
Erliel the queen of Alatus

Young girl dies due to her bullies. So she decided after reincarnation to become the most powerful entity in the world she is reincarnated into. Will she become god or die? Let's watch how she tries to survive the trials that await her on her way to the top. -Also this novel will be posted on my RoyalRoad account.

Nowgaming_CZ · Fantasía
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13 Chs

What do cities look like in this world? Now i have my own army!

After a few days we finally arrived at our first stop to stock up. Bunme will go into town and replenish our supplies, then we'll hit the road right away. Well, at least that was in our plan. But I remembered one character from the manga that hid the wings with cloak. Now that I think about it, I might copy one of her attacks. Well, it doesn't matter, I'll just go to town with Bunme today. Yes, it is probably a completely stupid idea, but if something happened, I will grab Bunme, then we will leave as fast as possible. Btw, I will go because I managed to learn the language that is used around here. At least to a used extent. Fortunately, I can pretend that I'm a traveler from far away and that Bunme is guiding me around here. Bunme wasn't too happy about me going with her.

I got ready and quickly made a hooded robe out of plant fibers and leather. I made it in a hurry, but it still looked great. I took all the furs and fangs and we went to town. Walls could be seen from afar. The walls were quite high and had many towers. But what was more special was that they had several layers that gradually increased in size. It was like someone glued smaller walls to larger ones. Another interesting thing that went to see is that they didn't seem to see stairs that would connect them. The only thing that could connect layers that could be seen were the tall towers.

We slowly reached the gates. They were huge and decorated with the figure of a man with an axe. That will be the God they believe in if i have to guess. Just above the gate entrance was an eye with several lines below it. The same symbol as the soldiers who attacked us when we were coming out of the forest. There were only a few soldiers standing outside the gates and it didn't look very protected.

We went through them with literally no problems. Nobody stopped us. The houses in the town looked interesting. Mostly they were decorated only with an eye with three lines on the facade. If I had to describe the buildings somehow, it would probably be a very faith-oriented architectural style.

Bunme and I walked slowly and quietly through the streets of the city. Even though we've been on the road with her for a while, she doesn't talk to us that much. But gradually she starts to open up more. As we walked through the city, I noticed something interesting. Sometimes there were signs on the buildings with inscriptions written from top to bottom, but I can't write in that language yet, so i don't know what they're saying. But by their appearance it could be guessed that they would probably be different types of shops.

Bunme led me to some strange shop. Then she started talking to someone behind the counter, but all I caught was that she wanted to make a transaction. Then she pointed to my backpack and spoke again. She probably wanted to sell my fangs, etc. that I had from hunting beasts. I gave it to her and she exchanged it for a few gold coins.

Well, it was quite anticlimactic. We went out and then we went to another store. We bought dried meat and went out of town. It was really extremely easy and I didn't actually say anything in town. To be honest, I expected that they would easily discover us and there would be little bit of a chase and a bit of action, but the security of the city is zero. The only thing that was strange was that I got a new title out of nowhere.

Name: Erliel

Evolution percentage: 6%

Race: Rega Alatus

Age: 18d

Estimated strength:

Str: 354-⟩357

Sp: 155-⟩160

Dex: 254-⟩257

Hp: 425/425-⟩427/427


Skills: Evolve, Create servant, Book of Knowlage(II), Twilight Polearm fighting style, Danger detection, Leather Craft, Nature magic (beginner), Mana circulation, Twilight Magic, Combine, Body Strengthening, White burst, Cooking, Blacksmithing, Woodsmith, Leaders Soul, Celestial magic, Magic Palace,

Mytical Skills: "Geirönul", Geirönul Transformation

Racial skills: Summon Tool(Master), Halo of power, Wrath of Rega

Titles: Pure-blooded Alatus, Hunter, Mage, One with nature, Born to rule, Leader, Magical spearman, True mage, Demon, A living myth


(A person labeled as a demon by more than 500 people will get this title. Due to your enemies calling you a demon, you gain some of the abilities of a mythical beings. Abilities vary from user to user.)

(A living myth)

(The owner of this Title gained the ability of beings that appear in myths across worlds. Therefore, this being is considered a living myth.)


(The power of the Valkyrie, the Spirit of Death, runs through your veins. Geirönul, also known as "the one charging forth with the spear".

The power when the user holds the spear will naturally increase. The user's wings gain a strength bonus. (The user will be able to fly faster and their wings will not be as vulnerable.)

The user can open the gates of valhalla and use some of the souls of the warriors. Only the souls of those killed by the user of this ability are summoned.)

(Geirönul Transformation)

(For 5 minutes, the user gains the power and abilities of a Valkyrie.)

Ok what the hell just happened?! How can there be more than 500 people calling me a demon?! Second thing.. who or what the hell is Geirönul. Like, I know that according to the description it's supposed to be some kind of Valkyrie with a spear, but the descriptions of everything are annoyingly short.

I stopped in my steps due to my confusion. Of course Bunme looked at me and wondered why I stopped.

"Is someting wrong?" Asked Bunme."Is someone watching us or something?"

"First of all... more than 500 people know me. Second, they call me a demon. Thirdly, I got a mythic skill."

"Eh- What?" Bunme looked at me with a look that said she didn't understand what I was talking about.

"Surely you know what special skills I have and that I can find out my status without having crystal status." I told Bunma. There are things called status crystals in this world, but they are quite rare. They are mostly in big cities and you have to pay to be able to look at your status and see your skills."Now the skill that displays my status has alerted me that I have acquired new titles and skills. And it told me that I gained something that could be considered a mythic skill."

"Ok and what does that mean?" Bunme asked.

"As I said, 500 people call me a demon and I got a skill because of that. Btw do you know what a Valkyrie is?" I asked because I was wondering if there were valkyries in this world. Of course I thought not, but I can ask, can't i?

"Oh.. I don't know anything about valkyries. Rather, if you want to know more, ask Drea, she might know something." Bunme replied. She thought about something and then spoke again. "What does it tell you about that skill?"

"Description says I will have better wings and my spear attacks will be stronger. I can also open the valhalla gate and summon the souls of the dead. Oh! I almost forgot that I have the ability to transform into the Valkyrie itself." I said to Bunma, who then looked at me stupidly for a while.

"Then show me those skills on the beasts if we can find any near the see." Bunma replied and started walking again.

We didn't say anything the rest of the way, but I tried to find out as much as I could in the book about those skills. Until now, I haven't had anything about mythic skills in the book, but I'm wondering Drea has any. Why do I think Drea might have some mythical skill? Until now, I had no idea about the existence of such skills, but now my book has been updated because of it. It might sound silly, but what if it didn't show them to me until now because I didn't have one myself? So when I get home, I'll check her status.

We finally arrived at our camp. Pramis was waiting for us with a lot of her prey that she caught when we were in the town. I guess she got bored waiting. So there will probably be some beasts on the seashore. Most of the beasts she caught looked like crabs. There were even a few fishes and other sea creatures.

Tonight's dinner will probably be seafood. Why not use it when we have it here, right? But dinner will have to wait because we'll be testing out my new skills first. That's why we went to the place where Pramis found so many beasts. Of course, I also explained it to her on the way.

We arrived at the coast and I said. "Pramis, Bunma, stand a bit away because we don't know exactly what will happen."

"Ok" Bunma replied.

"Okay, okay. Don't delay it and show what's new skills you got" Pramis answered impatiently.

Of course, I won't test if my wings are stronger, etc. I don't know how strong they were before, so I won't do that. That's why I started with Valkyrie Transformation.

As I triggered the ability, silver armor appeared on my body. My hair grew longer and longer. My hair turned from black to silver white. A silver helmet decorated my head. During all of this, my wings began to change. It felt like my feathers were turning into metal. Gold decoration began to grow all over my armor and a pair of wings adorned the sides of my helmet. In my hand appeared a spear similar to mine, only made from silver and gold materials.

I felt extremely strong. That's why I ran to the nearest beast. It was a huge crab. I stabbed it with spear. My spear easily pierced through the carapace. It didn't even have time to react and I was already attacking from a completely different direction. After a few seconds, the beast fell to the ground.

Of course, that wasn't all I could do in this form. I felt that my wings themselves had become a weapon. That's why I flew into the air and attacked another crab. This time I attacked the crab using my own feathers which started shooting on it. If it was a normal feather, it wouldn't have any effect, but the feathers in this form were as sharp as swords. And so another beast fell after only a few moments.

Cool ability right? Yes, it's a cool ability, but there's a problem. The problem is that even though I had the ability on max for about a minute or two, it consumed most of my mana. I'm at 50 mana right now. That's why Pramis, Bunme and I had to wait for a while before I could use my next ability.

When I finally had enough mana, I used Valhalla Gate. Out of nowhere, a golden and silver gate appeared behind me. A door decorated with figures that were most likely Valkyries began to open slowly. A group of knights came out of the gate. What surprised me was that all of them had armor similar to mine, only less decorated. Most of them had axes and crossbows, but a few of them also had swords. Mainly there was one knight with a big sword. Wasn't he the person who fought Pramis? Hmm strange, there are more of them than I killed. Does it count even if I didn't kill them directly and only helped with the killing?!

I turned to Pramis and Bunme. They both looked at me as my ghost army slowly ran towards the group of crabs and slowly decimated them.

Today was a really strange day.