

Plan. Analyse. Design. Code. Test. Debug. Release and Repeat. A Developer's life revolves around this simple lifecycle. Caught in an unknown accident, Noah, a young alpha tester is reincarnated into the game world he was testing. Moreover, in a world that is soon to meet its end. Blessed by the goddess of infinite possibilities, Noah is granted an ability to live the world with his previous developer's privileges. Open Console. Execute Script: script-0.sh ===== Reader Disclaimer: The first few chapters were written in haste to get my idea on paper. Please add comments if anything turns out too confusing (Some are intended lol, will be explained as the story progresses). Hopefully my language will also get better with time as well. Hope you enjoy the story. ===== Credit to KnightOwl for novel cover background. ===== Discord: TBA Patreon: TBA

k_a_m_u_i · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 16

Unlike Edgar who had a rough appearance, his wife, Elma was quite the opposite. With brunette hair and light freckles she looked beautiful. The seemingly unmatched pair looked so much in sync whenever they were together.

From Elma and Edgar's welcome, Noah felt this wasn't an uncommon occurrence here. Noah took up Edgar's offer and stayed with them.

After his escape from the temple, Noah was determined to go to the center to find more details of the Wyte family and seek an opportunity to meet with them. Traveling to the duchy although was an option, it was far too long a journey to go by foot. Hitching a ride from the center to the duchy would be faster.

Accepting their goodwill, Noah decided to temporarily stay with the young couple. Speaking with Elma was always pleasing for Noah as she adored him unlike Edgar.

While Elma worked as a herbalist in the village, Edgar worked as one of the mercenaries in the guild.

After the first few days passed, Noah felt comfortable staying with them. As morning came, Edgar would take Noah to the woods to catch one-horned rabbits and other beasts.

With Edgar guiding him, Noah was able to learn how to set up tripwire traps and how to identify and evade beasts that were stronger.

By evening they would be back at the guild to sell their spoils and leave back home.

This allowed him plenty of time to complete his new daily quest. Soon after he left the temple, he noticed that the previous two daily quests were replaced with a new quest:

|—— Daily Quest: Workout

Exercise and grow strong.

Quest Clear Condition: 1 km run. 15 push ups

Time Limit: 1 day

Quest Clear Rewards: 1 Stat Point

Quest Failure Result: State: Fatigue buildup. -1 Random Stat.

Working out with Edgar was rewarding to him as well.

[Name: Noah

Level: 39 (2,000/2,800,000)

Class: None

Title: None

Grade: F

State: Normal


Fire: 10% Water: 5%

Wind: 7% Ice: 7%

Psychic: 3% Divinity: 1%

Health: 15,000/15,000 Mana: 10,500/10,500

Strength:52 Stamina: 56

Agility:46 Intelligence: 81

Dexterity:40 Charm: 51

Luck: 32

Stat Points: 14


|— Goddess Aditi's Blessing

| |— {6}

|— Ice Temple Self Defense Sword Style (F Rank)

| |— {5}

|— Skadi Ice Spirit

| |— {0}

|— Basic Ice Elemental Series

| |— {15}

|— Intermediate Ice Elemental Series

| |— {15}

|— Ice Temple Self Defense Spear Style (F Rank)

| |— {5}

|— Ice Temple Self Defense Bow Style (F Rank)

| |— {5}


|— Main Quests

|— |—Investigate Poisoning

|— Daily Quests

|— |—Workout


With Noah now unmasked, he quickly won the attention of the kids in the village as well, winning the hearts of many girls and boys alike with his charm and skills.

Noah quickly became a role model for the kids in the village. Early in the morning they could see him outside working out and then coming only in the evening after the hunt. The hard working kid easily won the hearts of most of the parents as well.

With the thirty-year-old couple expecting their first kid, Edgar and Elma were relieved to have Noah with them to give his ideas while setting up the crib.

As the two week mark approached, a child missing request started circulating in the village to look out for a dark blue hair child with blue eyes from the ice temple in Ayr.

The moment Noah heard the news of it in the guild, he knew he had to leave.


"Any news yet?," Melissa asked in a sombre voice.

"We weren't able to find any traces of the stolen goods or the thieves."

"Not about that, I am talking about Noah, you idiot!

"uhh..,, I am afraid not. There is no sighting of the child in this village either. I heard that someone saw a child matching the description at Aruk village, but that seems unlikely. It's too far. The kid would have probably become wolf grub before he reached there. Maybe the thieves were slave-"

Before the knight continued even further, Dritan shut him up with his hands.

"Melissa, he perhaps must have gotten a ride from a carriage and left. He left a note right? He must've gotten out before the thieves… We can't keep asking the knights to continue without stopping any longer, we already checked most of the villages near Ayr. Do you really want to go all the way to Aruk?"

Instead of answering, Melissa glared at Dritan and the knight.

"We'll- We'll set off at once."