
Eternal Harem

(Note1: For those who are curious about which world I have written till now, see the chapter list I always mention the name of the world in the chapter title. Note2: I'm not a professional writing nor I want to be, don't expect relationship development, my grammar and spelling mistakes might give you headache, I'm writing this on mobile and it's really pain in the ass. Those who are hardcore harem fans this may be treasure for you I guess hehe. Mc will visit many worlds but there will be only few chapters for each world. This ff is fully focused on waifu collection you have been warned.) This is the story of a man who died and finds him self in the void and he could not remember about him self he only remembered all the fictional work that he read and the games that he played. Then he meets One Above All. Find out how our mc Arch Elrod visits various fictional worlds and games to collect wifus and to have adventures. Mc will be manipulative he will steal wifus that he likes even from death. If mc likes a wifu but she have wrong personality or background he will change it as he see fit.(ex- Freya from danmachi) and yeah gender bland will be there too. Mc or me doesn't care about plot we only care about wifus. so those who likes plots or the original protagonists sorry there will be many changes you have been warned. Mc will be the doom of many male characters. Note: Manipulative and netori tags are not just for show you have been warned. Note2: I only own mc and maybe some oc, others characters are not mine. Note3: Those who likes and enjoy reading my ff thanks, if you don't give positive comments it's up to you but those who doesn't like it you can stop reading but please keep those negative comments to your self cause I want to keep my motivation to keep writing.

Jake_Makvana · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
91 Chs

Chapter 79

Few days later I received an invitation from the guild master of Hunters Guild, Choi Jong-In the S rank Mage.

Arch: 'It's finally time to meet her hehe.'

After some time i arrived at the portal where Hunters Guild members are at, there I was greeted by Choi Jong-In and besides him stands a beautiful lady with short blond hair and gray eyes, slender figure wearing red themed armor, she have a noble aura around her.

She was staring at me with red blushing face I looked at her and smiled she quickly looked away, Choi Jong-In also noticed this and smiled towards me meaningfully.

Choi Jong-In: "*ahem* Hunter Cha Hae-In, why don't you accompany Hunter Arch as I have some work to handle."

Hae-In widened her eyes and looked at Choi Jong-In and was about to say something but the guy quickly left us, Hae-In then looked at me with a blushing face and smiled awkwardly.

When she was out of her daze she noticed something, she had developed a strange nasal problem that caused other hunters and monsters to smell foul to her. But the handsome man standing in front of her not only he doesn't smell foul but he smells...

Hae-In: " 'So nice*blush*' S-shall we go Hunter Arch"

Arch: "*smile* Ok."

We both then walked towards other team members.

Hae-In: '*blush* It's really strange not only he smells so nice but being near him i don't smell others' foul smell and also being near him gives me this strange feeling of security,

Being a Hunter I'm always ready to loose my life but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of death but just because of being near this guy all those hidden worries are nowhere to be found, just who is this stang handsome guy?'

She was once again was in daze while staring at me I looked at her and smiled, she quickly came out of daze and looked down with embarrassment.

Arch: "Haha no need to be so nervous Hunter Cha Hae-In."

Hae-In: "*blush* Hae-In.."

She whispered her name.

Arch: "Huh?"

Hae-In: "*blush* Y-You can call me Hae-In."

Arch: "Ok, Hae-In *smile*"

We then started talking, she slowly got used to talking to me and now we were talking and laughing freely. Choi Jong-In from afar was looking at us with Surprised expression.

Jong-In: 'My God, such fast development!? Well it's good for Hunter Cha Hae-In.'

After some time we entered the dungeon, Choi Jong-In used fire magic to deal with few mobs, I so used wind blades to wipe out few mobs then Hae-In and Me used our Swords and started beheading all the monsters, other hunters and Choi Jong-In looked at us dumbly, Me and Hae-In had perfect team work and we fought side by side and we would talk and joke freely.

Choi Jong-In: 'W-what am i seeing?'

Within an hour we killed all the mobs and only the Boss was left.

Hae-In: "Huff..You are really amazing Arch, I'm a little tired but you don't even break a sweat. 'Having my back covered I could fight freely, this is the first time I enjoyed a hunt this much.' "

Arch: "Haha you too are amazing you don't waste your move and only strike to kill that's amazing ability to find your enemy's weak point quickly in the battle."

Hearing my compliment she blushingly nodded with a smiling face. We took a break while other people got all the resources from the dungeon, after some time we finished the boss and cleared the dungeon.

Arch: "So, Hae-In wanna hangout."

She got exited but quickly calmed down.

Hae-In: "*blush* Ok, how about tomorrow?"

Arch: "Alright, I'll meet you tomorrow."

After some talking we started to go back home, I saw Choi Jong-In who smiled meaningfully towards me and gave me a thumbs up, i just smiled towards him and left.

Tomorrow i met Hae-In, she was wearing a brown Jeans and a white shirt looking charming, naturally i complimented her and she shyly nodded and turned her face away with a smile on her face, We then headed towards the Amusement park and spent our time there till evening, I then asked her wether she wanted to go to restaurant or to eat my homemade cooking.

She was surprised to find that I could cook after all I'm a S rank hunter and a male at that. But she quickly said that she wanted to try my cooking.

We then headed towards the Mansion and my girls greeted us, Hae-In was a little uncomfortable seeing all the beautiful girls greeting me so intimately.

Hae-In: " 'Well he is a Guild leader after all but still..' Hump."

We noticed her behaviour and my girls giggled at her cute antics and took her with them while I headed towards the kitchen.

After some time i served the food on the table and all the girls came and started enjoying the food, Hae-In was blushing while taking glances at me.

Hae-In: '*blush* I-i'll leave that for later, what they said is unbelievable, I'll just focus on this delicious food. They say this food is Heavenly.'

She was about to start but she heard some weird noises from other girls, other girls were moaning. She blushed and took a bite.

Hae-In: "Ahh❤️"

She quickly covered her face and looked at the smirking faces of the girls then she looked at me who was smiling at her, her blush deepened and smoke was coming out of her head, she quickly covered her face.

Sena: "So, sister now you believe us?"

Hae-In blushingly nodded but she was still covering her face with her hands.

Nadia: "So, did you make decision?"

After few seconds she nodded her head.

Yoora: "So, what are you waiting for go grab him."

Other girls also started cheering her and encouraging her. After some time Hae-In removed her hands from her red blushing face, her eyes were closed she took a deep breath and opened her eyes and looked at me with resolve, she then got up from her seat and walked towards me held my collar and slammed her lips on mine.

Her body glowed, my girls were excitingly enjoying the show. Hae-In then separated her lips from mine with a daze expression after some time she said.

Hae-In: "What they say is..is true!"

After some time she calmed down and we got back on enjoying the food. I once again used my powers to handle Hae-In's transfer to our guild and no one will question her.

Two days later I decided to go and get that Demon waifu, I teleported to that world and saw ruins and demons every where, as I stated walking towards the destination where the Demon girl lives I noticed few presence a bit far away from me and to my surprise one of the presence was that demon girls she seems to be injured and other presence were slowly vanishing.

As I wanted to teleported near her location, few demons ran towards me to eat me but I quickly got rid of them and teleported near the location, there I saw four warrior in the armor who got killed by some powerful demons, and one warrior in armor was bleeding and running away from the place, that warrior is that demon girl.

I quickly killed all the demons and held the demon girl in my arms who was falling on the ground loosing consciousness as she lost too much blood.

I quickly used [Over Heal] and healed her injuries. She got surprised to find she was being held by someone and her injuries got healed quickly, she looked at me.

??: "Who?.."

When she saw me she froze, I could feel her face beneath the helmet was completely red and some smoke was coming out from it.

Arch: "Don't worry, you are safe now."

I carried her and few towards a cave that I noticed.

??: "*blush* Kyaaa!"

She yelled cutely and hugged me tightly. I quickly arrived at the cave and killed all the demons that were inside or in the surrounding areas. I then put the girl down and i also sat down.

Arch: "My name is Arch, mind telling me your name and the current situation please."

Eslil: "*blush* Ahh M-My name is Esil Radiru, Lord Arch I thank you for your life saving grace."

Arch: "Just call me Arch, no need for honorifics."

Eslil: "*blush* As you wish Lo.. I mean Arch."

She removed her halmet and showed her beautiful and blushing face to me. She has long purple hair, large red eyes, sharp red eye markings, pronounced canines, and a slender build.

She then slowly explained about this realm and her situation, According to her there were several clans and a demon Lord on the 100th door, And her clan was the weakest among others and was being suppressed. She also invited me to her home which I agreed.

I cooked some food for her to regain energy and as expected she also moaned like other girls when she ate my food, she shyly looked at me but due to my food being so good and she being hungry she kept eating while trying hard to suppress her moaning. After some time she finally finished the food.

Eslil: '*blush* Ahh damn my armor is in mess, fortunately because of the surrounding area he won't smell that smell right? right?'

She secretary glanced at me, seeing I didn't show any changes she sighed in relief.

Arch: ' *Smirk* Even in this environment i still can smell the smell of your love juice hehe, but let's not bully her too much.'

I also secretary used [Clean] on her as we are going back to her home and to not let her be embarrassed.

We walked towards her home for few hours and I made sure to improve our relationship as quickly as possible, she was now comfortable talking with me.

I could fly or directly teleport us to her home but that would take away my alone time with her and she also seems to enjoy our time and deliberately slowed down her pace as well as took few twist and turns in the way so that she can have more time with me.

After few more hours it was night time and we decided to camp, we found a cave and killed the demons inside of it and cleared our surrounding area as well, I then cooked for both of us, she already knew that I have an inventory.

After some time we finished the food.

Eslil: "Arch, i-i have a request."

Arch: "Anything for the beautiful lady."

She blushed and smiled towards me then said.

Eslil: "*blush* Can you take me with you to your world."

Arch: "Sure."

Eslil: "I-it's ok if you can't ...Ehh!? say again."

Arch: "Sure I can take you back to that world."

Eslil: "Really!!? yeyy thank you very much, but why did you say 'That World'?"

Arch: "Well.."

I didn't say anything but passed all the necessary information to her, she widened her eyes and after digesting all the information she yelled.

Eslil: "I agree!! 'are you kidding not only I get this guy as my husband but I also get the chance to visit many world that is secondary but the main thing is I got this super handsome and op guy as my husband!!' "

She quickly came near me and kissed me, her body glowed and now she is one of my wife.

After some time we slept while hugging each other and in the morning after having breakfast we quickly left for Eslil's home, after arriving there I spent 2 days there and also helped Eslil's clan to be stronger then left along with Eslil back to Earth.