

Afternoon 2:30 pm

A girl holding a fringe bag with a coffee cup on the other hand walking peacefully;mmmmm..... mixed with excitement towards the convenience store. Her every step made more smile and happiness on her face.

Black coloured hair with straighten blonde at below and messy at the top with shine on it, has around 5'3 height wearing a peep toe heel with black jacket hanged on turquoise shirt..

Her right hand wrist was surrounded by a majestically zodiac bracelet. Her neck was thin, Fair skinned..with a silvery thread necklace around it...

Her expression was dynamic; soft felt moist face having a smile and dimple to the proximal of the heart shaped red glossy lips. This half smile wrinkled her eyebrows high up. This Small faced girl elongate at every smile; started to hop after few steps,removing her cell phone. She answered the call with full in triumph. Her happiness and positiveness somewhere spread to the surroundings plants which made it bloom more and more as the sun was praising her happiness by gifting clear crystal rays tot he plants.

Book center was around 10 steps ahead to reach. The weather mystically started to changed, the happiness of the face started to make it end to convert in melancholy. The flowers started to drown in this sadness and her every footsteps gets slower and slower reaching to a still...

"Welcome to the weather forecast. In the north of the country,it's very windy and cold. There is high chance of some rain too, so don't leave home without umbrella!

The temperature is is is....." Weather forecast.

The environment was now filled with mystically energy. The girl sudden of ran towards the street!

"Please be alert, drive safely." Police commissioner.

"You saw that how dangerous it is...the car got crashed into the truck. They are lucky to got survived in this fatal accident!" Bystanders.

"Please give some space for the ambulance to come...leave this area!"

In rush the girl pushed the people,"Excuse me please,excuse me....."Arya in tears filled in her eyes."This..this is my family member who came to meet me..Ah Ah god..... Why did it happened" she cried out.

Police reached to arya,"Mam, please calm yourself all members are safe. But..."

"But what?" She questioned

"But one member who was driving has got sever injuries. Sorry to say, the injury can put him in traumatizing situation; might be he can even go in coma!"

She got jolt to hear this.