
Ethan In Love

Book 2 of the ‘Edward in Love’ In Love Saga It had been over five years since Ethan Jackson and Demyan Chernyshevsky-Coleman had broken up. Five years of avoiding family gatherings, awkward greetings and longing glances from across the room. For both they had tried to move on. To forget their first true loves and try to make a name from themselves from their family’s glory. For Demyan who constantly had to live up to both his fathers’; Edward and Vasili, success he found it difficult to shake off his past when eyes were constantly on him. To forget the man he had once fallen so deeply in love with that it had consumed him for almost a decade but found it near to impossible. For Ethan who constantly worked hard to prove he belonged into a family whose name was a household brand, he often found himself drowning into the voices of those who believed he belonged nowhere near the successful family. His decisions had ruined his chances with the only boy he had ever loved and even though it was almost a decade later he found it difficult to forget. Now as the ex-couple face each other again, will their love prevail or will new love conquests stop them in their path? *** Please beautiful readers read Book 1 and it’s side story, Edward in Love, to better understand Book 2 of the ‘In Love Saga’. Hope you Enjoy!

Matli_Unicorn · LGBT+
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546 Chs

Annoying. Loud. Stupid.


"Demy," Dad was the first person I saw as soon as I managed to peel myself out of the Lamborghini and stretch my muscles for a bit. He picked me up and hugged me tightly, that I almost thought he would crack my ribs if he went any further. 

"You saw me two weeks ago," I laughed loudly as I hugged him tightly. 

"I know but it doesn't mean I haven't missed you," he planted kisses all over my face as I laughed loudly. 

He was quickly snatched away from me as Pa was the next to swoop me into his arms as he shook me about like I was a rag doll, "My twin!"

"I thought that was me," EJ pouted with his arms folded over his chest. 

"You're too old to be jealous EJ," Pa glared at him with his icy blue eyes before he focused on me, "You're so skinny look at you. Edward look at him. He is just a sack of meat and bones."

"Looks perfectly healthy to me," Dad shrugged, causing his brown curls with slight highlights of blonde to bounce on his shoulders. The scowl Pa sent his way quickly made him sober up as he nodded in agreement, "Just a sack of meat and bones."

I let out a laugh as I hugged both my parents, "I've been working a lot I guess a healthy diet flew out the window."

"Good thing I have prepared a feast," Pa clapped as he pushed me towards the garage's elevator. 

"Where's Oksana and Vasilisa?" I looked around for my baby sister and twin sister. 

"Oksana is still at school and Vasilisa is still at work," Dad quickly explained. 

I visited home as often as I could with my busy schedule. Most times my family flew out to Russia to see me or France when they wanted an excuse for a holiday. That did not mean when we popped up between the foyer and living room that a huge smile did not spread across my face. 

My childhood home to me had always been a Palace and even though I was an adult now, I still used every excuse in the book to spend a night at home. Of course it was a bit difficult with Malia because I wanted her to feel like she had her own privacy when we visited and we often occupied one of the guest houses. 

Yet now it was just me and I was excited to relive some of my childhood memories in the house again. It had been renovated two years ago just to have a cleaner and modern look but it still had that warm Scandinavian feel. 

Pa was true to his word because when I entered the kitchen a whole buffet had been laid out on both waterfall cream marble large islands. There was a whole selection of different desserts, salads, finger foods, traditional Russian and my favourite Trinidadian cuisines. Pa had even pulled out all the stops by preparing cocktails which he was already sipping on before anyone else. 

"You made all of this for me Pa," I gaped as I looked at the large array of food. 

"I did a few, your daddy is very rich for a reason and I told the chefs my vision for them to execute," he brightly grinned then gave Dad a kiss which he happily accepted with a grin. 

You would think after almost four decades of being married the public display of affection would calm down but trust me it still burned brighter than anything I had ever seen. 

"Well thank you very much Pa," I chuckled as I gave him a hug followed by Dad who obviously paid for everything. 

Before we could dish out, there was a loud squeal followed by the loud clunk of heavy platform leather shoes I know Oksana always wore to school. Her straight dark brown hair was tied up into two pigtails whilst she wore her black and gold pleated skirt that formed a part of her uniform with her tucked in short sleeved button up shirt. 

"Demy!" she threw herself in my arms as I caught her easily and spun her around. 

Oksana, now fourteen years old, was still the shortest in the family but probably had the biggest personality. She no longer was the shy seven year old we first took to school but now was actually the most commanding personality in the room just like Dad. 

Her skin had tanned a lot more to resemble Dad's caramel complexion and had his hazel eyes with blue hints. Her smile was absolutely contagious and even though she had the same amount of sass as Aunt Amanda she secretly was my favourite. 

"I miss you so much," she squeezed me tightly. Due to her still being in school, she did not have the most opportunity to fly out to Russia to visit me whenever I was off. 

"Well I'm going to be home for a long time now," I kissed her cheek as she beamed. 

Vasilisa entered next looking more than exhausted, she wore a black lady suit with heels and a white blouse. Her curly platinum hair like mine was down and her pale skin accented with freckles just like me looked terribly deary. 

"You look like you've been through hell," I scoffed as I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. 

"I have. Pa and Dad left me to clean up the celebration party for our new CEO alone," she glared at our parents who were too busy rubbing their noses against each other whilst Pa giggled like a school girl. 

"Love," EJ gagged before he was hit with a scone by Dad. "I'm literally the most abused person in this family."

"And the most annoying," Oksana piped in. 

"And loudest," I shrugged. 

"Stupid as well," Vasili snorted before we all burst out in laughter. 

Eventually after a long debate we finally settled and went to the dining room to enjoy our early dinner.