
Judged Opinions

"When I woke up the following day, you weren't there. But you had left a note on the table. It was a three-page note… or rather… a love letter. You mentioned many things I had no idea about.

After reading the note, I got dressed and left the room, hoping I would find you in the lounge or somewhere in the hotel. On my way, I ran into the manager, who told me you left early in the morning.

I tried to call your phone, but it was unavailable. It took me a few minutes to realize that the letter was a farewell letter too. You had finally moved on. You never returned after that.

When I visited Hel after a few weeks, I saw a few cars outside your house. I thought you had come to visit. I rang the doorbell, but it wasn't you who answered the door. It was a man in his early thirties.