
Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

In a forest Swooping branches waved from most trees, and an array of flowers, which clung to any space they could find, protruded from the otherwise emerald terrain. ample openings let enough dancing beams of light through for a plethora of shrubs to grow in the thick layer of leaves below and a mishmash of flowers, which grew all over the place, highlighted the otherwise emerald lower level.

Along with a medley of sounds, most belonging to vermin, added life to the forest. most belonged to birds and insects, echoed in the air. and were backed by the croaks of frogs in the nearby ponds. Accompanied by the occasional splashes of fish jumping in the nearby lake.

You could notice inside the forest were Various large houses scattered outside a castle gates. A handful of waterfalls flow into various small rivers and provide the precious farm fields outside the castle with needed water. This castle has stood the test of time and despite knowing some very rough times, the castle still stands and it looks like it will do so for many years to come.

Five thick, round towers tower above all, they're linked with small bridges and are connected by fairly low, firm walls made of some type of metal. Fourteen smaller solid, round towers have been built on various tactical spots for an ideal defense and are connected by big, wide walls made of the same metal. A vast gate with a hefty metal drawbridge.

Rough windows are scattered here and there across the walls of the towers in an asymmetric pattern, along with holes of various sizes for archers and artillery. While there are also Tall windows scattered generously across the walls in an asymmetric pattern to view down below.

There's an outer wall that surrounds the entire kingdom. A vast gate with huge metal doors and various artillery equipment offers a warm haven within these cold, isolated lands and it's the only easy way in, but easy is very relative here.

Huge statues of heroes and kings decorate the bridge outside, memories of glories of the past. This castle has been improved and improved over the ages, some parts of the castle are newer than others, and the inhabitants are determined to keep their castle as modern as possible. Inside this modern-like castle was a woman giving birth.

"Congratulations ma'am it's a boy." This was all the midwife said before handing the woman her child.

And in response to the midwife, the woman just replied by saying " I already told you so many times to call me by my name when we're not in public."

"Ma'am I don't mean to disrespect you but I can't do that." This was all the midwife had said to the women.

"Forget it I will talk about this later with you." Said the woman to the midwife.

And in response, the midwife's said " I understand ma'am."

Then all of a sudden somebody burst into the room. The door was sent flying into the other direction. And standing over the child and his mother was a tall man.

This tall and lanky man happens to be the father of the child. And he is also the husband of the woman.

Before the woman and midwife had even released it the man had stolen the baby. And now he was tossing the baby up into the air. And just as he was falling the man would catch him. This ends up causing the baby to start crying.

Just as the baby starts crying the midwife appears in front of the man and takes the baby away. She then disappears back to where she previously was. But before she disappeared away from him she said something to him." it's for your own good sir."

And as if he understood what she meant he tried running away. But before he could even lift his foot something hit him in the back of the head. The first that hit him in the head belonged to his wife.

Because of the brute force, he ends up getting knocked out. Right after he falls onto the ground so does his wife.

"I told her to stay in bed to rest but like always she never listens to me." This is all the midwife could say as she called Sebastian.

"Take the young master to his room." Not long after the midwife said that Sebastian took the child and left.

° Mc's pov °

It's been a year since I was reborn as a baby. At first, I was confused about what was happening.

'One minute the people I thought to be close as a family turned on me. Well, I guess I did have it coming.

I mean I was the gang leader of the biggest gang. And when I say biggest I don't mean as in state-wise. I was the gang leader of the world's biggest gang.

At least I was until I was betrayed and killed. And to make it worse it was by people I thought to be like family.

But I didn't go down by myself. Using all the hacking skills I gained I took down over a thousand gangs. I did this by implanting a computer virus into all the gangs that were against me.

This virus would stay hidden in the background. But that doesn't mean it was inactive the whole time. As it was staying hidden it was recording all the illegal things they did.

add with a press of a button every police in their state would get proof of what they did. I even added one to my gang just in case anything was to happen.

As I was thinking this my stomach started to growl. And my mother came into the room almost at the same time.

She then picked me up from my crib. She then made her way toward a rocking chair. She then took her breast out of her shirt. As she was doing this she lifted my head toward her breast.

Without hesitation, I clutched onto her breast as I sucked out what I thought was milk. As I was sucking the milk out of her breast I would occasionally bite her nipple. This would earn me a slight moan from her.

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