
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs


When they got home, the scene before her was what she expected but not what she wanted. All the members were trying to cheer up Haru but he remained unmoved by what they were doing. Ki Tae and Ling Yao both simultaneously looked at each other.

Ling Yao sighed and walked over to Haru. She dragged him to their room, sat him down and she also sat beside him. They both sat down and said nothing for about three minutes.

Outside the room:

"What are they saying" said Gi Jeok while tapping Myung

"They've been there for a while now, c'mon tell us, what is she saying" the other members were outside, trying to listen to what the duo were talking about in the room.

Myung smacked his lips and said "I can't hear anything, okay. I don't think they're talking. They're both silent. Let's just go okay"

With that, he left and the others also left with a disappointed look.

Back in the room:

"If you want to cry, I won't stop you. I know how hurt you are. You are pained and the tears are threatening to fall but you don't want to give in. No one else is here and I won't criticize or judge you. You can cry" she calmly said to Haru.

He let the tears flow freely. He sobbed uncontrollably and Ling Yao look at him pitifully, he tried stopping the tears but they kept dropping and at some point he just let it drop. Ling Yao rested her head on his shoulder and used her left arm to rub his back.

After she was sure he had calmed down she calmly talked "you know, when I become a LTG fan you were the first person I could recognize. You were the person I had a crush on first, if you check your account on KFeed I've bern following you for four years. The thing I love about you the most is your smile. Your smile is like the sunshine, you spread light when you smile"

"Back then my mum would say I stalk you online and that I should stop, I would say 'why couldn't I stalk my future husband' and now even though we don't really know each other, you call me your younger sister. You treat me with care, even when I don't deserve it. You know even my so called friends in America calls me Lucifer's bloodline, they call me wicked, blood sucker and you call me sister. You have the sweetest and bearing heart and that's all that matters" Haru looked at her and pecked her head there was a hint of smile in his eyes and he said "thank you"

Ling Yao stood up, looked at him and said with a serious look "No one is ugly, but someone can definitely have a more attractive and pretty look. You have a cute look but honestly the other members look more attractive than you but your smile is the sunshine of Korea. Keep smiling Haru.

Just keep smiling and I'll chase away every rainstorm that's trying to cover our Sunshine. No one goes scot free after hurting my brother."

Haru cried again but this time, it was because of Ling Yao's words. It touched his heart.

She continued "Promise me that no matter who criticizes you, your smile will be as bright as the sunshine"

He smiled with tears in his eyes and promised her. He pecked and hugged her and she wiped the remains of his tears.

"I'm going downstairs to cook after I take a quick shower, wash your face and prepare for the live and if you don't want to show your face it's fine, just prepare to eat dinner okay"

Ling Yao quickly showered and made dinner. She made Haru's favorite dish for dinner. They all had dinner and they were ready to go live.

Ling Yao wore a different things that could change her appearance. She wore oversized clothes, she even changed the color of her eyes. She wore a blue contact lens and a black mask. She didn't want anyone else to know her identity. Since she wore an oversized hoodie it would make it hard for anyone to see her clearly. No one could see her face and no one would be able to see the real color of her eyes.

The live video started and when people spotted Ling Yao, they all started asking questions.

"Is that a boy or a girl?"

"Hubby, who's that?"

"Why is she not revealing her face?"

"Why can't we see her face. Is she the girlfriend of one of you?"

"Why can't she take off the hood and mask. We want to see her face" they all started dropping comments.

In just 10 minutes, thousands of people were watching and commenting.

Ling Yao remained calm and said nothing, waiting for one of the members to talk and Min Ji finally talked.

"Good evening to all our lovely fans, we apologize on behalf of Haru, he won't be able to join this live. We're only doing this live to introduce you all to our sister. She's a fan of LTG and a certain situation got us together, and now she lives with us. She's a really sweet girl and she's a really good cook. She has been taking care of us" Min Ji continued introducing Ling Yao to their fans while Ling Yao was checking the comments.

A comment said: " You all look healthier which confirms that she's taking care of you"

Another said: "She sounds nice but what's her name"

When the members saw this comment they all didn't know what to say until Ling Yao talked

"You can call me Yao"

A fan said "Yao I'm jealous you get to stay with our Idols, just please take care of them. You don't look like someone who would take advantage of our idols, so I trust you"

Ling Yao remained unmoved, while the fans were commenting about LTG's new sister. Min Ji and other members were answering their questions until she saw a stupid and annoying comment. A fan said "I hope Haru won't disturb this poor girl's eyes with his ugly face. Be safe and stay away from him"

And Ling Yao finally talked "Seems like you really love criticizing people. I'm talking to the person with the unknown account. Is your face also so ugly that you can't put at least your picture on your profile. You name even says @hiddenfan. Is your name also ugly. People like you disgust me, in the future, don't think of commenting on any of LTG's live videos if you can't speak positively if not l'll help you bridle your useless tongue"

The person with the unknown account felt Ling Yao wasn't joking and just stopped commenting. Ling Yao warned the fans against saying anything negative against any of the LTG members and they all felt intimidated and agreed with her.

They ended the life with the fans left with a warning.

"I'm going to bed"

Some of them hugged her and pecked her and she left all of them including Haru to go to bed. She took off the lens, nose mask and changed into her pajamas and hit the bed.