
A Kiss so Undeniable


The fickle, unpredictable weather these past few days set little storm clouds above her head. One moment it'd rain only for the sun to shine again. It'd become difficult to choose what kind of outfit to wear. The puddles better not ruin her leather shoes. She just got them! And rainboots are out of the question.

She looks out the window, half-expecting another thunderstorm any minute now.

Chloe clicks her pen repeatedly, lost in thought. She stares at her uncle, sifting through papers with a serious look on his face. The one and only, Derek Adamson. A cold, hollow look in his eyes is rare to see. Did he take the night shift again? It seems too early this month for a rotation.

On any other day, she'd happily skip into his office with no warning. Chloe loves to drop by and bring him food or even just to talk. He often scolds her, but now he merely smiles and lets her do as she pleases. The whole team is familiar with his niece, being the social butterfly that she is.

He kept her company as a child and eventually became like a father to her. With her mother constantly at work or with some boyfriend, Chloe had little to no options for fun in her younger years. Sadly, he has no children of his own. Heavens above knew what would happen if she had cousins, her dear uncle may lose it. They look nothing alike, with his sandy hair and brown eyes.

In his own words, Derek said she gave him a big enough headache all on her own.

"Uncle, can I--"


She crosses her arms. Over the years, he lost his slim figure. She hadn't even said anything yet. Chloe enjoys it, making it comfortable to hug him. She thought of him as a silent, fluffy teddy bear who'd always protect her. No matter what.

Her visit today isn't because she's bored. There is a case she's particularly interested in.

Perhaps she's making a mistake. Having solid proof is one story, but refusing to look at what's right in front of her is another. Camera footage and personal observation just don't cut it.

She pays him a visit today not for a simple brunch, but because of what she found the other day. After putting two and two together, it paints a picture in stale blood with his signature on the edge.

She has to confirm.

"Uncle, please." She pleads. She has to push him, Derek would give in eventually. He usually did, anyway. He can't say no to her face. Not even her sweet boyfriend can refuse her at times.

The image of Ryan's warm smile eases her nerves, if only a little. She couldn't wait to come home and melt into his arms, pouring her feelings out. He's the only one she can be vulnerable with. Sure, an attractive man is an attractive man. But she only has eyes for him.

She looks down. The carpet clearly hasn't been vacuumed in ages. He lives like this? Not even the windows have been wiped. The walls are a yellow-brown color, an indicator of indoor smoking throughout the years. The smell of air fresheners doesn't do much. Why pick lavender of all scents? Cinnamon would look better to match the brown furniture.

Chloe taps her foot impatiently, waiting a response from him. Focus. Being distracted brings no result. Would he say the truth this time?

After some digging on his computer, she doesn't know what to do with the information. Accepting bribes, falsifying documents and letting murderers get off the hook because of a fat paycheck.


"I said no."

He doesn't look up from his desk.

Chloe's throat clams shut. Her desperation for an answer claws at the surface, eager to wreak havoc. It suffocates her, making her clench her fists. A tight, hot fury burns throughout her, rising to her chest. Blood doesn't necessarily mean by relation, but rather who you would bleed for. Now, she chose to bleed for a friend no longer with her.

She doesn't want to see him in a bad light. He has been the chief of police, for crying out loud. The trophies and awards on display can't just be for decoration. It's hard to imagine Derek breaking rules he himself had sworn to follow.

She pulls out a flash drive from her pocket. The forensics team wouldn't hand over the files, so she took matters into her own hands. Chloe bit her cheek, ignoring the cold sensation in her stomach.

"Why did you kill them, Uncle?"

What is a bloody nose compared to a real autopsy, anyway? Chloe crosses her arms. That snobby guy in the lab deserves a knock down. She asked nicely and even gave a warning. She technically wasn't be rude because she explained well.

That if he didn't hand it over, she'd punch him. So, she did as she said she would. Not her fault he didn't believe her.

A layer of dust all throughout the frames and wall of awards, except one shelf. Chock full of files and god-knows-what in sealed plastic bags, all carefully labelled.

What is it with old people and technology? Surely it would save a lot of time and effort to have it all on his desktop. Unless... Chloe's thoughts trail off. He'd forget his password in a day. It'd be useless.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He pauses.

Guilty as charged.

"What's it going to be, Uncle?" Chloe twirls the flash drive in her hands. He should be ashamed of himself, honestly. He shakes his head in response.

"Chloe, please."

Her expression doesn't falter. She pulls out her phone, makes a quick phone call that she quits her job and she slams the phone onto the desk. She needs a new phone screen anyway.

"Three months, and evidence still points to more evidence." He explained. Derek rests his chin on his fingers, still not breaking eye contact with his niece.

"So you admit it."

She slammed her phone face down on purpose. Chloe is recording their conversation.

Her shoulders droop as her heart sinks. A thick, numbing fog goes against her bubbling fury. The mix of emotions puts her in a trance, unsure on what to feel. Would tears help?

The anger building in her chest threatens to lash out. Had her anger sprouted from pain or sadness, she couldn't understand it.

He hangs his head.

Then he's alive? Her lips stretch into a smile, ready to hug him. He slaps her hand away.

"Get out of my office!" He yells.

"Okay." She said. A tear runs down her cheek. He went back to doing paperwork, as if she isn't there.

She closes the door on her way out. She sprints out of the station, not having any destination in mind. Her clothes stick to her skin, sticky from the sweat. She reaches the park and lies down in the grass, breaking out into laughter as she wails.

The sudden downpour drowns out any other sound, the harsh wind and rustling of leaves keep her awake.

Chloe lets the rain soak her, in no mood to even lift a finger. She stares at the empty street, unfazed by the thunder.

If only time could stop.

She massages her neck. For sure she'd need more relief patches this time. The days of simple photocopies and serving coffee are a fond memory. Things were fun back then, goofing off with the co-workers.

No constant threat of her family being a murderer or her friends being wrapped up in suspicious things. She wouldn't be surprised if her own boyfriend is keeping secrets from her. What's next, her lover boy doing shady business?

"Hey, kid. C'mere."

If it's another stack of paperwork, she'll faint.

Her superior was kind but rather demanding at times. The heavy workload and same old stories repeated, day after day. Mrs. Peterson would ramble on about how she was in her day, so on so forth. Chloe understood, considering her age and experience in this field. She finds her random mood swings hilarious. One moment she'd be all mellow and sweet, but in five minutes it'd be a different story.

When she and her husband would get into an argument, it is adorable. They'd bicker but still look after one another, preparing coffee and making packed lunches.

Will she find a love like that, someday? Chloe gushes, sighing dreamily.

She smiles, popping her lunch in the microwave. The taste of delicious beef lasagna hits the spot, eradicating most of her worries. She pulls out her phone, listening to an audio file as she takes down notes.

The feigned phone call in Derek's office. If she ends up dead, the evidence won't die with her.

The door opens and Chloe jumps, dropping her pen. She tosses the notebook into her desk and locks her screen immediately.

"Let's have lunch together!" She invites, patting the vacant leather seat beside her. Hopefully she wouldn't ask.

Her superior waves her hand. Lisa Peterson, one of the few senior staff left. Despite the deep lines on her face and aging skin, she's as lively and commanding as ever. Chloe tosses her now empty Tupperware in her bag, patting her lips with a napkin.

"It's been approved." She pats her shoulder.

Chloe gasps. Without thinking, she hugs Mrs. Peterson and does a twirl.

"Thank you so much!" She said. She dances back to her seat, humming a tune as she finishes up her work for today. She dances her way out of the room, waving goodbye to everyone, earning a smile from her co-workers.

On her way home, she tells the taxi driver about it as well. Even the stray dog she feeds from time to time. Rather than leaving some food, she sits down on the concrete and pets the animal, talking as the dog rolls over and listens. Fluffy, soft fur for a stray. With such beautiful brown fur, it's strange the dog has no collar.

Upon her arrival to the apartment she hurriedly texts her friends about the good news. It has been a while since she contacted her mother.

Is two weeks too long?

She kind of misses the constant nagging. Chloe sends the text anyway. Whether her mother would respond or not didn't matter, as long as she did her part. Just as the elevator doors close, she pauses.

A woman steps out. She seems calm, for someone with a birds nest for hair. Chloe flips her hair and walks past her. This woman has a glow to her, one that says she just got out of a passionate time in bed. Of course, Chloe is familiar with that look. Her bright pink lipstick and pale blue eyes catches her attention. She seems familiar. Had they met before?


The women kept walking. She shrugs. Bad memory, as usual. She enters the code. A man in a plush bathrobe and slippers is reclining on the sofa, a thick layer of shaving cream on his face.

He drops his shaver and scratches his neck with a smile.

"I missed you!"

She pulls him in close, planting a kiss on his cheek. The fluffy cream doesn't bother her at all. He laughs and hurriedly wipes his mouth.

"Hello to you too, love." Ryan pinches her cheek.

Chloe bats her eyelashes and traces his neck. As corny as ever. The smile on her lips fades, finding smeared lipstick on his skin.

That shade matches the woman from earlier.

The joy in her chest ebbs way, turning into a cold ache.

"Have you eaten yet?" Ryan asked. No matter how stressed she is, the sight of his face made it alright.

"I had a granola bar on the way." She lied. She helps herself to a glass of water.

"That isn't a meal." He tilts his head and crosses his arms. She set the glass in the sink.

"It's fine."

"No. We're eating out, come on." Ryan replied. He takes off his bathrobe, exposing his half-naked body.

She nearly hit herself. Don't look down. She just got here and can't wait to get undressed. Chloe clears her throat.

Not today!

All she wants to do is just eat her body weight in cheese.

"But I just got here! And it's three in the afternoon." Chloe blinks. It's not exactly the best time to step out, especially with how hot it is. Her makeup would melt within seconds! She couldn't let that happen.

"Don't worry 'bout it." Ryan smirked. Chloe huffed.

After a quick shower, the couple went out. They settle on a restaurant not too far from the apartment. She remembers this place as the first time she saw him.

Ryan had worked multiple part time jobs before.

She dropped by often just to see him and somehow score his number. When he had quit all of a sudden, she nearly lost hope. She never thought of running into him outside, and in the public library of all places.

She watches him, silently admiring the way his skin glistens against artificial light. Is this really not a dream? Sometimes, she expected to wake up and find out Ryan wasn't real.

Chloe bites into a piece of fried chicken. The taste and greasiness is something she can't get enough of.

Isabelle would lecture and complain, one bite being enough to clog her arteries.

Ryan nibbles on a slice of pizza. She enjoys the food to her hearts content, nearly forgetting the news.

"I got promoted!"

Ryan blinks. Maybe it was too sudden? He swallows the last bit of cheese and pats his lips.

He kisses on her cheek. She nudges him and looks away.

In public? My, my.

"You're adorable."

Chloe gushes and gives him a quick peck on the lips. If she could, she'd keep him in a box and pamper him rotten.

"Tastes like chicken." Ryan licks his lips.

"You don't like it?" Chloe rest her head on his shoulder, looking into his eyes. Just being with him, together like this is enough. She couldn't ask for more.

"I love it." He winks. He rubs his face onto her neck, tickling her. Chloe laughs, making no effort to stop him. They talk a bit more, giving life updates on other things.

They split the bill and walk out. They make a quick stop to the supermarket, taking silly pictures. Afterwards, they made their back way to the apartment. Chloe helps Ryan with the groceries, sorting them out by kind.

Some instant mix, breading packs and canned tuna. Oh! Mayonnaise.

She lines up the bottled goods. After being together for so long, being around him still gives her butterflies. Has it really been three years already? She thought of how it had worked.

Ryan embraces her from behind, wrapping his hands around her waist. He rests his chin on her shoulder.

"Lie down with me."

Chloe bit her lip. He rest his head on her thighs, slowly drifting to sleep. She traces the bruise on his neck. The teeth marks and scratches made it obvious.

It must have been that woman from earlier.

"Was it just one night?" She asked. Tears were threatening to fall and she couldn't bear to cry in front of him. Anyone but him.

He sits up. He wipes a tear from her cheek. He held her chin gently.


She squints her eyes shut.

"Chloe, look at me. Please."


"I'll be okay." He said. If she spoke a word, she'd burst into tears. It's cruel, what they do to him. she wants nothing more than to step in and take him away.

She couldn't protect him from them. It crushes her heart.

"I can't deny him."

Chloe nods. She tries to understand. At a young age, Ryan was found by a wealthy couple. That was all she knew. While Ryan didn't say much, she saw the fear in his eyes at the sight of an older man.

She pulls him in for a hug. Ryan wraps his arms around her. This is all she can do.

That couple made him do despicable, dirty things on his behalf.

"I'll get you out of there." Chloe promises. There is no doubt in her mind in where she stood in his life. Ryan shifts.


"Let me take care of you."

Chloe presses her forehead to his. The taste of his mouth and salty tears put a strange feeling in her chest. She knew their time together wouldn't be eternal, so she cherished each moment with him.

The fear of this being their last kiss drives her mad.


"I can't believe this." She snaps. Rachel Adamson, is clearly in no mood for any trash today. Chloe rolls her eyes.

Ever since childhood, she's never been enough for her mother. No matter what she did, nothing is ever enough.

"Mom, let me explain." She said. Would sweet words even reach her now? The chances were low, but she'd try anyway.

"My own daughter, obsessed over an over-glorified sex toy!" Rachel shrieks. Chloe could only guess how she had such a strong voice for a small frame.

Ryan is not some toy, he's the man she loves. It's taking all her willpower to not grab the closest object and whack her own mother with it. She promised to be better, not the same.

Rachel has thin, silky hair that matches Chloe's. The resemblance between them is as obvious, but their temperament, however, has a gap.

Once she'd retort back, their conversation would turn into an argument. She didn't feel like trying to win a game of may the loudest win.

"You're disgusting."

She heard a snap and rips a picture frame off the wall and tosses it. The cheap plastic frame breaks into pieces, scattered on the carpet.

"Chloe." Rachel warns. As a toddler, that look was enough to keep her in place. She could take the constant criticism, but not about him.

What did her mother know about Ryan to begin with?

She'd judge anyone right off the bat for the heck of it. Chloe hadn't figured out how to crack her mothers narrowmindedness of hers just yet.

"Stop talking." Chloe said. If she'd dare push her more, she'd have to yell.

"I know he's not good for you. He'll knock you up and leave you in the dust." Rachel rolled her eyes. Her words add fuel to Chloe's already growing anger.

Honor your parents, but do not invoke your child's wrath.

"Ryan's not my father, or any of your boyfriends."

Her mother's face turns pink. She grabs a vase and tosses it at her daughter, who ducks in time. Broken pieces of ceramic now litter the floor.

"What the hell!?" Chloe exclaims. That couldn't have been meant for her! A vase that large would've injured her.

"Get out!" Rachel screeches. Her mother tosses the old luggage bag out of the closet.

Her eyes were red. Chloe swallows and silently nods. She takes the bag and went to to her room, slowly placing her things inside.

Her mother sits on the couch, facing her daughter. She opens her mouth to speak but Rachel waves it off. Goodbye, then.

She forces a smile and leaves.

She barely has enough for a night at a hotel.

Her next paycheck doesn't come in until next week. Great.

What she'd do next could wait until after she got some sleep. Chloe sets her timer and put on a facemask. Perhaps it would make her feel better, even if only a little.

Her phone rings. It hadn't taken long, her mother was probably worried sick now. Serves her right, with what she said earlier. With her eyes closed, she takes the call.

"Hi Chloe! Want to be my roommate?"

Isabelle chirps. She got up abruptly.

"What?" She couldn't believe it. Why didn't her mother called yet?

"I got my own place and the furniture will take a while. I'm making dinner so I'll text you the address!" Isabelle explains. She stares at her phone screen.

Well, whatever. All's well ends well.

Isabelle isn't the type to suddenly move out. Even during trips together, she cried about how much she missed her family.

Forget it. Too much thinking would stress her out.
