
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs

Unexpected Visitor

Sunday morning and Ling Yao woke up to meet another shirt beside her. She didn't mind, so she just folded it and kept it neatly in her wardrobe.

When she checked the time it was 9:52 am. She was sure Myung was already done making breakfast. She brushed her teeth and took her bath. She got out only to meet everyone waiting at the table for her.

She was surprised, she thought they would have started eating breakfast but they were waiting for her. She greeted them good morning and went to join them. They all ate together and their breakfast was a really lively one.

They were all happy as they dug in. That afternoon, she received a call from Mr Victor.

He called to tell that he had already sent the questions but he also explained to her that he only sent Han Li and Fu Pei's questions, he didn't send hers.

He said, "I made your own questions myself. They are the toughest questions one would ever come across in English in the past six years. If you can ace this test I'll break up with Miss Yang and stop giving her questions"

Ling Yao didn't prepare for a new challenge but she didn't mind.

She didn't refuse but she told him he didn't have to break up with her.

She checked the questions that were supposed to be for Fu Pei and Han Li and couldn't help but smile. The questions were some questions she had answered before.

Fu Pei and Han Li already answered the questions in the restaurant the other day. They were part of the questions she used to tutor them that day. She deleted the questions and read Felix's messages.

He had already reached Shenzhen and he already found out who planned the whole misunderstanding. Ling Yao wanted to watch it on the news herself.

She replied, "I want to see him beg with bloody tears" She wore one of the shirts she found after waking up and shorts.

She wore the blue shirt and blue shorts and went out. She went to her house just to get some alone time. She didn't bother studying for her Tough test. She knew she wouldn't fail.

She got to her house only for her to see the Demon Prince inside her house, on her sofa. Truthfully she was surprised.

But what the hell, why is he here.

She greeted him with due respect and only rose up when he told her to.

"What are you doing here?" She asked without sounding annoyed and without sounding pleased. It was a plain question.

"I just wanted to have a chat with my guardian" Well ain't this pretty.

She's not your guardian. You don't own her.

Ling Yao said, "I'm not your guardian. I'm the last guardian and I'm meant to keep everyone safe not you alone"

After saying this she walked over to the kitchen to pick some snacks.

"Bring the potato chips for me please" this came from the Demon Prince.

She took two potato chips and went to sit beside the Demon Prince. She gave him one bag of chips and he thanked her for it.

"What do you want to know?" She asked without looking at him.

He wasn't suprised at her straight forwardness. He had been studying her for a long time now. "First, have you found a way to control your new powers".

She answered dryly, "no"

"Explain why" he demanded.

"Cause I need to find a better way to control it other than using a stupid hickey" This time she looked at him with her intimidating eyes but he didn't budge, they both had the same look on.

"You have some nerves. I left the immortal realm for years now that I decided to appear in front of my guardian after many years, this is how you act" he wasn't really pissed but he really wanted to see more of her lively.

She replied, sounding annoyed, "I've told you I'm not your guardian. You don't own me"

And the bickering starts now.

"Why were the guardians created?" He asked

"They were created to especially keep the Demon Prince and his family away from dangers and to also assist him in balancing the world" she replied while facing him.

"And before Ling Yao was given birth to, what was the responsibility given to her?" He looked at her with a look of victory.

"The responsibility is to be your guardian especially, and also keep the realm safe and continue the work my mum and dad couldn't continue" she smirked after.

He replied, "Maybe you don't remember but my Dad ordered you to make my safety your priority. Which means you are my guardian and no one else's" he sounded serious this time.

He sounded more like he was jealous. Ling Yao blinked rapidly and cleared her throat then looked away from him.

'Why did I just react like that' she thought.

After a few minutes of silence he said to her without looking at her, "You need to learn how to control those new powers of yours. The witch queen has found new ways to get what she wants and she…"

She interrupted, "Why did you disappear though?"

After she said this, she looked at him.

He looked at her for a few seconds but then, looked away. He stood up to go somewhere else but he didn't want to leave her house yet.

He went to the kitchen to take some apple juice. After taking the juice, he expected to see Ling Yao behind him when he turns and she was there.

She stood behind him with her arms folded, infront of her chest.

"You can't avoid questions you're being asked by your guardian, you have to answer me". She raised her eyebrows at him.

He felt better and said, "I just wanted to live my life more like a human before my duties calls me"

She replied with an 'oh'

What he did next almost made her eyes pop. He carried her placed her on the kitchen table.

"Why did y…" she said a bit loudly but he interrupted and said, "I also had someone to follow. That person was my priority and still is"

She immediately forgot what he did and asked, "Who and why?"

"Who is something I can't answer and neither is why because even till now I don't know why" he replied honestly while resting on the kitchen counter and facing her.

She asked, "Why have you been covering your face. Is there a reason why I can't see it"

He smiled and replied, "There's a reason why you aren't allowed to see my face"

She said a simple okay and let it slide.

She asked another question, "Why did you come to my house?"

"Answer truthfully" she added

He replied, "Even though you're my guardian. You are kind of prone to being attacked by the witches because of your new powers"

She raised her left eyebrow and said, " I still don't see why you need to be here"

He sighed and said, "I came back because of you and now you're sending me away"

She replied, "Why shouldn't I?"

He remained calm and didn't answer her questions. Instead he walked over to the kitchen table and moved closer to her.

The more he moved closer, the more she tried to move her face back. She kept moving her face back until her neck started hurting and she stopped.

They were so close that she could hear his heartbeat and his scent filled her nose. His scent seemed familiar but she was too lost in his golden eyes to remember where she had perceived his scent.

What he said was what brought her back to her senses. He said, "Because while you're hickeyless, you're going to be needing my help for almost everything"

She scoffed and said, "That's not true"

He left and went back to the kitchen counter. He said, "How about we find out if I'm right or not"

She furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "How?"

His aura changed and said, "A group of serpents are attacking a village close the forbidden mountain in the immortal realm"

"What?!!" She exclaimed.

She continued, "How did I not know"

He scoffed, "Normally you'd sense the danger no matter how far it is but this time your new powers are messing up your old ones"

Ling Yao's eyes widened and she remained speechless. In her whole miserable life, nothing like this has ever happened.

She felt pissed but was still calm and said, "Let's go stop them".

Find any errors, comment it and I’ll change ‘em. (^ν^)

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