
Error Within the System

[LOADING..] [LOADING.] [LOADING...] ... [ERROR] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [REFRESHING.] ... [ERROR] [REFRESHING...] ... [ERROR] ... [ERROR] ... [PLAYER “ERROR” SUCCESSFULLY CONNECTED] [GENERATING NEW BODY.] ... [ERROR] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [ERROR] [BODY GENERATED] [GENERATING ABILITIES...] [ERROR] ... [ABILITIES GENERATED] [ERROR] [SEARCHING FOR NEW WORLD..] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [ERROR] [BODY GENERATED] [REFRESHING..] [REFRESHING..] ... [ERROR] [ERROR] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [WORLD NOT FOUND] [ERROR] [BODY GENERATED] [ERROR] [ABILITIES GENERATED] [REFRESHING.] [REFRESHING.] [ERROR] [REFRESHING.] [REFRESHING...] ... ... An endless noise is piercing his ears. Over and over... Never ending errors. All he could do was stare blank at it with his lifeless eyes waiting and watching for a sign of hope he could cling onto. There was none. Not a thing. Only himself and the ‘system’ in an endless black plane which he grew so familiar with. Years.. Decades.. Centuries.. He lost count long ago, it didn’t matter to him anymore. He never felt like he needed to sleep, eat, or do anything. The only thing that plagued his mind was the never ending boredom this place brought him. Its been so long for him that he forgot how he died. All he knew was that he did die and he was in the process of reincarnation but the system decided that he wasn’t good enough for it. His thoughts were blank and he only grew more and more bored. He wanted an adventure. Something that could excite him out of his infinitely flat existence. And he got it.

JuniorJumble · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 3: Second Six

Erick didn't know why this was happening to him. In his old life, he never cared to believe in god. In fact, he couldn't care less if god even existed. All he knew was that it was a boring life, very uneventful.

One part of him wanted to lead a quite life devoid of human interaction and the other wanted to bathe in war and live off of adrenaline.

He actually didn't care what he did in his life as he felt that he didn't like the meaning of it. He always thought that once he dies he wanted to float without a consciousness in the infinite space.

Though, when he died he didn't care much about that fact. The only thing that caught his interest was his new surroundings. A pitch black room devoid of light. The only things that illuminated were the bodies of the six others and himself. Although he didn't know how but he knew it wasn't just some light. It was more like a mental image of people being painted through his eyes.

The more he thought of his boring life and the facade he put up front to live it, the more he wanted to forget about it.



[ Refreshing. ]


[ World not found ]



Erick had now started to drift through time, uncaring of his surroundings. Years.. Decades.. Centuries.. He didn't care enough to continue counting time. For all he knew, time wouldn't be measured the same in a different planet anyways. The days could be longer or shorter in this new planet. If there were multiple stars in its solar system, there could be a longer day than night cycle. He was never big on science.

Erick sat with his empty mind and lifeless eyes watching for a change on his panel. He found that his boredom on his home planet couldn't compare to the boredom he was feeling now. He craved adventure and exploration. He wanted bloody battles where he would fight tooth and nail for a win or a loss. It didn't matter exactly what it was as long as it wasn't this endless dark void. Yet nothing came to help him.




[ Error ]



Then a voice sounded..


' Searching for new players... '



Erick immediately woke up from his flattened expression. "New players? Could this mean that more people would be coming here?!" Erick hoped that this were that case as he had never seen another person in what seemed like thousands of years.




' Players found '



[ System reseting.. ]



' Generating new system... '


Out of no where six people appeared.

Erick was so overjoyed that he didn't even pay attention to the system after the 'ding'.

He then took a look at his surroundings and found that the six people that came kind of looked similar to the six that ditched him except one of them weren't even human. In fact, the nonhuman looked almost like a demon as depicted in a book he once read.

3 females and 3 males. They were placed in a semi-circle just like how Erick and his batch were. Though oddly enough, this batch seemed very 'okay' with what was happening to them.

Everyone of the 5 normal humans looked at the 'demon' in disgust as if they were familiar with its kind. The demon seemed to let out a slight chuckle with its sinister smile but no noise left their mouth.

Erick slowly pieced together what this meant. He soon guessed that these six were some kind of decedents of the other six that left him as the sinister smile the demon showed was alike to one of the other six that he bit by bit recalled. This would explain their unsurprised expressions since it could be that this was told to then by the first batch.

The other six looked down on Erick like he was just a dog amidst a bunch of bears. He didn't know why they did that but they just did.

Then something weird happened.

A white, red and gold panel appeared.



' New system generated '

' Update Log: '

' *NEW*Separate systems generated for each new player! '

' *NEW*Bloodline feature! '

' *NEW*Starter weapons! '

' *NEW*System naming! '

' *NEW*Body generator deleted! '

' Naming system based off of personal experiences... '
