arc caught a trouble sigh escape from Misha's mouth.

"Is there something wrong, Misha?" (Arc)

"You could tell?" (Misha)

He nodding off.

Arc notice something was wrong with Misha. As both of them have been staying together for long, Arc could easily see-through Misha. She seems little gloomy and cheerless than usual.

Based on their recent event, Arc can guess what's her trouble.

"Is it because of the last night?" (Arc)

Misha nods weakly

Last night, Arc and Misha playing with fate cards, perform a simple divination in whim. The result was very ominous, something they couldn't make joke at. Brought chill whenever they recalled it.

If it's Misha's previous world, Misha surely laughed at something like fortune-telling. But here another world, she even reincarnated here. Magic, demon, God existed in this world. Therefore, Misha couldn't just dismiss Arc's divination as nothing and treat it like never happened, especially such on such ominous omen.

Time like this Misha wishing the fate cards they obtained from Elisabeth turn out to be fake.

"Don't worry, it might mistake." (Arc)

"Yeah." (Misha)

Even Arc little unsure since the effect of divination was too great. He personally experienced it.

"*Tilt*…" (Raina)

Raina wondering what her masters talking about, it was as if she being left alone.

"By the way, Misha, please watch out your step." (Arc)

Seeing Misha walking faced down, Arc worried she might bump into someone.

Misha turned her head.

"What?" (Misha)

"No, I want just remind you to watch straight ahead when walking." (Arc)

Arc warning brought reserve effect. Now Misha walking backward.

"Arc, do you forget I'm Magist? I can feel people presence through mana, so don't worry. I won't bump into someone even I walk backward like––"

"Misha, watch out!"


Hasn't done speak yet, Misha got struck from side.

What a karma.

Arc said inwardly.

When the party walk thorough cross road, a familiar white-haired running with head down from other direction. She run toward Misha who walking backward, end up crashed.



This the second time they crashed at each other.

Like usual, Herlin have thin presence. She was rare person that could easily bypass Arc's keen observation ability. Arc didn't sense her presence until she so close.

"Herlin, are you okay?" (Arc)

"Yes…" (Herlin)

"It's good." (Arc)

"Why didn't you ask if your master here was fine, Arc?" (Misha)

"There's no need for that. I knew you'll fine." (Arc)

Misha grunted at her servant's trust.

Stretching out his hand, Arc pulled up Misha and Herlin, helping them stand up from the ground.

Arc spotted Herlin's clothes changed again. This time, she wearing some striking dress. Herlin looked like a noble daughter with her current wear.

"Why are you run this time, Herlin? Don't tell someone chasing you again." (Misha)

"No…, that isn't…. it was me… chasing a cat." (Herlin)

"Huh, cat?" (Misha)

"Yes, a cat… it snatched a key… from me." (Herlin)

"Where the cat now?" (Arc)

"Uh…" (Herlin)

Herlin started to panic since she couldn't find the cat.

"This cat?" (Raina)

Between her arm, Raina gently holding a small cat. On its mouth, a key hanging between its teeth.

When Herlin ran at their direction, Raina happens to saw the cat she chased. Raina then caught it, thinking the cat was Herlin's aim.

"Yes…! Thank you…" (Herlin)

"*Nod*…" (Raina)

Received the cat from Raina's hand, Herlin took the key from its mouth. The cat escaped, as soon Herlin release it from her grab.

"By the way, what were you doing here?" (Misha)

"I'm working…" (Herlin)

"Working? Isn't this place far from the atelier? Are doing some delivery job?" (Misha)

"No… I working in another place… with Auntie Eli…." (Herlin)

"Is that place related with your current wear?" (Arc)

"Yes… Right now, Untie Eli and me… helping a friend with work…. It just the work… needing me wearing this… dress." (Herlin)

"Oh~" (Misha)

An idea suddenly struck Misha's head.

Seems like she found something she could do to spend her spare time.

"Could us help you with the work?"




Arc could guess what Misha might thinking. Since they're idle, it wouldn't be bad for them to working, that's may she thought.

It might bad since she has status, but he didn't intent to stop her.

"That… I don't know…." (Herlin)

"Ha-ha-ha, don't be stranger. If we can't, are we allowed to see you work place?" (Misha)

"That'd fine…?" (Herlin)

"Good." Misha smiled brilliantly. "Where are you working?"

"Not far… follow me…."

With that, Herlin leads them toward her new workplace.

"?" (Arc)

Suddenly, Arc stopped and turned his head.

For an instant, he felt a familiar beat came from the direction he saw.

"Arc, why you stopped? Come on!" (Misha)

Arc hurriedly catching up with Misha. For what he felt earlier, it may an illusion. Lately, he often something near him was familiar.

The party strode at certain place.

Like Herlin said, the place she working isn't far. Just a block from their encounter location.

The children's feet stopped, they looking at the huge and splendid building in front of them.

"Isn't this opera house? Is Auntie Eli's friend work related to this place?" (Misha)

"Yes… something like that…" (Herlin)

"Is auntie Eli in there?" (Misha)

"Yes…" (Herlin)

"Then, let's go. It's also coincidence there something I want to ask from her." (Misha)

"Is that so…? Then, let's in…" (Herlin)

At the distance.

As the children went in the opera house, the guards in the shadow looking at each other.


"…Hey isn't this place…" (Guard 1)

"Yeah…" (Guard 2)

"Then, why didn't halt them?" (Guard 1)

"Because we simply couldn't be stopped them." (Guard 3)

"Moreover, why we should? It's not like they entered some dangerous place." (Guard 4)

"…You're right." (Guard 1)

This young guard sighed out tiredly.

"I just hope little Miss wouldn't interrupt Lord meeting." (Guard 1)




In the corner of Myrd City.

A place that desolated from people, far from prying eyes.

Seven people with dark aura gathered in the shadow. These people silently observing at other around a round big table.

If Arc and other saw one of these people, they would be surprise since one of them is someone they knew: Slave Hunter Leader.

"How about the plan?"

One of the shadows raise a question. He was someone with greatest aura among them.

"Ready at any moment."

"That's good."

The shadow nodded.

With their preparation almost perfect, he sure their entire plan would work smoothly.


The shadow looked at Slave Hunter Leader.


"…This time you must not fail."

"I had already said, you couldn't blame me for failing the last mission, how could I'd know the Little Saint would be there. Moreover, I just wiping someone ass."

"What are you bastard said?"

The other shadow said indignantly.

"Wiping someone ass, what a big word from loser that defeated by child."

"Tsk." Slave Hunter Leader clicked his tongue, displeased by the shadow word. "As if they're children. What kind children that could beat adult so senseless."

"Hah! What useless excuse." The shadow sneered.

"Both of you, enough!" The Shadow Boss slammed the table, created a hole under his hand.

Both Slave Hunter Leader and the Shadow shut their mouth, fearing the table would be them if they opened their mouth further.

"Right now, there'll no talk except our operation, do you all understand?"

The Shadow boss said, glaring at the people in the room.

This statement isn't just intended to Slave Hunter Leader and the Shadow, but for the all Shadows present here.

They shrugged, too lazy to opposing with him.


The Shadow boss nodded in satisfied. It was good feeling to know they heard him this time.

"Then, let's move to our plan. For Satryssfa!"

"""For Satryssfa!"""