
Eternity of Dragon God

A man who was hit by a truck because of his own drunkenness reincarnated as a God in the Universe. Without any knowledge and only speculation and a cheat like authority. Will he become a great elder brother to his siblings? Will he discover the ultimate truth the Cosmos has to offer? Creating a world, creating the strongest species and seeing the world change from civilizations and kingdoms. Meeting other gods and venturing the Cosmos. The Cosmos may change but he will never. He was the Watcher and also the Seeker. The one who will End things but also the one who Created it. It is the story of the Dragon God.

18Limitless · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Chapter 18- Sea Races

Sea Races, they are the race that were created by God of Water and Wisdom, Dinestes. She was renowned as the Sea Goddess. It is said that she had used her authority to flood the Earth from the Beginning of Time. She has the wisdom and foresight to win the Fate and Reincarnation. Her creations are the wisest and used the Barter System to become the wealthiest in terms of resources.

Her creations are the fish that swims, the water serpents, the humanoid beings with either a serpentine tail or a tail of a fish. They also have humanoid beings with a fin as their ears and a gill from their neck.

It was governed by the Emperor of The Sea, the World Serpent, Jormungandr O' Laijamon. As usual, Jormungandr is the name given by Ragnarok and Laijamon is the name given by Dinestes.

The names which are given by Ragnarok is a divine name which is classified as them having been named by him. In the case of Amadeo O' Austin, because it was customary for the Dragon Race to name their bloodline, he had the chance to become a part of it.

Any two or more gods that had given a name with the same being can have two names but they can't have the O' which is solely for the naming of the Dragon Race. He was the Guardian God, the Eldest and an Ender God. Being named by him is the greatest honor.

Laijamon is watching a young man practicing with a trident. He has dark blue scales all over his body, he has a fin as an ear and a gill on his neck. He was a humanoid being with also dark blue hair with a golden slit on his eyes. With every swing of his trident, the water followed and with his every strike, the sea had parted.

The trident became a weapon of mass destruction on his hand while also becoming the symbol of hope for every Sea Races worshiping the Sea Goddess. After doing that for a while, he then stopped to breathe. They are in a continent where every Races converge, it was one of the bases of Sea Races and also the spot where the World Serpent likes to stay.

"Poseidon, you have become good." The World Serpent said, he has the face of a cobra and brown scales. He was in his smallest form but still it was enough to fill a city, in his enlarge form, he can encircle the Dragon Continent meeting his tail.

"I am not worthy of your praise, oh World Serpent." The young man said, his eyes of clarity and wisdom. He was a monster equal to Austin, he was named Poseidon by Laijamon.

"Why not call me Father, you have my blood. Even if you didn't come from me, I am still the one who gave you life." Laijamon said, doting his son like a spoiled kid but Poseidon never carried away but still worked hard for his foster father and a wish he wanted to get.

"But World Serpent, you are one of the Eight Beings, how can I just say that casually?" Poseidon replied with seriousness.

"Eh, who cares? The Sea Goddess will never care if you call me father. The Dragon God never cared, even if a hundred children were to call me a father, no one would care." Laijamon replied with even more seriousness.

"I will call you father if you let me meet Adarmin." He said looking more serious. If he ever met her, then it was a win for the both of them but Laijamon only shrugged his tail and replied; "Then forget it. I don't want anything related to that woman and you wanted her daughter? Not a million chances."

"But World Serpent, why do you even hate the Eternal Serpent that much?" Poseidon said with an aggreive face, it's been years since he asked his father for Adarmin but the replies are always vehement and anger.

"Because we are mortal enemies. Looking at each other, our blood boils. I wanted to devour her and she wanted me dead. We are true enemies of life and death." He said as his eyes burned with so much hate that it became a passion of some sort. He sighed as he looked over at him.

"I'll ask a question, why do you like her that much?" Laijamon added a question with question as he looked over to Poseidon who looked like a kid wanting to have his desire granted.

"Well, because she is beautiful and unlike the Demonic Beasts and Abominations, she is like a Celestial created by Heavenly God." He said with so much passion that he became an idiot for a while. There are two types of Beasts, they are Divine Beast that was created by Grantel, the God of Wind and Entertainment and Demonic Beasts that were created by Adenth, the God of Death and Chaos.

While Heavenly God is Pontifash who have created races such as Celestials, Fallen and Harmonics.

"Well, damn. Wake up Poseidon. That emotion can become your downfall. I don't want the next Emperor of the Sea to become an idiot." Laijamon said, looking at Poseidon, warning him of an unknown emotion that was budding within him.

"What do we have here?" A simple yet melodious voice had been heard by the two. She is a woman with her sacred parts covered in scales. She has a serpentine tail and she holds a trident. Her hair is of different colors but looking at it makes it look at the vast ocean underneath.

The expression of Poseidon and Laijamon becomes of shock and incredulity but it also becomes of joy and delight coming from their soul.

"We greet our creator, the God of Water and Wisdom, the Sea Goddess and the Mother of the Sea." They shouted as they bowed their heads in unison. She is their creator, one of the Nine Creators and was said to be the second wisest without using her authorities.

"Rise up, rise up. You don't need to do this. You are embarrassing me." She said as she smiled and nodded to their greetings.

"Sea Mother, why do you show your holy presence in this simple abode? If you had messaged me with your grace, I will construct a palace worthy of your name." Laijamon said, sweating profusely but delighted in his every voice. Even if he has the chance of talking to his Goddess, this is the only second time that he had ever met Dinestes. Excitement because she was here in person and frustration because he only has a cave where he lives. The Emperor of the Sea never likes to decorate his home, he was a serpent and he should live as a Serpent would.

There are only three women in the pantheon of the Nine Gods but they are respected by their siblings without any form of discrimination. Hemisha, Mother Goddess. She is the reason why plants and trees of all kinds bloom. She was responsible for spreading life and knowing the fate of all. She is the closest to the Dragon God.

Electia, Mother Earth. She was responsible for the cycle of the Moon and the Sun, her helper is the Sun God, Moldok. There is even a speculation that these two are talking passionately with each other.

Dinestes, Sea Mother. She was responsible for all the Water in existence. Without Water, life will never bloom even if Hemisha spends her entire power.

"No, don't let my presence bother you. I only come here to see the races I have created." Dinestes smiled as her serpent tail started to move and her eyes penetrated all the continent where she saw how it flourishes and develops.

"You had now a kid eh, why didn't you tell me?" Dinestes looked and asked Laijamon as her questioning gaze made him nervous. 'No one can lie to the Wisdom' is a thing about someone lying to Dinettes and she saw right away.

"I had seen this kid as an egg without the ability to hatch but I had been in a good mood that day and gave him my blood." Laijamon told the story in which he met the egg without the hope of revival, even the parents of Poseidon can't do much but Laijamon is swimming peacefully when he meets the egg which is Poseidon.

"Oh, the reason why he was a mutated Lnarr." She said as she looked closely to Poseidon making him nervous as well.

Lnarr are those with fins as an ear, a gill on their neck. It was one of her creations. There is Bplohm who has a serpentine tail. Poblark with a fishtail. She even created many kinds of species around the ocean that she lost count of. Like Hemisha who created what she decided, Dinestes created them for fun.

"Will you get him as a Saint, Sea Mother?" Laijamon asked, it was better for him to become the Saint of the Sea Mother and also become the Emperor of the Sea in the near future.

"Sadly I decline, but no worries. You have the potential to be toe to toe with Austin, the Saint of Moldok and so I will give you a blessing." The trident in his hand left him without much of a choice and the trident in Dinestes hand met the trident of Poseidon.

The trident of Dinestes glowed in a golden light, swallowing the trident of Poseidon. After a while, a new trident appeared. It was larger and much majestic than the Trident of Poseidon but weaker in comparison than the Trident of Dinestes.

"With this Trident, you can command any and all Water Races with the exception of Laijamon." She said while smiling, her eyes have the power to see any and all falsehood.

"I thank the Sea Mother." Poseidon bowed his head and accepted the Trident. With this kind of trident, he looks like the new Saint of the Sea Mother.

"And I am not here to just give you that. It is time to know your Innate Energy." Dinestes said as she opened her palm to show a Water. That kind of water that had myriad changes such as becoming ice, mist, becomes humid and evaporates.

"What is that, Sea Mother?" Laijamon asks as his very being are calling him with feverish excitement. Without waiting for anything, he submerges his spirit into himself as he finds the answer.

He was lifted in the air as he controlled all the water in existence. It was not just about a simple manipulation of water but the essence of water in its entirety. With this new kind of power, he can be sure to defeat the Eternal Serpent.

"I know what you are thinking but that lass Hanjeral will also have a newfound power. No, all the creation of Gods will have new kinds of powers. It is how you become stronger that matters with that energy.

"Thank you for your guidance, Sea Mother." Laijamon said as he bowed his head.

"And Poseidon, you can control the energy with that trident of yours. Well, there are different kinds of how to control it but remember to always practice your inner self rather than depend on external help." She said as she smiled at them.

"Before you also bow your head, shall we see what we have got here?" She added as she looked at the two of them signaling a cue to become a tour guide to her.