
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
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42 Chs

His Touch

Mr Gu only planned to teach them about the dance they'd present that day. The presentation was more of a Traditional Chinese romance drama stuff.

The school was built by a Chinese man, it has more of Chinese students so why should they make it Korean just because the school is Korea. They wanted to show the people who would see their play that the traditional times in china was also a sweet and lovely time.

"Okay, Ling Yao and Cheng get to the stage and show us what you've got" They were to just dance randomly to the song that'd be played using the dance steps they know.

Originally on the day someone would play the piano, but they were going to play the song directly for now and they'd be using Penannular Love by Jue Lian a famous Chinese musician, and they'd do a kind of contemporary dance.

So, as Mr Gu started the song, Ling Yao and Cheng also started dancing. Ling Yao removed the hood of her hoodie so that it wouldn't disturb her when she dances.

They both danced impressively well and it was impromptu, yet it looked like they had rehearsed it beforehand. Everyone was impressed by what they did and they even used the props well. When Ling Yao needed to fly away from him, she did and she showed the perfect emotions and did everything well.

No one interrupted them until they were done. Mr Gu waited for a part where he could just turn into the ending, he also wanted to make a correction but it was more of a contribution.

"You both were perfect, but how about you replace the part where you both were holding hands with a more romantic scene" Mr Gu said and furthered it by explaining the kind of romantic scene he was talking about.

"I mean not too romantic, all you have to do Ling Yao, is to just put your arms around Cheng's neck and Cheng, you hand has to go around Ling Yao's waist, you both have to stare at each other with a mixed emotion of sweet sorrow in your eyes but with no regret. Then you continue with the other steps but at the end you also do the same thing but then Ling Yao you have to start crying not wailing and Cheng will attempt to kiss your forehead but you get pulled away from him, I know you can do it, Come on guys!" this whole explanation wasn't something hard for both of them because they both thought it was part of acting.

Cheng was worried about Ling Yao though, he felt she'd react to his touch on her waist most especially because she was wearing a crop hoodie, still he said nothing. While all these were happening someone was going really crazy, she wanted to be the one with Cheng, she wanted to be the only one with Cheng. And it was Lucy Kim.

Crazy Freak!

And now it was the part, where Cheng would have to put his arms around Ling Yao's waist, immediately she felt his hands on her waist, she gasped a bit, closed her eyes and when she opened them and her pupils became golden.

Thankfully no one other than Cheng could see it and then after a few seconds he removed his hands from her waist and her eyes went back to normal. Both of them continued without thinking of what happened and then the ending came, they had to redo what they had done earlier.

His big hands went around her waist and he just left his hand still holding on her waist. Immediately she felt his arms on her waist she creased her eyebrows, closed her eyes and sucked in a breath and let it out slowly while closing her eyes.

Cheng rested his forehead on hers and her tears fell from her eyes. They stayed like that for a few seconds and Cheng remembered what he was supposed to do, and just as his lips were about to land on her forehead, she got pulled away from him and she opened her eyes. Luckily her eyes were back to normal and she smiled at him as she allowed herself get pulled away from him.

Such a beautiful yet heartbreaking scene.




The students clapped and praised them. Even Mr Gu stood up to praise them. One could say it was better than rewrite the stars in the greatest showman.

Doing something like that isn't easy but they have been trained and this is definitely not their first time so it might be a little bit easier for them.

"I was planning on using this play we're acting out for your tests, which is 100 points and seeing this just makes me want to give you your marks already, that was a really lovely presentation from Ling Yao and Cheng, please clap them as they take their seats"Mr Gu and the students just kept praising them and cheering for them.

"Hold your cheering shit…" Lucy jealously stopped the students.

"When do I get to dance with Cheng, I'm tired of you all using your cheering and whistling to hurt my ears, I don't even know why you're cheering for them when it was only Cheng that did well, all she did was be a bad support" Says the great jealous Lucy Kim

Ling Yao was starting to get tired of her ranting. And she knew she only said what she said just to irritate Ling Yao. But Ling Yao just gladly accepted it and gave her a befitting comeback.

"Just like how you'd be a great shadow if you dance with him since that's what you've been all this while".

"Lucy Kim-0" Han Li said.

"Ling Yao-1" and Fu Pei finished it.

"Lucy Kim strike!" They both turned it to a roasting game. But Lucy stupidly thought she could win again and decided to continue.

"Can't you guys smell a little pained rat, cause I smell one and her name is Ling Yao"

"Now that's because I used your mum's perfume this morning" and Ling Yao strikes again.

"Damn" Han Li and Fu Pei both said simultaneously.

When everyone heard what YaoYao said their mouths went wide open. Mr Gu even spat out the water he was drinking. Cheng smirked while Lucy looked like she was about to cry out of anger.

"Mr Gu I think Cheng and I deserve a break, why don't you assign the other roles to the students and also give them their scripts to start with their lines. You guys should read it like a drama text with the right emotions. Mr Gu, you can read the male lead's line and Lucy will read the female lead's lines". Ling Yao changed the subject and suggested while packing her stuff.

"Sure, with what you both have done, you can both go home. It's only fair".

Ling Yao was grateful Mr Gu agreed because she needed to know why her eyes changed color when he touched her.

It was something that had never happened before and this isn't the first he had touched her. "Thank you sir". And with that they both left.

When they got outside the School's gate she received a text from a member of LTG and it was the youngest member Yong.

"I found your car in a car wash close to your school" Yong

She replied "I left it there".

"Ok, are you done with your classes?" Yong asked.

"Yea, can you drive my car?"

"Sure, I'll bring it to the gate of your school" Yong

"Cool. Ask for my keys and tell them I'll be there to pay soon" she said to Yong but he refused.

"No worries I'll pay for you"

"Thank you"

She put her phone in her shorts pocket and looked at Cheng who was also busy with his phone.

"Cheng about my eyes changing color I'm sorry if it freaked you out I…""she couldn't complete what she wanted to say because Cheng butted in.

"You don't know why it happened, I know. You don't have to apologize. It's cool"

"Ok I have a question though"

"Go on" Cheng didn't know what type of question she might want to ask 'did she find out?, no it's impossible' he thought to himself. He was worried though. And here comes the question.

"Yesterday when the tattoo appeared and my eyes changed color, was it the same color it changed to when you touched me?" Not what Cheng was expecting but was glad it wasn't what he expected.

"Yea It was the same. It turned gold" He replied her with a questioning look on his face.

"Which shade of gold was it?"

"It was more of golden yellow"