
Plans for the Future

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in"

Jia looked towards her bedroom door as she put the necklace Jilun gave her back into its box. Creaking open, Jia's mother walked in.

"What's so special to keep you up at this hour?"

Jia acted shy as she turned her head away. Huiying ignored her bashful behavior as she sat next to her on Jia's bed.

"Come on, show me"

She wanted to see just what could possibly make her daughter so happy.

Jia raised her hand as she revealed a box with a ribbon on its top. Huiying nodded in approval.

"Wow, he put a lot of effort into this gift for you. I saw him hand making a casing not so long ago with his father."

Jia nodded. She was indeed very happy, but not for the same reasons as her mother thought. Putting one hand over the other, she carefully opened the lid, revealing a bright red gemstone resting upon a silk cloth.

Huiying eyes glistened.

"It's very beautiful…"

She reached her out as he stroked Jia's head.

"…it fits you perfectly, make sure nothing happens to it, okay?"

Jia nodded like a chicken. This was one thing she was sure of: No other being will ever get to lay a hand on her necklace.


Huiying looked out the window. It was already late. As Jilun had only recently left, this was the only time she found to interact with her daughter today.

She wasn't mad at all though. In fact, she was extremely happy that her daughter and Mei's son were bonding so well.

Jia had actually requested to her that they spend the day among themselves the day prior, to which she immediately agreed. But it was still very late and Jia seemed to have no plans of sleep.

"If you planning on growing…"

She tapped at Jia's undeveloped chest.

"You should get some sleep"

Jia realized her mothers words as a healthy pink hue appeared on her cheek. She laid back on the bed as she rolled the sheets to cover her face.

"I'm going to sleep now mom, goodnight!"

Huiying smiled at her bashful behavior as she got up.

"Happy birthday Jia"

Huiying's voice faded as she closed the door.

As soon as Huiying completely exited the room, Jia brought the bed sheets down from above her head. The pink hue was no longer present. Instead of the embarrassed 12 year old, her now red eyes remained indifferent, as if unfazed by the creation of the world itself.

She released her hair from a bun as she let it flow freely. Opening her bed room window at the dark sky, gushes of wind raced to enter her room.

Her hair fluttered as the wind swirled around her head. Though the wind was very chilly, she paid no mind to it.

Her eyes looked at a farmhouse across from her. It's window were dark, seeing as mostly everybody in the village was already asleep.

She stared at the farmhouses for a while, her elbows resting on the windowsill.

"I wonder if you remember, Jilun…"


The Sun sat proudly in the Sky. It shone down its bright rays of sunlight, nurturing the many plants and herbs of the Village of Quadel.

Fields of endless green decorated these lands. Rows and rows of multiple colored various agricultural brightened the otherwise dull plains of dirt. As it did years ago, the many farmhouses still stood strong.

In one of the farmhouses, a girl folded clothes in a room. The room was very plain, besides the casual bed and dresser, no other items could be seen. That is except for a small wooden box that was displayed near the bed.

The girl wore a white robe that tightened at the waist to reveal her beautiful and seductive curves. Even though the robe seemed a size to big for her, it couldn't hide her towering bosom that distracted all eyes that laid upon her. Her lips looked a natural luscious red. Paired with her voluptuous body, she looked like a demon who ascended from hell to tempt humans into sin.


A womanly voice called at her from the first floor. Jia heard this as she paused her hands, resting the clothing that was mid fold onto the bed.


Jia got up from her knees as she made her way downstairs.

Waiting for her at the base of the staircase, Jia's mother, Huiying, smiled at her. As Jia approached the end of the stairs, Huiying spread her arms open, allowing Jia to embrace her for a hug. Huiying was still a little surprised.

Even though she was her mother, she had no idea were Jia pulled these perfect genetics from. In the past year, Huiying realized the monstrous chest her daughter had gained. Every month or so she would have to make her a new size clothing as her bosom simply didn't allow it to remain in the same size.

"Jeez Jia."

Huiying fixed the robe around Jia's chest, even though she did her best to cover it up, it didn't stop it from protruding through her clothes.

"You really took my advice to heart, didn't you?"

She then hugged her again, this time harder. Feeling the two mounds on her chest, she signed.

"If you were worried about how Jilun thinks of you, I think your far too paranoid, you can tell them to stop growing now."

She laughed as she patted Jia's head. Jia smiled at her mother as she responded.

"They're not growing, I'm just stealing yours"

Jia grinned as she patted her mothers chest. Huiyings eyes twitched.

"It seems you have grow to comfortable with your assets. Keeping growing and I'll put you to live with the cattle!"

Jia stuck her tongue out as she passed Huiying. Looking around the empty kitchen, Jia asked.

"Where's Jilun? He said he would be here, no? Is that not why you called me?"

Huiying regained her usual demeanor as she signed.

"It wouldn't hurt you to think about your mother for once."

Jia closed her eyes as she crossed her arms around her bosom… or at least she tried.

"Hmpth, I'm reminded of you every time I look into the mirror!"

It had been 3 years since Jia's 12th birthday. Even she herself had noticed the immense changes in her, but she wasn't at all surprised.


Jia turned around with a a bright smiled as she looked at the man she expected, standing before her.


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