
Eternal Affection

Introduction: "Eternal Affection" follows the story of Amy Anderson, a 26-year-old university professor, and Billy Scott, her 19-year-old student. It all begins when Billy's attempt to stop a robbery ends with him getting stabbed. He's saved by a mysterious woman who disappears afterward. Fast forward eighteen months, Billy finds himself at Arora University, where he encounters his savior again, now revealed to be his professor, Amy Anderson. He confessed to her on the first day in front of everyone, stupidly, and she rejected him by slapping him. Since then, he has been trying to impress her and seeks help from his anonymous online gaming friend Seraphicsaviour. On the other hand, Marcus, a guy with past trauma who is in the same class of Billy, is hailed as the guardian monster in university because of saving girls from harassment using violence. He loves Evelyn, his classmate, but suppresses his feelings because of the insecurity of being seen as a criminal. Notice: This story doesn't have any love triangle or harem. Enjoy the pure, wholesome love between two innocent characters. Be ready for a three-volume emotional rollercoaster.

Ash_thirumuru · Real
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19 Chs

5. Gaming Night


Billy and Austin trudged into their apartment, exhaustion evident in their movements. Austin stifled a yawn as he opened his bedroom door, his face etched with weariness.

"Don't stay up playing games all night. We have a new semester starting in the morning, and I won't wake you up if you oversleep," Austin admonished, his voice tinged with fatigue as he disappeared into his room.

"Don't worry, I won't," Billy replied, his own eyelids heavy with tiredness as he made his way to his own room.

"Good night," Austin called out from behind his closed door.

"Good night," Billy replied softly before shutting his own door behind him.

Billy's room was a simple, cozy space, with just the essentials—a comfortable bed, a bookshelf, a wardrobe, and his trusty PC.

Despite his intention to sleep, the memory of the mysterious woman lingered in Billy's mind, keeping sleep at bay. He glanced at his PC and made a decision. "Maybe a short gameplay will help me unwind," he thought to himself.

Turning on his PC, the soft glow illuminated his otherwise dark room as he loaded up his favorite game, "Smash Titans." Checking his friends list, a small smile graced his lips when he saw that "Seraphicsavior" was online. He quickly sent a team request, which was promptly accepted.

"Hey, Saviour, why haven't you logged in for the past three days?" Billy messaged his friend, eager to catch up.

"Hey, Steelsoul. Had some work to finish up, barely managed to log in today," Saviour replied.

"Anyways, shall we start the game?" Saviour added.

"Sure thing. Let's see who comes out on top today," Billy replied, adding a grinning emoji for good measure.

"You're still far from beating me, kid," Seraphicsavior teased, his message accompanied by a smirk emoji.

"We'll see about that," Billy retorted playfully as they dove into the game. Hours passed in a blur as they competed, losing track of time in the heat of the battle.

As the morning light began to filter through the window, it cast a gentle glow on Billy's sleeping form, slumped over his PC desk with the game still running. The sound of birds chirping outside signaled the start of a new day.

His door was opened slowly and Billy didnt noticed and still slepping llike a baby. all of sudden an punch landed on his head "Its already past 7:45 AM idiot," which jolted awake him.

Billy rubbing his head and looked Beside him where Austiin was frustrated evident in his face.

"It's just 7:45 right, why you punching me like that," Billly replied in groogy face and yawning.

"seriously? i woke up early and completed morning jog and you still sleeping?" Austin irritated. "You becoming weak now a days idiot."

Billy woke up from his seat and stretching arms, "I am not becoming weak," he said going out from his room to fresh up.

Austin looked at him disspointed look and sighed, "Sis will beat me up if she sees you like this," he mummered and went to make breakfast.

Marcus found himself in a dimly lit room, shrouded in fog, his heart pounding with fear. His young eyes darted around, searching desperately for his mother amidst the eerie silence. "Mom!" he called out, his voice trembling with uncertainty, but all he heard in response was the haunting sound of distant crying.

Panic rising in his chest, Marcus called out again, his voice cracking with fear. "Mom! Where are you?" His small frame trembled as he scanned the murky surroundings, tears welling up in his eyes.

In the distance, a faint figure caught his attention, and hope flickered in Marcus's heart. "Mom!" he cried out, rushing towards the silhouette with a glimmer of relief.

But as he drew closer, Marcus's heart sank. The figure before him was not the comforting embrace of his mother but with tear-streaked cheeks and bruised features. His young voice quivered as he whispered, "Mom," but the woman only looked at him with sorrow in her eyes. "Marcus, I'm sorry," she said softly.

Suddenly, Marcus was jolted awake, his heart still racing as he found himself in the classroom, his head resting on the desk. Tears streaked down his cheeks, and he looked up to see a concerned girl beside him, her eyes filled with worry.

Marcus, a 19-year-old with handsome features—dark black hair, voilet eyes, and a slight scar adorning his neck—woke up from his unsettling dream, wiping away his tears as he faced Lily's concerned gaze.

"It's nothing, Lily, just a scary dream," he reassured her with a faint smile, attempting to dispel her worries.

But Lily wasn't convinced, her concern evident as she observed the dark circles under his eyes. "Are you not sleeping well at night, Marcus?" she inquired, her voice laced with genuine concern.

Marcus chuckled softly at her observation, trying to downplay his exhaustion. "Oh, it's just the late-night gaming sessions," he replied nonchalantly, hoping to alleviate her worries.

Frowning, Lily shook her head in frustration. "You take care of all the girls here, but you won't take care of yourself," she scolded him gently. "You really should find a girlfriend, Marcus."

Marcus couldn't help but laugh at her insistence, affectionately patting her head. "How am I supposed to find a girlfriend when I have a criminal record?" he quipped, attempting to lighten the mood.

"But everyone knows those records are because you were defending girls from harassment," Lily argued back, refusing to let him off the hook so easily.

"Yo, good morning," a familiar voice interrupted them, and they turned to see Billy approaching with Austin trailing behind him.

"Good morning, Billy," Lily greeted him warmly, her smile genuine upon seeing him. However, Marcus's expression shifted to one of irritation at the sight of him.

"Hey, Marcus, I heard you're second top in the class. Congrats," Billy congratulated him with a warm smile.

"I don't need your congrats," Marcus replied curtly, his irritation palpable.

"It's okay," Billy replied, unfazed by Marcus's attitude, and headed towards his desk.

As Billy walked away, Lily observed Marcus's irritated expression. "Why do you always seem to hate Billy? Just because he's topping again?" she questioned him, curiosity evident in her tone.

"No, I just can't stand his innocent smile," Marcus replied, looking away.

Lily chuckled softly at his response. "I think you're the only one who hates him on this campus," she teased gently.

Marcus's attention shifted when Evelyn and Annie entered the classroom, a fact that Lily noticed.

"Good morning," Evelyn greeted them cheerfully as she approached. "I heard you topped again, Marcus. Congrats," she said with a smile.

"Thank you," Marcus replied, his cheeks tinted with a slight blush as he accepted her congratulations. Evelyn then moved to sit beside Billy and Austin, while Marcus couldn't help but steal glances at her, a fact that Lily observed with keen interest.

I originally planned to introduce Marcus later in the story since his significance mainly unfolds in the second volume. However, after some deep thoughts in shower, I've opted for a small change. I'll assert that Marcus is the second-best-written character in the story, just behind "Devil." Enjoy the story!

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