
Erliel the queen of Alatus

Young girl dies due to her bullies. So she decided after reincarnation to become the most powerful entity in the world she is reincarnated into. Will she become god or die? Let's watch how she tries to survive the trials that await her on her way to the top. -Also this novel will be posted on my RoyalRoad account.

Nowgaming_CZ · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Its time to evolve some skills. I almost died by the way.

As any other day, I got out of bed and had breakfast. I still can't evolve my Stone craft skill, but I created an interesting attack that is based on a similar principle as shooting my summoned tools. Its still work in progress and actually i don't know how effective it is. Oh, and my Wood craft skill recently got leveled up to master. All I'm waiting for is evolve.

I walked out of my recently built house. During the last few days, I have been fine-tuning the decoration. Even if I'm not going to live in it forever, It needs some decoration right? Now my house looks like a typical fantasy house, mainly thanks to Wood craft, thanks to which I can also manipulate the shape of the wood. I also started a small farm on Racle fruit. Racle fruit grows on a small bush which surprisingly grows quite quickly. So now I only go to the forest for wood for the fire and when I'm trying to catch something. I didn't find much to catch, but I did find another strange beast. It was a bird with two pairs of wings. It looked weird and was pretty weak, but it tasted pretty good.

For the next few days, I did not progress at all with Craft skills. What do I have to do to evolve them? I tried the same as with all the other skills. I imagined that my skills were evolving and out of nowhere a holographic menu appeared in front of me.

(Evolution begins...)

Oh... so I'm stupid. All i had to do was think about evolving a skill and it began to evolve.

(Confirmed that evolution is possible)

(Evolution has begun)

Suddenly I started to feel pain in my head. It was the same pain i had when I choose skills. But this time I stood it. I guess I'm better used to the pain after all that happend.

(Detected possibility to combine skill Wood craft and Stone craft into skill Natrue magic.)

Immediately after the massage I started to feel pain in my chest. I felt like something was growing around my heart. It was an unimaginable pain. But for some strange reason, I felt as if something began to flow to my heart. And after a few minutes of writhing on the ground in pain later, it was finally over. I don't understand why or what happened, but if it makes me stronger, I don't mind the pain.

I sat down on the chairs with my legs still shaking. And when I looked at the book, I was really surprised.

Name: Erliel

Evolution percentage: 70%

Race: Alatus

Age: 9d

Estimated strength:

Str: 120-⟩130

Sp: 30-⟩35

Dex: 90-⟩95

Hp: 180/180-⟩200/200


Skills: Evolve, Create servant, Book of Knowlage, Polearm fighting style(Semi-Master), Danger detection, Leather Craft, Nature magic(NEW), Mana circulation(NEW),

Racial skills: Summon Tool(Apprentice)

Titles: Pure-blooded Alatus, Hunter, Mage(NEW)

My stats skyrocketed and especially my mana. If I had to describe it in RPG style, I was a warrior before that. Now I'm something between a mage and a warrior. Aren't I getting stronger too fast? I think it's because of the Evolve skill. When I'm at the evolve skill, I might as well look at my new skill.

(Nature magic)

(In most cases, magic cannot be learned using a skill, but Nature magic is a racial skill of one of the extinct races, therefore, as one of the few types of magic that can be skills, is really rare.

This skill is a combination of Green and Earth magic. Thanks to this, this skill allows the manipulation of earth and plants.)

This is quite op. Literally when I'm in the forest no one can beat me as long as I have mana. And what is the second one?

(Mana circulation)

(It simplifies the control and circulation of mana in the body.)

Another simply described skill. I'm starting to think that whoever created the book was lazy. And now its time to look at the title.


(As one of the few people in existence, you can control magic and use magic.)

Ohh so magic isn't used much in this world. I guess because using skills is easier than learning magic, because skills usually don't allow using magic. That's why most people don't use magic. I mean i don't know.. maybe I'm completely wrong. I haven't gotten into human society yet, so I don't know. Anyway let's try it out.

I started using magic and manipulated tree branches to wrap them around the practice target. Then I created a huge vine from the bottom of the target and pierced the target with it

(??. POV)

Now i just need to connect all my chimera to my head so i can see what they see and then it's time get Spirit Water right away. I linked my view with them and sent them to where the spirit well is. Its exhausting but i must get that water.

After passing through the forest, only 50 out of 100 chimeras survived, but it only one is enough for bringing me the water. My chimeras arrived at the Spirit Well. Of course Spirit won't give me Spirit water without a fight. Spiriti have always hated humans. According to legends, it is said that after humans exterminated most of the races, the goddess of nature got angry and since then the Spirits.. her children hate humans.

My chimeras were being attacked by the spirit using magic, and the beasts were also attacking them from all sides. Hundreds of Needle rats, Star wolves and other beasts. This could only be described in one word, War. Needles and blades out of the air whizzed everywhere. Eventually, however, several chimeras managed to bottle the water from the Spirit Well. The others covered for them while the ones with the bottles ran away. Until finally all the chimeras at the spirit well were destroyed.

Out of nowhere, one of the chimeras spotted something unusual. Not far from chimera, a girl in a tattered robe was walking through the forest. I was surprised. How did she get here? And how did she manage to survive here? As soon as she saw the chimera, a rod made of some kind of metal appeared out of nowhere in her hand. And she then ran towards the chimera.

(Erliel. POV)

As always, I went hunting. I usually don't find anything, but who knows, maybe I'll find another bear. As I was walking through the peaceful forest, I saw a strange creature. It had the head of a lion and a snake. Well, at least something that reminded them. It also has several pairs of paws with claws. Although it looks like abomination, i will defeat it.

I immediately summoned my weapon and ran towards the abomination. One of the paws immediately aimed at me, but I managed to dodge it. The only problem was that the pack had more than two, and one of the other packs hit me and blew me away to the tree. It was quite a morning because I broke a tree. Pain shot through my body. Before I could recover, a huge snake's mouth appeared in front of me. Fortunately, I managed to dodge. Right after that I used Nature magic and tried to catch him with the broken tree. He immediately broke off the branches I created. But it was too late because I used my next attack. Dozens of knives formed around me from stones and various random metals that were in the ground. And of course they started to fall at that abomination. The creature began to bleed from many parts of its body. The strangest thing is that the lion's head does not attack or roar at all.


Out of nowhere, a paw flies past my side. Several of the claws dug into my flesh. It would have been worse if I hadn't dodged at the last minute. A metal rod in one hand, the other holding my left hip. I create vines from ground and tried to pierce it with it. I created two metal poles and a lot of stone and metal knives around them. I attacked from all sides, and the creature almost hit me again several times.

We've both had a lot of injuries, and it looks like we're both fighting with our last strength. I created another barrage of knives, this time there was lot les of them. And right after I dodged another swipe of my paw and then a huge snake mouth that wanted to eat me, I shot them all at its head. I created wooden and stone spears from the ground that pierced the creature from below. The wooden ones slowly grew into the creature's body, preventing it from moving. I finally stopped it, but it seems to be quite angry. By the way, can it even feel pain?

It kept swinging its paws at me and attacking me with its snake mouth. But the lion's mouth didn't move at all, why? Since the creature could no longer dodge, I blinded it with stone knives. We were both bleeding quite heavily, but the creature was much worse off. A smile appeared on my face.

"So what now? Where is your enthusiasm from the beginning of the fight, when you trew me at tree?" I laughed in the creature's face. The creature's lion head contorted in rage.

"What's the matter?" I asked with a devilish grin on my face. "I had no idea you could think. If you had told me earlier, I might have made you my pet." Of course I was only joking because I wanted to piss him off even more. He hurt my side, so at least I can make fun of him, right?

Well, time to end it. I created a huge spike from a stone that went through his stomach and pierced his heart. Even so, the creature kept moving. So I cut off both of its heads, which finally worked and the creature finally died.

Exhausted, I sat down on a rock and looked at our battlefield. There were broken trees everywhere and lots of weapons made of stone and spikes from the ground. My robe has so many holes that even if I were to be naked it would be the same. Well, it's time to go home. I probably won't take the creature's corpse because I'm too injured to bring it home.

At least I could take the leather, even if it is stitched in several places. And I could take fangs too. After pulling the teeth out of the snake's mouth, I wanted to start with the lion's mouth, but I noticed something strange. When I took his head in my hands, I noticed that there was something shiny in it. Even though the sun is no longer in the sky, you can still see the bottle glistening under the moonlight.

I pulled the bottle out of the lion's mouth and at that moment I realized why the mouth didn't fight. That head didn't fight because it contained the bottle I'm holding in my hand now. The liquid in the vial was almost like water if it didn't emit a blue light. It was dim and probably wouldn't be visible during the day, but since it's night, it's perfectly visible. I will definitely find something about that liquid in a book. Well, I'll take a few scales from a snake's head and a mane from a lion's head. And with that I headed home. I will probably have to make clothes from the furs I have left from the bear, except for the one I sleep on. Of course, not just bearskins. I could possibly use Nature magic or I could also make armor. But first I will make a bandage using Nature magic. Although the flower bandage won't last long, but whatever.

I stopped limping and used magic to slowly create a bandage from the plant next to me to so i could wrap around around my side. And after I arrived home, I bandaged my injury and finally got some well-deserved sleep.