
No Surprises - Part Two


Aaron hands their tickets in.

Ah, the stale smell doesn't get old.

He missed the daily hustle of the past, juggling one part time job after another. On the faces of the other passengers he saw past versions of himself. A teenager blasting music in their ears with a blank look in their eyes. Beside them is a pair of young girls, eagerly chatting away and giggling with a spark of joy in their eyes.

He only has a simple, perhaps a little selfish, request. To live a quiet, comfortable, humble life.

Yet, somehow, he allowed himself to hang out with a blonde that brings trouble. The universe has other plans.

His dear uncle wouldn't stop teasing him about it being a date. He insisted he gel up his hair and wear different attire since its special. Way to rub it in, Uncle. An expensive looking outfit that was uncomfortable and over the top.

He's never going to hear the end of this.

"Hey, come here." Tristan finger combs his hair, getting rid of the slick-back look. He removes the tight buttons, allowing some air into his system. "Better?"

The fleeting, gentle touch he leaves chases his nerves away.


"I can take it all off, just say the word." Tristan smirked. Aaron rolls his eyes, looking away with a smile on his lips. Butterflies swarm in his stomach, telling him to run away.

He can't be serious. Stupid flirt.

"Consider yourself blessed to even be in my presence." Tristan flips his non-existent long hair over his shoulder.

"Oh, wow, look at the time."

"Aaron don't abandon me! I get rather lonesome!"

"You sound so old."

"My partners dig it."


"Fine, we stayed up watching a series together."

Tristan walks around with a puffed up chest, seemingly proud of himself. Stupidly handsome flirt and his flirty grin.

From the interactive murals and lights display, it isn't what he had in mind. His expectations were set for a boring, overly expensive restaurant with red wine and pointless gambling. Typical boring adult fun.

There are families walking around, eager to pet the gentle giants. A little interactive pool filled with starfish and tiny fish he can't name. The animal keeper carries a boa constrictor on their shoulders, laughing and making small talk with a parent. The children gather around to pet the large snake.

Aaron swallows and clings to him. He looks down and pulls Tristan in, fixing his collar. The faint smell of a smoky, fruity scent makes blood rush to his face.

Sandalwood? Ginger? No, wait, that can't be right.

"Aaron look! Pengwings!"

Tristan explores the aquarium like a child, staring at everything with stars in his eyes. Engrossed with the little trinkets for sale and overpriced souvenirs.

Must be nice having money to burn.

"Penguin, Tris." He said.

"Yeah, that's what I said. Penglings." He replied.

A child tugs on his sleeve and points at the glass. Without another word, he gently places the child on his shoulders. Both of them pressed their faces against the glass, watching the stingray and school of fish pass them.

Watching him play with the child, gleeful and carefree gave him secondhand embarrassment.


"Hush, I'm admiring mother nature."

If anyone asked, they don't know one another.

The cold air and smell of carpet cleaner makes him sneeze. Nothing a few pills of Benadryl can't fix. Aaron wipes his nose and rubs his arms, shaking his head. The staff walking around have plastic smiles on their faces and the empty, overly sweet voice when talking.

"Bennett! Get down from there!"

The child on Tristans shoulders cries, gripping his hair as he wails. The parent apologizes profusely, pulling little Bennett away.

"Hey, buddy. No need to cry, okay? Here, you can have this." Tristan smiles, placing a little penguin keychain in his tiny hands.

"M'kay. Thank you, mister."

"Aaron!" Tristan sings, overdramatically on purpose. He locks their arms together as they walk past the display. His heart is at ease but a mere glimpse of those eyes of his and he'll melt onto the floor.

Someone please shoot him at the back of the head. Everyone is staring, he can't wait to bury his head in the ground.

The lights switch and the entire area is covered in a beautiful, calm blue. The water ripples reflect around as if Aaron is watching the world through a filter. Fingers graze his neck and he slaps it away.


He looks up and freeze. His soul nearly leaves his body.

That wasn't a finger.

An elongated, limbless animal with big soulless eyes stares at him. A lovely albino boa constrictor with orange-yellow markings on a white body with slits in the eyes. If it weren't for those dangerous eyes, he'd easily mistake it for a ball python.

"Put that down!" He hissed.

"But he's so friendly and cute. Look! He likes nice pets on the head." Tristan let the boa wrap around his arm, moving around as it pleased. Even gave it a few head scratches, like it wouldn't bite him. All that with a happy, content smile on his face. "Come on, I want to see the sharks!"

"Carrying that?" He points at the animal.

"Oh, right. Hold him for me." He drops the snake on his shoulders. Aaron dies inside as his date walks away, hands in his pockets without a care in the world. He is scared out of his wit but dropping the boa isn't an option.

All living beings require respect and must be treated well, no matter if he likes them or not.

It slithers off him and onto the staff from earlier. A quick, brief chat and they go their separate ways.

He splashes water onto his face, still shaky from the snake.

This date was a terrible, terrible idea.

It sounded like a great plan once he found out Isabelle was friends with the guy, but no. The universe slapped him across the face.

"Oh? We meet again."

A man in a suit greets him. The aura of sophistication and class, setting him apart from anyone he's met before.

Wasn't he the rich guy on the sub earlier?

"Oh hi! Nice to see you so soon, Henri." Aaron laughs. The calling card he gave was still in his pocket.

The very one he didn't bother to read at all.

All they did on the ride was talk about themselves and family, nothing else. They shake hands and he's pulled in for a hug. Great, another touchy friend.

"It's thanks to you I was able to make it to my meeting on time. Are you free?"

Oh dear.

That's a walking red flag if he saw one. The too good to be true aura and moisture in the eyes, big no. Besides, isn't Henri a bit too old for him? A relationship wouldn't work. They'd get mistaken for father and son.

"No, I'm on a date right now. Perhaps another time? Goodbye." Aaron excused himself and walked past him. A hand on his shoulder plants panic in his system. He swallows and wipes his palms.

Now what?

"I'm not taking no for an answer."

The tone of his voice sends a shiver down his spine. Who'd have thought such a well-spoken fellow with nice clothes is actually a creep.

"Let go, please."

Silence. People pass by, the grip gets stronger and Aaron kneels, biting his lip.

Damn it.

"Did you not hear him? He said to let go."

Tristan slaps the hand away and pulls Aaron towards him. Their bodies touch and his blonde hair tickles the tip of his nose.

Is this a tropical fruit smell? Wait, no. Strawberries? No, no that isn't it either...

"Aaron. Time for us to leave."

"Not even a quick hello? I didn't raise you to be so rude." Henri chuckles. He folds his arms, a smug smile on his face. Aaron stares at him and at Tristan.

"Oh my god!"

The same pair of eyes and sense of style. Elegant and sophistication, but his date had a laid-back look instead of a stiff one. The sweet smile he had fades, turning into a blank neutral expression.

He places his hand on his chest, a silent urge for him to stop. Aaron doubts that he'd understand with how angry he is. Please don't do anything stupid.

"Stay away from my boyfriend."

"You're not, not my--"

Tristan grabs drags him out by the hand, not listening to a word of protest. He doesn't let go, even as they cross the street. The warmth of his hand isn't a bad thing. Aside the curious stares of nosy citizens, he doesn't mind.

Him? His boyfriend? Please, like that'd ever happen. Another stupid joke of his.

As they reach the park, he stops in his tracks. The water fountain in the middle reflects light into his eyes, making him squint. The sound of flowing water and birds in the trees fill his ears.

"We should stop." Aaron said.

"Is that so?" Tristan said, taking a step towards him. He swallows, refusing to back up.

"Completely sure." Their fingers are intertwined, neither willing to let go first. The clouds cleared up, the sunlight bathed them in a gentle glow.

"You can hold more than just this, if you'd like." Tristan kissed his wrist.

Yeah, right. Not happening, not ever.

"Shut up."

"You'll have to make me."

The butterflies in his system explode as the blood rushes to his head.
