
Chapter - 4 : Into the shadows

Chapter 4: Into the Shadows

The journey from Hikari no Machi was arduous, but Hikaru, Yumi, and Ryuji traveled with purpose. Their destination was Kurayami no Mori, the haunted forest said to be a stronghold of the Infinite Black. Legends spoke of eerie whispers and ghostly apparitions within the woods, deterring most from venturing too far. But for Hikaru and his companions, the forest represented their next crucial step in uncovering the truth.

As they approached the outskirts of Kurayami no Mori, the atmosphere grew palpably heavier. The once vibrant bioluminescent flora gave way to twisted, shadowy trees, their branches intertwining to form an almost impenetrable canopy. The air was thick with an unnatural chill, and even the ever-present twilight seemed dimmer.

Ryuji, ever the joker, tried to lighten the mood. "So, anyone else feel like we're walking into a ghost story?"

Yumi shot him a look, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips. "Stay alert, Ryuji. We don't know what we might encounter in there."

Hikaru nodded, his grip tightening on Kuroi no Kiba. "We stick together and keep our wits about us. Let's move."

As they ventured deeper into the forest, an eerie silence enveloped them. The usual sounds of wildlife were conspicuously absent, replaced by the occasional rustle of unseen creatures and the distant echo of whispers. It was as if the forest itself was alive, watching and waiting.

After hours of cautious trekking, they came upon an ancient shrine, its once grand structure now crumbling and overgrown. Hikaru felt a strange pull towards it, an inexplicable sense that this place held significance. As they approached, they noticed symbols etched into the stone, symbols that Hikaru recognized from Master Takeshi's teachings.

"These markings," Hikaru said, tracing the symbols with his fingers. "They're warnings, placed here to keep people away."

Yumi examined the symbols closely. "They speak of a great darkness, an evil that resides within these woods. It must be connected to the Infinite Black."

Ryuji, meanwhile, had wandered around the shrine and discovered a hidden entrance partially obscured by vines. "Looks like we've got a way in," he called out, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Hikaru and Yumi joined him, and together they cleared the entrance. As they stepped inside, they were met with a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers, the air thick with the scent of decay and ancient magic. The walls were adorned with more of the mysterious symbols, and the deeper they went, the more oppressive the atmosphere became.

Their exploration led them to a large central chamber, where they found remnants of a battle long past. Weapons and armor lay scattered, covered in dust and cobwebs. In the center of the room stood a massive stone altar, its surface stained with dark, dried blood.

"This must have been a sacrificial site," Yumi said, her voice barely above a whisper. "The Infinite Black must have used it for their dark rituals."

As they examined the altar, Hikaru felt a sudden surge of energy. The air around them seemed to hum with power, and a shadowy figure materialized before them. The figure was cloaked in darkness, its eyes glowing with an eerie light.

"Who dares disturb the sanctity of this place?" the figure intoned,