
Escape from the Alpha Vampire

Plunged from the castle walls, Rosemary found herself reborn, the chilling memory of her tragic demise clinging to her like a shroud. This new life, a shimmering escape from her fated fall, was supposed to be sweet freedom. But the shadow of the Alpha Vampire loomed, his iron grip refusing to release her. Unlike her previous existence as a mere plaything, however, she now sensed something different in his gaze – a flicker of something beneath the surface, a whisper of unspoken feelings. It ignited a spark of curiosity within her. Would this life unfold differently? Would she finally break free from his oppressive hold? What awaited her beyond this life, beyond the next? The questions swirled around her, a symphony of uncertainty promising both peril and potential, painting the unknown canvas of her future with vibrant, untold possibilities. And they seem to be tangoing in the next life... the life after next life...

Car_Li · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Plan That Fell Apart

The Omega Vampire Server Selection Ceremony is a sight to behold, a majestic display of opulence and grandeur. 

The venue, a sprawling ancient castle draped in cascading vines and bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, sets the stage for the extravagant affair. 

Elaborate chandeliers cast a warm, golden light on the gathering, reflecting off the ornate tapestries adorning the walls. The air is filled with the rich aroma of exotic flowers and the sound of enchanting melodies performed by a live orchestra. 

Guests, adorned in lavish attire, mingle amidst a lavish banquet of delectable delights and rare, exotic blood wines. 

The atmosphere is alive with anticipation and excitement, as the esteemed vampires witness the five candidates of the vampire server families appearing for the first time amidst this magnificent and grand spectacle.

The Alpha Vampire sat regally on his throne, an aura of authority and confidence surrounding him. His piercing gaze swept across the grand hall, taking in the guests with a keen, calculating eye. Vernon"s presence commanded the room, his every gesture exuding an unassailable air of authority

As he raised the goblet of blood wine to his lips, there was a subtle, almost imperceptible curve to his mouth, hinting at a sardonic smile. The flickering torchlight cast shadows on his chiseled features, accentuating the commanding presence he exuded. 

Every movement he made seemed deliberate, his posture conveying both power and a touch of menace, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and intrigue among the assembled company.

Rosemary is wearing a full black dress and covered herself with a black mask to hide all the rashes. Yet, Rosemary" 's beauty radiates even though she covers her face with a delicate black mask. 

Her features, hidden behind the intricate lace, exude an air of mystery and allure, drawing curious gazes from those around her. 

Despite the concealment, her eyes sparkle with intelligence and warmth, and her graceful movements captivate onlookers. The contrast between the dark mask and her ethereal presence only serves to enhance her enigmatic charm, leaving an impression of timeless elegance and undeniable allure.

She carefully hides her actions to lower the chance of getting noticed by anyone else.

"And now the Five Vampire Server Families" candidates will enter." Loudly announced by the Blood Committee. The five candidates slowly marched into the hall, one by one, guests all surprised by the elegance and beauty of the five candidates. 

"Silvana Blacke."

Silvana Blacke from the Blacke family, is the representative of an artistic server. Her artistic sense shows her beauty, which is captivating and enigmatic, exuding a sense of timeless allure and sophistication. Her features are striking, with an air of elegance that commands attention.

"Renita Morelock."

Renita's beauty is defined by strength, vitality, and a vibrant energy that radiates from within. Her athletic prowess is evident in her toned physique, exuding a sense of power and confidence. There" 's a natural grace in the way she moves, whether she"s sprinting across the field or gracefully executing a perfect dive. 

"Violeta RIddle."

Violeta" 's beauty is a reflection of her free spirit and fearless nature. Her untamed beauty mirrors the wild landscapes she explores and the daring escapades she embarks upon. There" 's a mesmerizing glint in her eyes, filled with the sparkle of wanderlust and the thrill of discoveries. 

"Amaris Voss."

This family is renowned for their mysteriousness. Amaris is enigmatic with beauty, one that exudes an air of mystery and allure. Her beauty is characterized by a serene composure, hinting at a depth of emotion and introspection that lies beneath the surface. There"s a quiet strength in her gaze as if she holds a universe of untold stories within her eyes. 

Vernon did not pay much attention to those four candidates since he was waiting to have a glimpse of the rose that appeared in his dreams all the time.

"And Amelia Ventayan."

Amelia walked into the hall with great confidence and almost felt like this position was originally hers. She cannot stop herself from peeking at the handsome Alpha.

The Alpha Vampire"s fingertip on his glass slipped a bit when he did not hear the name he was expected to hear.

Vernon looked over to the guests while the five candidates sat down one by one next to him.

"There you are, my rose." 

Rosemary attempted to conceal herself behind the intricate design of the mask, hoping to shield her delicate features from prying eyes. Yet, her ethereal beauty seemed to radiate through the ornate disguise. 

Despite her efforts to remain incognito, Vernon"s discerning gaze locked onto her, as if drawn to the allure that transcended the facade she had carefully crafted. 

At that moment, it became evident that her veiled beauty was too captivating to escape his notice.

Rosemary moved gracefully through the opulent ballroom towards the back and tried to hide from the crowd, but she was stopped by the announcement of the Blood Committee.

"The next server selection stage will happen next week, in which every candidate will be assessed by different obstacles. Master Vernon, if you may agree, we will proceed to the Blood Exchange." the leader of the Blood Committee looked up to the Alpha Vampire.

"I want to talk to the Ventayan Family." Rosemary found the Alpha Vampire"s gaze was on her and she tried to avoid eye contact, it was that 0.5-second reminding her how she should run away now. "The whole family." Vernon's command made her nowhere to hide.


The Ventayan family one by one got into the Dark Hall, a mysterious and alluring location where the Alpha vampire meets guests. 

The Dark Hall exudes an undeniably eerie and unsettling atmosphere, sending shivers down the spines of those who dare to enter. 

As the Ventayan family steps into its dimly lit expanse, a sense of foreboding descends upon them, permeating the air with an almost tangible feeling of unease. Shadows dance ominously along the walls, creating an eerie spectacle that plays tricks on the mind, and the faint echoes of whispers seem to reverberate through the darkness, adding to the disquieting ambiance.

Mrs Ventayan is at the front of the Ventayan family, puzzled about why the Alpha Vampire especially wanted to talk. 

They lined up in front of the Alpha Vampire and waited for him to speak. Yet the Alpha Vampire just sat on the crown sipping his blood wine elegantly.

"Master Vernon, may I ask what is the reason you summoned us?" Mrs Ventayan did not dare to look up as she was scared of what the Alpha Vampire had to say.

"If I recall correctly, the candidate must come from the eldest daughter of every family, am I right?" The Alpha Vampire" 's voice was a chilling blend of deep resonance and commanding authority, each word laced with an undercurrent of menace. It reverberated through the room, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake, as if the very air dared not disturb its ominous cadence.

"Yes, you are correct Master Vernon." Mrs Ventayan" 's words trembled as they escaped her lips, each syllable quivering with palpable fear. Her voice, usually steady and assured, now cracked and faltered, betraying the terror that gripped her. "But due to an unexpected incident, our eldest daughter is under no condition to appear as the candidate and therefore we chose the second eldest daughter of our family."

She pushed Amelia to go forward. Amelia hesitantly inched forward, her movements tentative and hesitant, as if each step required a monumental effort. Her eyes, cast downward, betrayed her shyness, yet a glimmer of hope flickered within them, a silent plea for recognition. Despite her timidity, there was an undeniable yearning in her demeanor, a quiet desire to be acknowledged, to be seen and understood. It was as though her very presence hung in the balance, teetering between the safety of obscurity and the fervent wish to be noticed.

The Alpha Vampire, cloaked in an aura of ancient power, cast a disdainful glance in the girl"s direction, his eyes cold and indifferent. Her silent plea for recognition seemed to fall on deaf ears as he remained immovable, immersed in his own world of darkness and secrecy. It was as if her presence held no significance to him, as though she were but a fleeting shadow in the grand tapestry of his immortal existence. 

The weight of his indifference bore down on Amelia, extinguishing the fragile ember of hope that had flickered within her, leaving her to fade into the background, unseen and unheard in the presence of the formidable Alpha Vampire.

As his piercing eyes swept across the room, they unexpectedly landed on the girl who had been discreetly trying to conceal herself. In that moment, the atmosphere seemed to shift, as if Rosemary's attempt at invisibility had been abruptly shattered by the weight of his attention. It was as though her efforts to remain unnoticed had been in vain, for the Alpha Vampire"s gaze now bore down on her with an intensity that seemed to pierce through her very soul, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable in his formidable presence.

"Send your eldest daughter forward and I will see what kind of incident happened." 

Rosemary, adorned in a delicate lace mask that veiled her features, exuded an ethereal beauty that transcended the confines of her concealment. As she was sent forward to greet the Alpha Vampire, her graceful movement betrayed an air of quiet confidence, her eyes sparkling with a hint of trepidation and an underlying strength.

When her gaze met the Alpha Vampire's intense, piercing eyes, a wave of recognition surged through her, transporting her to a distant, forgotten memory of a past life. It was as if the depths of time had momentarily parted, allowing her to glimpse a fragment of a bygone era, shrouded in mystery and longing. 

The Alpha Vampire's gaze seemed to stir dormant echoes within her, igniting a flicker of familiarity that danced on the edges of her consciousness, leaving her momentarily spellbound by the enigmatic connection that seemed to transcend the present moment.

Her mind was brought back to that night when the Alpha Vampire Server was announced, and when she was kept as the mistress for the first night.