
Escaping My Reality

Nayla Anne is fed up with the reality of the world, and even though she has a successful business and living the life she always wanted, she can't find the happiness she's searching for. One night she experiences something odd and wakes up as Serlina, who also wants to escape her reality. Serlina Casidy is the daughter of a noble but her father leave them behind with a huge debt due to gambling, her older brother is currently handling their household and forcing her to get married with the Duke's son.

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15 Chs

Escaping My Reality - Episode 4

"Excuse me, where is the one who's handling this shop?"

The staff stared at her rudely.

"And you are?"

The staff crossed her arms.

I want to punch her face, I need someone to stop me.

"I'm Serlina Casidy, younger sister of Count Connor Enn Casidy."

With a shocked expression on her face.

"Ah- I'm sorry my lady I didn't recognize you"

She bowed.

The manager of the shop walks by and greets Serlina.

"Lady Serlina, May I know the reason you came here?"

"My brother gave me permission to handle our business so I came here to check this location"

"Ohh. I see. How can I help my lady?

They went to the Manager's office for a private conversation.

"I would like to renovate this area and I'd like to see the staff how they handle their customers"

"But my lady this is how the first owner of this business designed this shop, and our staff is good since they received proper education."

"What is your name?"

She sat down on the sofa.

"Rodrick Cortez, My lady. I've been managing this shop for 4 years now."

She grabbed the tea.

"Rodrick, it doesn't matter if you've worked here for 4 years or 10 years. What matters is the record of the sales if it's going up or going down. As you can see, before I go here I already check the records of why it has been down lately."

"As you can see my lady, we can do nothing about that, because of our competitors. We're still making sales from our old buyers."

as he nervously said.

"If you said to yourself that you can do nothing about it, must have been not functioning well. Just because we have competitors doesn't mean you should lay low and make excuses to yourself to do nothing and be contented with small sales."

She sips the tea and smiles.

"Honestly, that's what makes it more exciting. Having more competitors is challenging"

Rodrick went silent.

It's easy for you to say because you're a daughter of noble, you don't know our struggles and you don't do the work.

"Rodrick, May I ask you a question?"

"What is it, my lady?"

"Do you know how the horse race works?"

"Ye-yes, My lady. Why did you ask?"

"If you stop in the middle of the race what will happen?"

"You'll lose."

"Exactly, you'll lose. If you stop making progress and stick to the old ways with no good results, then it's time to make another way or move and drop the old ways. So just listen to what I'll say if you don't want this shop to close and keep your job."

He flustered.

"Yes, my lady."

One by one the employees show how they sell the furniture to Serlina. It's lack of sales pitch and explanation to the product, their expressions to their faces is not good as well. It's like just memorizing the details of the sofa without understanding it.

"That's enough" Serlina said as she started to have a headache.

Proper education, Is this what they learn from a prestigious school? I wonder how they got hired.

She taught them a proper way to introduce the furniture that they're selling,

Most of them were amazed at how she sold the furniture and some of them saw her as an arrogant lady that bossed them around.

"Remember, no matter what the status of the person and even though they're just asking, don't change your attitude and tactics on selling. Rodrick, you should keep an eye on them."

"Yes, my lady," Rodrick replied.

"I'll be on my way since I'm just stopping by, I'll go to the manufacturing of our furniture to check the quality. The renovation of this area will start tomorrow and I need the weekly report of the sales."

"And one more thing, if there's no progress on sales, I'll fire all of you," Serlina said with a fake smile on her face.

The staff is more scared of her when they hear her announcement.

They escort Serlina to her carriage and bow down to her.

If this is the case in every store location.. oohh veeyy..

"My lady, you look frustrated have some sweets" Larissa showed her the sweets.

"Ohh thank you, that's what I need." She smiles at Larissa

"Larissa, Ask the coachmen if he has a knife when we arrive at our destination."

"Why do you need it, My lady?" Larissa asks with a curious face.

"Ohh.. Nothing, I feel like I'll need it for later."

As they arrived at the manufacturing place, Larissa handed the knife to Serlina as her request, then she sought out the person in charge.