
Erotic God

What happens when the wealthiest person in the world gets transmigrated into an Eroge game he made himself. Well a lot of things happen that you can only know unless you read this novel. Watch as Travis, traverses this world filled with countless threats. THERE IS NO YURI OR NTR!!!!! [ This is a rewrite. I hope you enjoy it, hope it doesn't flop low-key]

NOTAKING · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Combat Class Final

Travis and Valentina met in the center of the arena, exchanging smirks that hinted at the imminent clash. Valentina cracked her knuckles, the air around her charged with the palpable intent of battle. Travis, not one to be outdone, performed a quick Goku warm-up, striking a pose that sought to instill fear in his adversary. Once done, he assumed a stance he had mirrored from the legendary goat himself.

Valentina's arms became engulfed in red flames, and two gauntlets with sharp claws materialized on them. Positioned in a casual fighting stance, she prepared herself with one hand close to her face and the other guarding her liver. Her tail wagged in excitement, showcasing her readiness for the impending confrontation. Travis, while recognizing potential weak points in her style, also acknowledged the advantage she held with her strategically placed gold scales.

Samantha, sensing the intensity of both fighters, couldn't help but smile, knowing that this battle held the promise of being one of the best. The stage was set for a riveting clash between Travis and Valentina, a spectacle that would unfold with a blend of skill, strategy, and the thrill of battle.

"Alright, Begin!"

Travis, standing his ground, awaited Valentina's first strike, and she wasted no time launching herself straight at him. In a blur of movement, she appeared under him, aiming for an uppercut. However, Travis, keenly anticipating her every move, expertly backed up as her fist narrowly missed his face.

The force behind Valentina's punch was palpable, evident in the wind that accompanied the motion, tousling Travis's hair into an odd position. Unfazed, Travis quickly adjusted his hair, poised for the impending strike.

Valentina, undeterred, utilized her tail to wrap around Travis's waist, pulling him close. A colossal fist loomed toward his face, a threat that held the promise of severe damage. Yet, Travis, demonstrating agility and quick thinking, used his legs to counter the punch, pushing himself away. The sheer power in the punch unleashed a force that obliterated the nearby wall, adding a visceral element to the clash that unfolded in the arena.

'Wow, that was really a dangerous play. I should take this more seriously.'

Despite being lower in inherent strength, Valentina's dragon bloodline endowed her gauntlets with a unique ability. The dragon's essence within the gauntlets possessed a sentient quality, sensing its user's intentions and granting her a surge of strength accordingly. This unexpected connection allowed Valentina to tap into a reservoir of power that defied her initial expectations, surprising even herself with the feats she could achieve. The arena bore witness to the dynamic interplay between Valentina's innate abilities and the augmented strength drawn from the dragon bloodline, adding an intriguing layer to the unfolding battle.

'I've become much stronger than I originally was.' She thought.

Interrupted from her thoughts, Valentina found Travis sprinting towards her. As he closed in, she swiftly brought her arms up to block the incoming punch. However, Travis, displaying agility and quick reflexes, went under her defenses and delivered a powerful blow to her gut.


The impact caused Valentina to stumble, a wince of pain etched across her face. Almost on the verge of falling to her knees, she was surprised to find that the pain from the punch transformed into a source of fuel for her rage.

'Fuck, I hate how similar to Vegeta I made her.' Travis thought.

Recovering from the stumble, Valentina straightened her stance and swiftly threw a punch at Travis. In a display of agility, he easily dodged the initial strike. However, a second punch swiftly followed, connecting with Travis and sending him flying backward. As he was propelled towards the edge of the arena, Travis reacted swiftly, grabbing onto the ground and managing to get back on his feet.

Returning to the turtle hermit stance, Travis presented a different aura. The energy surrounding him had transformed, becoming denser and more palpable. The arena pulsated with the evolving dynamics of the fight, as each movement and stance shift contributed to the heightened intensity between Travis and Valentina.

He wasn't angry or anything; instead, he was serious.

Valentina's instincts screamed warnings at her, urging caution, but she pressed on, the thrill of the battle surging through her veins. Her gauntlets darkened in color, emanating a red aura that intensified with each passing moment.

Samantha, recognizing the escalating danger, knew intervention was necessary to prevent the potential destruction of the entire arena. In a swift decision, she blitzed between Travis and Valentina, creating a barrier that momentarily halted the clash. The arena, charged with energy and tension, held its collective breath as Samantha's intervention momentarily quelled the storm that had brewed between the formidable opponents.

"Alright, guys, that's enough."

Travis lowered his hands and walked towards Valentina. He stretched his hand out, and she took it in hers.

"Good fight."

"Yeah, good fight. I hope you don't think this the last time we have a spar."

Travis chuckled when he heard that. "Well, I was about to say the same to you."

After that, Samantha called everyone down to the arena.

"Alright, I'd say I'm very impressed; you guys have a great amount of power at such a young age. Your future is sure to be bright, but that doesn't mean you'll get stronger without working hard, so that's what I'm gonna do to you. I'll work you all till you don't even feel your eyelids. Okay, class dismissed."

She then disappeared; they just heard the sound of the door opening and closing very fast.

"Well, that was fun. Which class do you think we're going to next?" Travis asked.

"I sure hope it's not Gym class." Chris said.

They went to the lockers for a quick shower, after that, they changed into their uniforms. Plus, I might have forgotten to tell you the design of the girls' uniform. It has the same style as the boys one, but instead of pants, they have miniskirts and normal ones. Most girls in the class wore black stockings as well; he could clearly see their thick thighs being tightly wrapped by them, which looked really arousing.

Plus, Travis would always question the physics on their breasts; they just randomly bounced when they moved. The slightest movements made them jiggle; it's really weird but beautiful at the same time.

'Whew, that was close; I almost used my full power there. I guess it was the wrong idea fighting a dragon girl.'

[Yo bro, did you feel that?]

'Feel what?'

[Her power grew during the fight since she was drawing some of the gauntlet's energy.]

'Oh yeah, I kinda did notice a sharp spark when I was casually looking at her breasts bounce around.'

[Yeah well, I hope you're ready to hear this because everyone in your class has grown stronger just from the fights. You gotta get your game up, bro.]

'Fuck, I hate their potential. I also hate the wish I made. Well, it doesn't matter to me right now. I am still the strongest.'