
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs

Made Friends

When she got home, she saw some of the members eating, Haru was also eating but when he saw her, he walked over to her and hugged her but she didn't hug back, she wasn't into hugs but if she needed to give one she would.

"I know you told me you'd come home late but this is really late. And you're a girl"

Ling Yao said, "I know…" she paused for some seconds and looked at Haru

She stepped back, folded her arms and said, "what's 'And you're a girl' supposed to mean". She raised her left eyebrow and pursed her lips.

Hwan Jee said teasingly, "You're a small girl. If you get attacked you won't be able to protect yourself" he then ruffled her hair and sat on the sofa.

She blew a strand of hair away from her face and puffed her cheeks and she went to the kitchen to take some chips.

She wasn't hungry, so she packed her dinner and kept it in the refrigerator. So Yong went to the kitchen and sat on the kitchen counter, he asked, "won't you eat dinner?" but all he got was a loud bang from the door of the kitchen cupboard and she walked away.

So Yong, "…"

Huh? What did I do?

He got down and stopped her before she left the kitchen. He said, "Why are you mad at me. I did nothing" looking confused. He stood in front her to stop her from leaving.

She didn't look at him nor answer him which made him annoyed. He yelled, "Why can't you answer!"

He placed his hands on her head and forced her to look at him.

When she raised her head she glared at him coldly which made him feel intimidated but he didn't let go of her head.

He felt like teasing her, "Why are you glaring like a horny pigeon. Stop glaring. I'm older than you"

"When HJ hyung called me small why couldn't you say anything!" She folded her arms, stomped her feet and pouted. She looked cute.

He said looking confused "But he's not wrong, you are small" he ruffled her hair and added, "and cute too"

She slapped his hand off and pushed him aside. She walked into the sitting room with a bag of pepperoni chips in her hands.

She saw everyone and when she saw Hwan Jee she rolled her eyes at him but he didn't care and just stuck his tongue out to taunt her and when she saw it, she couldn't help the frustration she felt and instead of doing or saying anything to him she reported to the oldest member Myung.

She said, "Look he's being a bully"

Everyone laughed and didn't do anything which made Ling Yao really pissed. They felt a chill run down their spine and the three youngest ones quickly said.

"That's right hyung, you shouldn't allow HJ bully her like that"

Gi Jeok quickly added, "Yea, it's not right. Leader, you should also scold him"

Hearing this, Ling Yao felt better and her mood was lifted a bit. She even stuck her tongue out at HJ.

He complained about it but none of them were on his side anymore. So instead he took a pillow and wanted to use it to hit Ling Yao but she had already started running away.

He chased her around the house and he was surprised she could run fast, he was also a very good runner but he couldn't catch up with her. He thought: maybe it's because I just ate not quite long.

Why are her short legs so fast.

Ling Yao turned back and saw him taking a bottle of water and bending his back a bit after taking a sip from the bottle. She smiled at first but when she saw him breathing heavily she worried she might have made him weak.

She walked up to him and bent over, placing her arms on his back and asked, "Hey what's wrong. Why are you breathing like this"

He didn't answer and kept breathing heavily which made her more worried but she looked calm.

"Hey everyone come look at HJ. Something's wrong with him!" She said a bit louder so that the other members would be able to hear.

They all rushed over to check on him, when they saw him they became worried and started asking what was wrong.

They rubbed his back and tried helping stand straight, they all looked worried and even Ling Yao felt really worried and her heart was beating really hard in chest.

When she saw him raising his body up, she felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief. She smiled lightly and immediately he raised his head up, he poured the water in his hands on her face and ran away immediately saying, "Hahaha. I got you real good".

Since she didn't see it coming, the water got on her hair and face. She cleaned her face and puffed angrily. She looked at the direction he went, took a bottle of water and ran in the direction he went.

She ran after him and in a short time she caught up with him and threw the water out from the bottle at his back. She poured almost all the water out from the bottle on him.

When he stopped running, she took the opportunity to pour all the water on him, she didn't even spare him or his expensive simple clothes. His hair was over his face and dripping wet with water.

She laughed and so did he, he looked at her through his wet hair and said, "I now know you're not just small. You're also childish".

She replied, "Then let me show you how childish I can be"

HJ expected another bottle on him but what came was a hug. She hugged him and what she even said after, made him think he was hallucinating. She said, "Please don't ever pull a prank like that again. I thought something was wrong and I was worried".

She did sound worried and HJ couldn't believe he made this cold rich girl worried for him. He made her look at her and when he saw her, he couldn't read the expression on her face.

He couldn't tell if she was lying or not. But he still promised to never prank her like that again. Ever.

She went to meet the members first and they all saw the satisfied look on her face and thought: 'what did she do to HJ' then HJ came in and they saw his hair dripping wet and his body was also wet. They all laughed when they saw him.

Ling Yao said, "I actually wanted to ask you guys something before"

Min Ji permitted her and she asked, "Is it okay if my two of my friends come here tomorrow, to study?".

Haru walked over and stood in front of her with his arms crossed and said, "you finally made friends. They can surely come."

"Now all you need is a boyfriend and you won't be weird anymore". He added

What he said made Ling Yao widen her eyes.

He just called her weird. At least she's less weird since she has two friends.

"You all are bullying me just because I'm pretty and innocent but seriously you should all watch your backs" and she walked away.

Normally they should be scared but for some reason they weren't. She wouldn't really hurt them, she likes them and when she likes someone she wouldn't want to hurt them.

I’m sorry it took so long to publish these chapters. School has been taking most of my time lately. I’m sorry (*´-`)

Meg_an7creators' thoughts