
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Tutor II

Fu Pei gave Ling Yao some of the questions they've been asked before, both in tests and exams. Ling Yao saw one of the exam questions and thought the questions were the same with the ones she answered during her first year in college and she found it interesting.

She couldn't help the thought that the way she assigned marks to each questions was the same with one of her teachers in high school and college.

The name of this teacher is Mr Victor.

He taught Ling Yao in high school till she reached 11th grade and left when she got promoted to 12th grade. When she was still in high school she was his favorite student even though she was hard to deal with he still liked her the most.

She thought she wouldn't get to see him again but when she got to college, she saw him there and he taught her till she graduated from college. He didn't leave her like he did in high school.

He was still teaching in that college, it was a college in China. That's where her brother's also studying at presently.

Ling Yao had a feeling that Miss Yang got both her test and exam questions from Mr Victor so she asked, "Have you guys ever heard Miss Yang mention anyone named Victor"

Fu Pei had the straw of his Starbucks in his mouth and looked at Han Li and she also looked at him, then they looked at Ling Yao and said, "Nope" and then continued eating.

Ling Yao said, "I think Miss Yang gets her questions from someone else, I don't think she makes them up herself"

"What?!" Han Li said looking surprised. Fu Pei said, "I had a feeling she couldn't come up with questions like that but I wasn't sure"

Ling Yao replied, "I know the person she gets the questions from, I'll call him and ask"

This woman ain't that bad. Ling Yao chuckled lightly.

She dialed Mr Victor's number and at the second ring he picked. "Hey dear" he said and she smiled lightly and said "How have you been"

The person on the other side said, "I'm doing fine. Why did you call, cause you rarely call me"

Ling Yao said, "Do you know anyone named Miss Yang. She teaches English in Korea"

Han Li thought he wouldn't know Miss Yang but not only was she wrong, turns out Miss Yang was Mr Victor's girlfriend.

Ling Yao asked him, "Has she ever asked for your test and exam questions to ask her students"

He replied with a "yes".

He said, "She is actually not good when it comes to setting test and exam questions for her students and she told me she felt it wasn't challenging enough for them and I offered to help. She's my future wife after all"

Ling Yao chuckled and said, "You haven't changed. Okay I need to know one more thing. Has she come to ask for any questions lately"

Fortunately for them she did. He said, "But I haven't sent it to her yet, I'll send it to her on Sunday"

Ling Yao said, "Send it to me first before you send it to her. I want it before 7am on Sunday morning"

He thought why would she need cheap questions like that and asked. But she simply said, "I'm tutoring two people, your girlfriend's giving them tests next week Thursday"

Wow! Really impressive. Just tell him the truth.

Mr Victor quickly said, "Then I shouldn't send you the questions. I can't help I'm sorry"

Han Li and Fu Pei thought it was a waste calling him but when they heard Ling Yao's cold voice next, they couldn't help the urge to applaud her.

She said, "Okay. Prepare for our wedding on Saturday. I'll be in China tomorrow. How about that"

"Okay. Let's not go that far okay. I'll send it on Sunday morning. Bye!" He cut the phone angrily.

So annoying. Hmph!

Even though they already have the questions for some reason Ling Yao still chose to tutor them until some minutes to seven in the evening.

She ordered dinner for her two students and ordered someone to drop them home.

Before the car left, Han Li said through the window "You're really nice. Thank you for today".

Ling Yao smiled lightly with no emotion in eyes and said "Anytime. I'll see you guys tomorrow for another session". They waved at her and the car left.

After making sure they were gone she went to her car and drove away but not to where she was staying presently.

She drove to her Dad's company.

When she walked into the company, she walked with a cold and intimidating aura which the workers knew could only come from the second daughter of the owner of the company and they couldn't even look up into her eyes.

She looked simple but only employees knew how expensive everything she wore was.

She walked into the CEO's office and didn't even sit down, instead she went to the window and looked at the beautiful view below her. It was already 7:32pm in the evening and it was dark.

The lights in the city were on and the people looked happy, Ling Yao could even a couple kissing under the company and couldn't help but smile. She pointed at them and said, "What do you think of the couple kissing there"

The person she was talking to was named Shadow. The light in the office wasn't on. The only light was the one coming from the city, making part of the office dark and a part dim. He couldn't be seen but she knew he was there.

He was one of her men, she had sent him to China to check for her sister there and to also watch over her brother. He was great when it came to taking advantage of the shadows. He was great when it came to stealth mode plus he was a wonderful fighter after Mike.

Mike was like a human killing machine, the only person that could fight Mike so far was Ling Yao, but it was a tough battle. They both ended up with broken bones and were bleeding a lot both they both didn't regret having that fight.

Ling Yao knew Mike could easily beat up most of the immortal soldiers, she had already tested it herself.

She knew that Shadow wasn't as good as Mike but he wasn't bad. If she didn't have Mike, Shadow would do, plus he was the best when it came to spying on people that's why she sent him to China instead.

"They look good together" He replied.

She stopped looking at the view below her when the light to the office came on. She looked at him and saw that he had someone buy them Starbucks. She already had one this afternoon but didn't care and just took it.

They both didn't say anything for two minutes when she said, "What did my brother do this time"

He replied, "He got into a fight with seven people this week but because they bullied him first…" when she heard this her eyes turned cold and had a hint of anger in them but it disappeared after five seconds.

He waited for her to calm down before continuing, "He passed his exams and is now in his second year but they have a month break. A lecturer seduced him and he made her lose her job. He has been asked out by 21 girls this week and he has a girlfriend"

She smiled and said, "He's truly my brother. Tell me about the girl. How's she like"

Shadow sat on the table in front of her and took a sip from his drink and said, "She just a timid and innocent girl. I don't know what attracted him to her but he isn't willing to let her go. They met in a cinema, a man was trying to force himself on her the elevator. Young master stopped him. Long story short, he did her a favor by treating her mum and saving her from the guy that was abusing her and wants her to stay by his side and be his girlfriend. To me she's just a little scared rabbit, he really dotes on her"

She sipped from her drink and said again, "Just let him be. I'll keep him away from her if necessary. But he's good now. Get me her info and forward it to me"

She paused for a while, stood up and looked out the window again and said, "I know you saw my sister but then you lost her, just make sure you don't lose her again. And make sure my brother's fine. Nothing must happen to him.

I'm going home now, I'll send you some money for your trip tomorrow. Adios!"

She took her car keys and left her office ready to go home.