
Escape from the Alpha Vampire

Plunged from the castle walls, Rosemary found herself reborn, the chilling memory of her tragic demise clinging to her like a shroud. This new life, a shimmering escape from her fated fall, was supposed to be sweet freedom. But the shadow of the Alpha Vampire loomed, his iron grip refusing to release her. Unlike her previous existence as a mere plaything, however, she now sensed something different in his gaze – a flicker of something beneath the surface, a whisper of unspoken feelings. It ignited a spark of curiosity within her. Would this life unfold differently? Would she finally break free from his oppressive hold? What awaited her beyond this life, beyond the next? The questions swirled around her, a symphony of uncertainty promising both peril and potential, painting the unknown canvas of her future with vibrant, untold possibilities. And they seem to be tangoing in the next life... the life after next life...

Car_Li · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Chapter 20 - The Jealous Alpha

Silence, absolute and suffocating, descended. Even the flames seemed to hold the guests' breath, awaiting his pronouncement.


"Esteemed Council," Vernon rasped, his voice like dry leaves skittering across stone, "we stand at a precipice. The tides of fate turn, the whispers of prophecy grow louder. The hour of the Omega Vampire Server approaches, and with it, the dawn of a new era."


A shiver ran through the chamber, a collective indrawn breath from figures accustomed to wielding power in darkness. The Omega Vampire Server, a role shrouded in secrets and whispered fear, had remained vacant for eons. Its purpose, its very nature, a mystery even to the eldest elders.


Vernon, his eyes glinting with a morbid excitement, unfurled a scroll, its parchment ancient and fragile. "Here," he rasped, tracing a sigil with a gnarled finger, "lies the key. The inscription, deciphered after centuries of tireless toil, reveals the path, the requirements for our new Queen."


He paused, savoring the weight of his words. "For the Omega Vampire Server," he declared, his voice rising in a crescendo, "is not simply a role, but a mantle. A burden, yes, but one forged in the crucible of power, a conduit for the very lifeblood of our kind."


A collective gasp reverberated through the chamber. Some recoiled, their faces etched with fear. Others, however, leaned forward, a glint of avarice in their eyes. The power of the Omega Vampire Server, whispers claimed, was immeasurable, bordering on the divine.


"She who ascends the throne," Vernon continued, his voice a hypnotic lure, "will command the very essence of our existence. She will bind shadows to her will, manipulate time itself, hold the power of life and death in the hollow of her palm."


Vernon, his gaze sweeping over the Council, continued, "For millennia, we have existed in isolation, cloaked in shadows, feared and ostracized. But the tide is turning. The whispers speak of a bridge, a conduit between our kind and the others who walk the earth – humans, werewolves, creatures of fang and feather."


A murmur of disbelief rippled through the chamber, some faces contorting in disgust, others alight with curiosity. The notion of coexistence, of bridging the ancient divide, was anathema to some, a glimmer of hope to others.


"The Omega Vampire Server," Vernon declared, his voice rising in a crescendo, "is not just a role, but a catalyst. A keymaster to unlock this bridge, a translator between our tongues, a champion for unity in the face of discord."


He unfurled the scroll, the symbols etched upon its surface glowing with an ethereal light. "These are not mere trials," he said, tracing a symbol with his finger, "but tests of understanding, of empathy, of the ability to see beyond fangs and fur, beyond prejudice and fear."


Rosemary, her heart pounding against her ribs, felt a spark ignite within her. This was not the power struggle she had envisioned, not the fight for dominance. This was a call to something greater, a chance to weave a tapestry of acceptance, a future where coexistence wasn't a dream, but a reality.


And when Vernon, his eyes fixed on Rosemary, "Not just power, but a legacy. A chance to rewrite the narrative, to forge a future where fangs and sunlight coexist, where fear gives way to understanding, where the whispers of prophecy become the song of a united world."


The silence in the chamber was deafening, punctuated only by the crackling fire and the pounding of Rosemary's heart. This was a choice, not just for herself, but for the future of all species. The bridge, fragile and shimmering, stretched before her, beckoning her to step onto its uncertain path.


For this one time in her life, she felt like she wanted to be that bridge. She wanted to make a bigger good instead of merely escaping. 




Moonlight, silvered and deceptive, bathed the courtyard in a pale luminescence. Rosemary, her emerald eyes sharp and calculating, wove through the throng of gathered figures, a predator stalking prey. This was not the battleground of fangs and claws, but the treacherous landscape of alliances, where whispers held more power than roars.


The trials for the Omega Vampire Server were in full swing, each one a veiled puzzle, a test of not just strength but also cunning. Rosemary, though lacking the raw power of some of her competitors, had an ace up her sleeve – the ability to forge bonds, to weave trust where fear had sown discord.


She approached Liam, the Alpha werewolf, his silhouette a brooding presence against the moonlit wall. 


"What brings you to the den of shadows?" He rumbled, his voice a low growl.


Rosemary, her voice a gentle melody in the stillness, explained her plan. "Liam," she said, "unity is our only weapon. We cannot face this alone. I need your strength, your connection to your pack."


Liam listened, his gaze searching hers. He saw not just ambition, but a genuine desire for a better future, a world where fangs and claws wouldn't be met with fear, but with understanding. He saw a reflection of his own struggle, a yearning for acceptance beyond the confines of prejudice.


Liam, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, studied her for a moment. "And what do you offer in return, Ms. Rosemary?"


Rosemary smiled, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "Friendship," she said, her voice unwavering. "Perhaps a bridge between our two worlds, not built on fear, but on understanding."


"Very well," he finally conceded, a flicker of respect in his eyes. "My pack will stand with you. And in any way you need help to get away from anyone or anything in the future, I will not hesitate to offer my help.You have my words."


With Liam's pledge secured, Rosemary ventured deeper into the forest, her path illuminated by the moonlit whispers of the trees. She sought out the reclusive Fae, creatures of magic and mischief, their loyalty as fickle as the wind. She spoke of bridges, not borders, of shared knowledge, not stolen secrets. She appealed to their thirst for adventure, their desire to be seen as more than tricksters and playthings.


And so, one by one, she gathered allies. The wise old owl, his eyes reflecting ancient wisdom, the cunning fox, his tongue a silver weapon, the gentle dryad, her roots intertwined with the world's secrets. Each brought their unique strengths, their individual stories, weaving a tapestry of hope amidst the shadows.


The banquet hall hummed with a deceptive revelry. Laughter and clinking glasses masked the undercurrent of ambition as Rosemary, her emerald dress shimmering in the candlelight, navigated the throng of potential electors. Each smile, each murmured conversation, was a calculated step in her intricate dance for the mantle of the Omega Vampire Server.


But as she approached a particularly influential figure, a gnarled hand clamped on her shoulder, pulling her into a shadowed alcove. Vernon, his eyes glinting like embers in the dimness, stood before her, an unsettling smile playing on his lips.


The alcove squeezed them in like a vise. Rough-hewn stones, damp and cold, pressed against Rosemary's back, leaving no room for even a whisper of space. Next to her, the ancient window was leaking a ray of moonlight. Above, the vaulted ceiling seemed to sag towards them, threatening to crush the air itself. Opposite her, Vernon, the Alpha Vampire, loomed like a dark storm cloud, his obsidian gaze burning into hers across the scant inch that separated them.


Her emerald eyes darted up, catching the moonlight that streamed through a narrow slit high above. It cast harsh shadows that sculpted Vernon's face into a mask of predator, his sharp features stark against the gloom. She could feel the heat of his body radiating like a furnace against her cold skin, his dark scent, potent and musky, filling the tiny space.


His breath mingled with hers, warm and damp, as he leaned in, a predator savoring the cornered prey. Rosemary could practically feel the rasp of his fangs against her neck, the thrumming power in his lean frame pressed against hers. The narrowness of the alcove amplified everything – the pounding of her heart, the prickling on her skin, the quickening rhythm of his breath.


In that tiny alcove, where shadows writhed and moonlight kissed skin, the distance between them wasn't measured in inches, but in the raw electric tension that crackled between their gazes, a current so strong it threatened to ignite the air itself.


"Rosie," he rasped, his voice like dry parchment crinkling in a fire, "your appetite for alliances seems insatiable. Now you feast on the Alpha's company? Charming the Alpha, are we? Seeking his vote, his support for your… grand vision of unity?"


Rosemary, her heart hammering against her ribs, met his gaze unflinchingly. "The trials demand an understanding of all creatures, Master Vernon. Alpha Liam holds valuable knowledge."


Vernon scoffed, a harsh sound that echoed in the stillness. "Valuable knowledge, or an alluring plaything to distract you from the real prize? Perhaps the power of fangs and fur is more seductive than you admit."


His words, barbed and poisonous, stung. Rosemary knew there was more to his anger than mere disapproval. This was jealousy, a viper gnawing at the Alpha Vampire's heart.