
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Chapter 12 – Little Shadow Assault    

The call occurring for ten minutes.

As predicted, the call suddenly cut off in the middle. It's unknown what the cause, but rarely did Whispering Orb malfunction other than hijacked.

The call was short, fortunately, Duke Saffron already briefed them tomorrow plan entirely.

Now that Misha could breathe relief. She only needs follow her father's word, and waiting the tomorrow rescue.

Since their next course action have decided, Misha neatly stored Whispering Orb in her bag, and call out the day.

"Let's sleep" (Misha)

"Okay." (Arc)

"Did you bring blanket?" (Misha)

"Always ready in my hand, Misha." (Arc)

Arc took out couple of blankets from Spatial Pocket, handed one of them to Misha.

"I brought these too." (Arc)

He also added a small pillow.

"…Why are you bringing this?" (Misha)

"Always being ready. I made a small preparation in a case something like this happens before we departed." (Arc)

"…Did by chance you expecting this happen?" (Misha)

Arc turned his head side.

"...Why you never expecting this would be happen after all this time?" (Arc)

"...…" (Misha)

The terrible expectation Arc have struck silent Misha. She couldn't muster any word to deny him. True enough, they often get in trouble whenever they went. It just, Misha doesn't want to admit she's born under such unlucky star.

"…Just sleep now." (Misha)

"Well, okay. Good night, Misha." (Arc)

"…Good night, Arc." (Misha)

With that, the talk was concluded.

Arc and Misha were lay beside each other, closing their eyes as they entering the dreamland.




Inside dark forest.


Little Shadow haves been waiting for this chance.

Her target now sleeping unguarded, showing their defenseless self before her.


Slightly surprised, the shadow never expected those two would be too unguarded in wilderness.

Need to know, the forest was too dangerous for human, especially for small human. All the human she encountered in forest always have their guard up, even in their rest, never like the two of them.

However, even though she could see they were sleeping, she felt strong uneasy swirling inside.

*Suu…* *Suu…*


Little Shadow decided to ignore her feeling and continue her plan.

While cautiously approaching them, she observing every minute of those small human. They look weak not different from ordinary, didn't releasing strong presence like the human who had challenged the forest. Yet, her instinct was ringing strongly every step she takes.

Her instinct telling her there was danger ahead, but her eyes couldn't find anything that pose danger.


When Little Shadow took a small step, she felt her leg slightly obstructed.

Hastily, she looked at her leg, found a thin string, almost invisible in sight, tangled on her feet.

Instantly, her instinct was exploded, told her a danger from front. Little Shadow swung her claw forth in reflex.


As the clash of blade resounding in cave, Little Shadow realize she entered little human's trap. She quickly leaps behind, preparing her next move.

She clenched, felt her hand little numb after clashed blade with little man in front of her.

It's unknown since when, but little human was awake. Little Shadow realize that little man had noticed her presence, pretend to sleep, and waiting for ambush like her.

She fell on trap because she underestimated little human.

The little man step forward, raising his old-looking sword on his chest, and open his mouth:

"...Who are you?"




"...Who are you?" (Arc)

Arc asked the assailant in front of him.

The assailant was silent, isn't answering his question. Arc felt little disappointment, though already expected this outcome. He didn't know if his assailant can't speak or unwilling to speak, but he hoping he could talk with him at least.

For how long he noticed the assailant's presence was, the answer since beginning.

At the time Misha calling with his father, Arc felt hostile gaze come from outside the cave. Instantly, he realized the one who watching them with hostility is the owner of the cave they were resided.

Even though he doesn't move, the clear hostility Arc felt indicating he'd surprise attack them anytime. High chance, when Arc and Misha are sleeping.

As precaution, Arc covered the surroundings area with almost invisible thread. In case whatever watching them decide to attack them, the thread would entangle him, alarmed Arc in his sleep.

The current situation was like he had predicted. The assailant entangled by invisible thread, and Arc counter ambushed him.

However, the outcome wasn't like he expecting. Never Arc expected the assailant could block his attack even though he managed caught him off guard.


Arc thought when they exchanging strike.

He clenching his hand, felt slightly numbed. With a clash, Arc could roughly guess the strength of the assailant.

A ranker? Warrior?

Bewilder by revelation, Arc's wariness heightens to max as he no longer underestimating his opponent.


Taking a closer look at the assailant, Arc surprised by his appearance. He thought the assailant was a humanoid monster or another race, never thought he'd be a human child.

His height equal or higher than him. His hair pretty much messy, covering half of his face. He wore a same leather clothes he found in the cave. Overall; other than looked wild and dirty, he was like any normal child, if isn't for Warrior aura shrouding him. As for his strength, Arc guesses he's a First rank judged from the clash.

That child coldly looking at Arc. Despite his cold expression, Arc caught savage glint residing in his eyes, showing his readiness to kill.

Arc quietly responding him in kind.

Both of them stay still, quietly examining at each other.


The fight started.

Savage Child was first making a move, brandished his claw toward Arc.

The attack was fast, but Arc dodge it and countered. He cast a wide slash, expecting he could graze him even slightly.

Savage Child ducked down, avoiding Arc slash from below then strike him.



Arc flipped backward, dodging the claw. That strike was almost hit him, slightly grazed his cloth and skin. While avoiding, Arc sends a kick on Savage Child's chin.

The kick hit cleanly, threw Savage Child backward.

Savage Child spun in the air for several times before landed on the ground.



The battle was paused.

The unexpected blow they received made them clearly recognize their opponent's strength.

[Haste] [Strength Up] [Mind Strength]

Noticing it'd a tough fight, Arc releases his self-restrain, decided to engage the enemy with his full strength. When they're fighting, he actually felt it, Savage Child also haven't used his full strength yet.

On opposite side, Savage Child have same thought like Arc. His body then shrouded by pale blue glow and chilly air. Arc noticed his strength was increased.

Arc moved first, taking the initiative.

[Vertical Slash]

Arc cast a basic sword skill.

[Vertical Slash] skill is straightforward skill like its name suggested. A simple vertical sword slash from top to bottom or otherwise.

It's a move that anyone could do.

What differentiating between skill and ordinary move located in their strength and mana. When cast a skill, it's akin casting a magic in form of martial art.

After thoroughly enhanced himself, Arc's speed and strength became twice than original. With a single step, he immediately reached Savage Child position.


Their blade clashed.

Arc doesn't know what skill Savage Child was used, but he blocked his strike with evenly or stronger strength.

However, Arc wasn't stop yet.

[Vertical Slash]

[Horizontal Slash]

[Straight Trust]

Releasing his skill one after another, Arc exchanging many clashes with Savage Child.

The battle between them was fierce, and have reached stalemate.

Even though Arc have better skill, he was weaker than Savage Child in term of strength. He can't truly push or make a decisive strike against his opponent despite his consecutive offensive.

Savage Child also in similar situation albeit opposed cause. He was stronger, yet Arc was too slippery and difficult to reach. Every time he almost hit him, it'd miss, as Arc dodge all his attack with abnormal reflexion.

Their battle became a contest endurance between them, who was among them would run out strength first.

Arc was impatient with the progress. At this pace, it undoubtedly him would fall first. He's used many skills and enhancing techniques, dwindling his mana at fast rate.

Savage Child then ceased move.

"Huh?" (Arc)

Arc surprise at his action.

But his next action almost threw him into disarray.

The air around Savage Child turning chillier and chillier, turning the atmosphere around him like winter. The claw on his hand then sheathed by cold ice.

"What!?" (Arc)

Arc thoroughly shaken by the turn of event.

"[Element Conversion]!?" (Arc)

What Arc seeing now was Warrior secret skill. As the name suggested, it's a skill to convert mana to any element. There's only one time Arc ever seen this technique, even Everyne family doesn't have someone could use it.

[Element Conversion] doesn't just rare, it's also powerful and weird. It's technique that could bring Arc down in one strike. For such powerful skill appear in his opponent's hand, it's a very bad news for him.

Finished his preparation, Savage Child moved, faster than before. His speed exceeded Arc's by twice.

"What the hell!?" (Arc)

Arc noticed it. Savage Child isn't merely getting stronger, his strength also getting weaker. The ice on Savage Child's claw somehow eroding his muscle, and slightly disorder the mana inside him.

"Hell!" (Arc)

Arc can't help, but tossing a curse at how unfair Savage Child is.

With Savage Child's power, it would merely of time before Arc defeated.

That pretty much happen if he against him alone.

Looking at his rushing enemy, Arc inwardly smiling.




Little Human was cornered.

Savage Child felt it just matter of time before she could bring down little human.

Truthfully, this was the hardest fight she ever haves against opponent in her size. That Little Human managed corner her to use her hated power.

When Savage Child against Little Human, her attack always avoided by him. No matter how strong she was, her attack would be useless if it didn't hit. It's her first time against an opponent that dexterous.

Suddenly, Savage Child's instinct screamed.


Tilted, Savage Child confused by sudden alarm. Currently, she was in advantage position. Her opponent cornered by her and about brought down. Even so, she was alarmed.

This condition somehow similar when gotten fall in his trap.


Little Human visibly exhausted from fighting, no longer have chance to use trick her under her watchful eyes.

No longer he could anything alone.


Wait, alone?

The word realizing Savage Child the strangeness she felt. She the recalled the important thing she basically forgotten.

There should couple of them that invaded her nest. Yet, she only fighting against one of them.

Looking the place they slept, Savage Child found the other human vanished.

Savage Child throws her sight, scanning the entire cave.

"You're defenseless!" (Arc)


Savage Child's attention forced to return at Little Human in front of her. She remembers she doesn't have any leisure to look other side until finished with him.

Anxious swelling in her heart. If this another human, Savage Child belief they'd run away. Her instinct told her otherwise.

As Savage Child clashing with Arc, a shudder chill ran through her back.

"[Light Arrows]!" (Misha)

A lovely voice that unfitted with the current situation sounded from behind.

Strong light appeared, indicating an attack was come. Savage Child's mind throw into panic, as she'd defeated if she doesn't do anything.

Ice seam emerged, shielded Savage Child's back. It doesn't enough, however. The shield only protected her from first arrow, then broken by second arrow. When the third arrow come, she no longer had shield, and received a direct blow.


Savage Child let out a beastly groan.

She swayed a little, but managed to stood still.

Even though her body small, Savage Child was sturdy. Just a direct blow won't enough to brought her down.

Still, Savage Child needs a moment to recover from unexpected blow.

Nevertheless, her opponent won't give her chance to recover.

Savage Child's hand grabbed by Little Male Human, then pulled her pass through his shoulder.


For a moment, Savage Child puzzled by his intention. Then, she saw her vision was spun and felt her body floating.


Savage Child caught his intention, but can't do anything.

Afterward, she slammed hard on the ground by Little Man.

The fall impact made her slightly dizzied.


Her opponent mercilessly not giving her a chance. Her last vision was Little Human drove a glowing fist at her head, before her consciousness was shut down.

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