
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

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28 Chs


Harry stayed the whole weekend at Zayn's as well as Niall. Zayn's parents were on vacation so they had the whole house for themselves. It was fun over there and luckily none of them noticed Harry's hand. It was better by now still a little red but it didn't hurt at the slightest movements anymore.

It was morning and Harry's alarm rang. He was seriously thinking about skipping today but he couldn't he still had to be pleasant and do his stuff so any other college would accept him. Actually, he would rather go to work after graduation than going to a college he didn't like. Ugh, why was his life so messed up? He pulled the blanket above his head and groaned tiredly into his pillow.

Someone knocked on his door "Are you driving by yourself or do you want to join me?" Actually, Harry didn't really care, if he drives by himself he could still skip. No. Bad Idea. "We can stop at Starbucks and get some coffee if you want." Harry could literally see Niall smile through the door he knew that Harry loved Starbucks in the morning.

"Give me 10 mins," He said throwing the covers off of himself sitting up. "Alright" Harry got ready quickly, he put on black skinnies once again paired with a wide shirt and his boots, put on some cologne after brushing his teeth and fixing his hair. It had grown pretty long lately it reached his jaw already.

He chose a normal hot coffee with extra milk and Niall like he was a strawberry and cream shake together with a 6 doughnut box. However he managed to eat so much and staying shredded, it had always been a mystery. "You want one?" He reached him the box over. "Sure"

The box was empty as they arrived and Harry threw it into a nearby trash bin. "Where is Zayn?" Usually, he waited for them at the parking lot. "Practice" Niall answered quick typing something in his phone. The hallway was filled with people as usual Harry and Niall's shoulders brushed with every step. Harry had physics now it was one of the few classes they didn't have together with Niall, he had art instead.

And because it was cancelled last time it was his first time there. A few students had already picked their places. Harry choose a double table in the back corner of the room right next to a window. As long as the teacher wasn't there Harry put out his journal and pencil case and checked what he has to do. It wasn't too much just stuff like grocery shopping or getting new gas but Niall could do that as well.

The day hadn't started yet there will be probably a lot of homework added at the end of the day. He closed the yellow book and let his forehead settle down on his arms, facing the table. He was so tired. A few people in class talked loudly about the next soccer game which was in a few weeks. Harry almost fell asleep as he felt something bumping against his shoulder roughly.

It wasn't something, it was someone, and the last person that Harry expected in this course. Of course, he chose to sit next to him even though there were at least five other tables free. It was a pure act of provocation. Harry lifted his head and watched Louis leaning back in his chair lifting his legs onto the table, crossed. "Don't you have a better place to be? At the skatepark smoking or taking drugs or so?"

"Nope," he said leaning over to take a pencil out of Harry pencil case giving him a forced smirk. "Hey!" Harry complained throwing an angry look at Louis. "You wanted me to be here and-" He disguised his voice to sound like Harry "do my stuff like a normal guy."

"First of all I don't want you here you need to be here and secondly y-" He stopped as Louis reached over and grabbed Harry's journal flipping through it. "What is this? Your diary?" He asked stopping at one page eyeing it amused. Who is he thinking he is, having the audacity to look through Harry's private stuff?

"No, it's not, give it back!" Harry tried to snap it out of Louis' hands but the boy's reflexes were faster. He pulled it away before harry could grasp it, a cheeky smile on his face. "oh, too slow" he said childishly. "Not funny," Harry said in an annoyed tone. The teacher came in and greeted the class "Tomlinson, put your feet down." He did as told.

"Sure" His smile was so exaggerated, so provocatively. The teacher seemed to be as surprised as Harry she gave him a wondering look. Harry just replied by shrugging his shoulders. Louis wrote something onto a new white page. Harry used the opportunity and stole it. "Hey! I wasn't finished!"

"It's not yours," He said angrily putting it back in his backpack he was so done with Louis shit. Harry just tried to ignore Louis for the rest of the lesson.

It worked pretty well until Louis noticed that Harry was ignoring him on purpose and chose to annoy him even more.

"Harry" He whispered.

"Don't ignore me"



"Don't call me that my name is Harry" Harry lifted his head from his worksheet, he couldn't stand it any longer. Louis really knows how to annoy someone to death.

Louis sheet was covered with smiley faces. "I know I'd get you with that," he said opinionate. Harry swallowed his pride "What do you want Lewis?" He asked the emphasis on the last word. Turning over to face Louis smiling as provocative as he always does. The boy rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed rustle. "Never mind" He turned back and drew more smileys on his sheet.

Harry didn't complain, Louis was pleasant that was a step right? He was and he even listened to what the teacher said. Harry continued filling the page in front of him, wondering what happened that Louis was doing all this. Uhg his mood swings drove him crazy.


"How did you do this?" Zayn asked walking towards Harry and Niall at the lockers. "How did I do what?"

"Make Louis appear at practice."

"Wait is he still in school?"

"Yes, and he had been at every practice this week."

"Yes he had been at all courses I have with him as well" Niall added wondering.

"Uhm, I don't know I did nothing."

Harry was confused he thought that Louis was maybe just going to the courses he and Harry had together so he wouldn't go to the director and tell him Louis was skipping. But it seemed like he had actually been at every lesson this week. They hadn't talked since physics class and Harry didn't pay any attention to looking for him due the brakes because he was sure that he wasn't there anyway.

But he was, Harry spotted him across the floor with Liam at the lockers. Liam and he have had one class together this week. He was friendly and actually didn't seem like the guy who would be friends with someone like Louis. Liam smiled and waved as he noticed Harry looking at them. Awkward, Harry thought and quickly smiled back.


"Yes, yes I'm listening?" He turned back to look at Niall who was putting all of his books from his bag to his locker.

"If you come to the party on Saturday?"

"What party?"

"Ugh, the one I talked about Stan from the team invited me and told me to bring friends," Zayn explained. The last time they went to a party was ages ago. When they were in tenth grade, it was a house party with everything a good party needed but unfortunately the parents of the guy who threw it came home earlier than expected and they all had to go home.

Harry wasn't in the mood at all to go to a party today but it was their last year together and who knows when they get the opportunity again. Niall closed his locker "Sure why not" Niall sneaked between Zayn and him and put his arms around their necks "This is going to be fun guys." He said excitedly pulling Zayn and him closer to his sides.

Actually, it was quite boring, the house was filled up with people Harry didn't even know. The bass of the loud music made Harry's head ache. And he was alone. Niall and Zayn were sitting with the soccer team on a couch in the living room, while he stood in front of the fridge searching for something nonalcoholic.

"Hey, buddy give me a beer." Some random guy next to the counter said he was obviously drunk. He was swaying so bad Harry wondered how he could still stand on his own. "Which one?" The guy smiled wide, eyes half-lidded "blue" he said pointing at a bottle of vodka. "You need sleep buddy," Harry wasn't sure if he should give him the bottle, He doesn't want to be the reason that the guy dies of alcohol poisoning.

But otherwise, if he wouldn't give it to him he would take it himself. Harry took the bottle and handed it over to the other guy "fanks," he babbled. "Sure" Harry opened himself a beer, he wouldn't make it through the night as the only sober one.

Ew, he hated the taste of alcohol, hopefully, his headache would stop soon. He stumbled upstairs hoping it would be a little quieter up there. What he forgot was that he was in senior year now and not in tenth grade anymore. It was hard to find a room without a making out couple init.

He finally found one it was quite big not completely quiet there was a rustling sound like running water, but better than downstairs. Harry wondered why no couple was there making out the bed in this room was way bigger than in the others. Good for him he was tired, the last five hours at this party were so exhausting. He placed the bottle onto the nightstand and let himself fall onto the bed. His muscles relaxed. He let his head fall to the side.

There were a few frames on the bedside table, they showed a woman with long brown hair, she carried two little blonde girls and three older ones stood next to her, they all were smiling. The next picture was a photo of a little boy and a dog, Harry wondered who lived here in this house. The walls were in a navy blue colour a few pictures once in a while. There was a huge closet and a desk across the bed.

Well actually he didn't care who lived there, they are probably downstairs, Harry closed his eyes for a second and let the silence sit, even the rustle had stopped just the slight bass of a song from Harry believed it was Groupe Love but he wasn't sure. Within a few seconds, Harry drifted into sleep.


Harry woke up from his buzzing phone, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. The bare sunlight burned in his eyes, he was still in the same room as yesterday, but under the sheets and without his shoes. Oh no he fell asleep in a strangers room. Fuck. What now? He pushed the blankets back and let his legs hang down the edge of the bed.

His phone laid on the bedside table where the beer used to be last night. It was 11.08 am. he had 11 missed calls and 38 messages from Niall and zayn they all sounded the same.

Harry where are you?

Were looking for you


We want to leave

Liam told us you were with him

Call me tomorrow!!!

And a voicemail Niall sounded really drunk as well as Zayn telling him that they would go to another party of one of Zayn's Mates from the team.

Harry turned his phone off and took a look into the mirror that was leaned against the wall next to the closest. His hair was greasy and messed up, he felt the sudden need to take a quick shower. Thinking of, the rustle was back and Harry was a hundred percent sure it came from a shower. But as soon as he noticed, it stopped.

Harry was searching for his shoes, he couldn't remember taking them off. They were placed on the desk together with the jacket he brought folded neatly. Harry stretched his arms above his head yawning as he heard a door unlock behind him. He turned around and saw Louis walk out of the room which seemed to be a bathroom. His hair wet and a towel wrapped around his waist.
