
Chapter 3: A Day in a Life of the Warrior 1

We can't reiterate enough how perfect Hiroki is... But even this flawless work of creation has his troubles...

Hiroki's POV

I strive to live a fulfilling and excellent life, that's what I can do to repay my parents who graciously birthed me to the world. I strive to be a good child, a good brother, an excellent student, and much more. Some might think it's exhausting but, it gives meaning to my life.

Today is another day of school, I woke up at 6 am sharp to begin my daily routine. Washed myself, and wore the uniform. I checked myself in the mirror before going down.

"Hiro-nii~ Let's go down together!" - turns out it was my brother, Haruki. I nodded to him.

My father is a Director in a General Hospital while my mother is an Accountant. Although they are both busy, they always make sure that they spend enough time with us. My brother, Haruki, is also a sensible child like me. He is 2 years younger than me, which makes him a middle school student.

In the dining room, mother and father also arrived. The maid prepared the table for us.

"Hiroki-chi, how was your first day at the High School?" -my mother has a pet name for all of us, and mine is Hiroki-chi.

"It was fine, nothing out of the ordinary" - I replied

My mother's question made me remember... A not-so ordinary encounter that I had... I better not go there, it's too early for bad luck!

The chauffeur drove us to school, Haruki went down first as the Middle School is closer to our house.

I went down quickly after we arrived and thanked Mr. Tanaka, our long time chauffeur.

If I remember correctly, I was in class 1-1. As I enter the room, many people greeted me and I greeted back.

"Sit down class, I am Teacher Maya, an English Major, I'm gonna teach you Eng-1 this whole semester. Hope we get along well!" - this was only the precursor, all the teachers in the morning schedule introduced themselves one by one. There was not much lectures covered today as it is still the introduction phase.


The bell signifies the lunch break and many student rushed as fast as they could. I was not in a hurry to go out, so I remained seated in my seat.

After all of them went out, I followed as well.

"My friend!!!" - a shout came from my behind...

I've got a bad feeling about this familiar voice, it can't be him right?