
Eternal flames

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fellow_10 · Fantasía
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1 Chs


Catch her!

Kyrah ran as fast as her legs could carry her,she wasn't going back to that palace. Her father had already arranged a marriage for her with the King of Aerilon.She could not still believe that her father would marry her off to that kind of man. Although she had seen him many times,he was a man with bald head, yellow teeth and old enough to be her uncle.

Yesterday,when she heard the news she had planned to escape today but it seems that luck was not on her side,her father had sent his men to get her. She knows that if they took her back her father would punish her. She could her Albert and his men getting closer,she ran faster not minding if she stepped on the stones she was sure that her legs would be bruised by tomorrow.

"There she is, faster"Albert shouted to his men. While she was running she tripped and fell before she could get up she was already surrounded.

"My princess,the King want you to come with us"Albert said stepping down from his horse. He walked to where she was,Kyrah turned around she had nowhere to escape to and she couldn't fight them.

Looking at Albert and his outstretched hand,Kyrah decided that she wasn't going to go back without putting up a fight."No, I'm not coming with you" she said shaking her head.

"Then we would have to take you by force" she already knows they were not going to leave her,they were her father's most trusted men. Taking a step back she ran towards the other side but before she could get far,she was already caught."Leave me please I beg you,I don't want to go back"she pleaded but they all turned deaf ears.

Seeing one of them with a rope,her face became pale because she knew there was no escape for this. She continued pleading with them but they didn't even spare her a glance.

"You heard the young lady, didn't you?"a deep masculine voice said."Who's there?"Albert asked while looking around. Kyrah prayed for him to help her."I'm here" the voice whistled and everyone turned their head to the direction of the voice. An hooded person stood there,half of his face was covered with the hood.

"And who are you?"she heard Axel,one of the soldiers asked."I'm just a passerby"the man replied.

"Then get away from here, this is our business not yours"Axel said to him."I was passing when I heard a shout so I decided to come take a look but seems it is more than what I thought,you guys shouldn't be handling a lady like this."

"And who are you to tell us that"Albert barked at him it shows that he was clearly annoyed."I'm just saying the truth"the man shrugged. The man walked towards where they are and they all drew out there weapon ready to attack him but he didn't seem fazed.

Before he could walk to where she was Albert and his men has started attacking him, before Albert could hit him with his sword he had already caught hold of his neck and squeeze it. Kyrah eyes widened at this because he was a night creature only night creatures could do that.

Kyrah could feel goosebumps form on her skin,her breath hitched she had heard stories of night creatures but this was her first time seeing one before she could realise what is happening she saw her father's men groaning on the ground she turned around only to find the man standing beside her with a knife.

"Bring your hands"he said to her and she obeyed she couldn't defy him because he could kill her without batting an eyelash.He bent down and cut the rope on her legs too.

"Come with me"he said and without waiting for her he turned around and left,Kyrah ran after him it was better to be killed than marrying that old man."Where are we going?"Kyrah found herself asking him,he turned around to face her before facing front again."You'll see"he replied her.

While they were walking she saw a carriage with a coachman standing beside it on getting there she saw the man was also a night creature dread filled her. 'What if they killed her or suck her dry and throw her into the forest'she thought to herself, shaking her head she tried to get rid of the thought because if the man wanted to kill her he would have done it since he had plenty chance for it.

When they got there the coachman opened the door for them,"get in"she heard the man beside her say. When they got inside the coachman closed the door and went to ride to carriage. She was somehow happy because she was finally away from her father she wanted to asked the man if she could stay with him for some few days before probably going to another land.

Turning around to ask him what she saw made her jaw dropped. Her breath hitched she couldn't believe what she was seeing the man had pulled down his hood she couldn't believe that he was a night creature he looked nothing near to it except for his red eyes.

"What?"the man tilted his head to ask her.