
Erliel the queen of Alatus

Young girl dies due to her bullies. So she decided after reincarnation to become the most powerful entity in the world she is reincarnated into. Will she become god or die? Let's watch how she tries to survive the trials that await her on her way to the top. -Also this novel will be posted on my RoyalRoad account.

Nowgaming_CZ · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Hellish training of Drea and Garul's mission.

I helped Pramis up because when she tried to dodge that last attack, she fell on her butt.

"Good fight! You almost beat me several times. It was an awfully close fight!" I told Pramis to cheer her up a bit because she was a bit down after the defeat. Not that I'm lying. Even I thought I was going to lose.

"Hey Erliel, I think I have some ideas on how to increase your fighting power." Drea said out of the blue. "How about trying to control and change the form of your summon tool, depending on what do you need in the moment? This could boost your fighting capabilities."

"That's a pretty good idea, actually." I stood there frozen in thoughts for a while.

I closed my eyes. I imagined my summon tool, but in the shape of a katana. Nothing happened. Maybe if I try to create a summon tool first and then try to change its shape. And so I did. I tried to change the shape, but it was difficult. That is, only for some weapons. Spears, halberds and other similar weapons were simple, unlike for example katana and sword. Wait, could it be that I have Polearm fighting style (Master)? Btw, I could actually try to evolve that skill. And of course I tried it, because otherwise I would have forgotten about it.

(Evolving skill: Polearm fighting style)

(Evolution successful)

(Skill: Polearm fighting style Evolved into skill: Twilight Polearm fighting style)

Ok how does my status look and what has changed about this skill.

Name: Erliel

Evolution percentage: 5%

Race: Rega Alatus

Age: 15d

Estimated strength:

Str: 350-⟩352

Sp: 150-⟩152

Dex: 250-⟩252

Hp: 420/420-⟩421/421


Skills: Evolve, Create servant, Book of Knowlage(II), Twilight Polearm fighting style, Danger detection, Leather Craft, Nature magic (beginner), Mana circulation, Twilight Magic, Combine, Body Strengthening, White burst, Cooking, Blacksmithing, Woodsmith, Leaders Soul

Racial skills: Summon Tool(Master), Halo of power

Titles: Pure-blooded Alatus, Hunter, Mage, One with nature, Born to rule, Leader, Magical spearman

(Twilight Polearm fighting style)

(The combination of magic and Polearms creates a special fighting style. The Twilight Polearm fighting style combines light, darkness and weapon attacks together.)

(Magical spearman)

(A title given to those who could combine magic and a spear.)

So I'm even more op than before, right? I could test it right away.

I summoned my spear. this time it wasn't silver, but black and gold. I looked towards the tree and stabbed the air, imagining the dark magic creating several copies of my stab. Although it wasn't much force, several holes appeared in the tree and then it fell because the holey trunk couldn't support the treetop. Then with a beautiful spin that I would like to brag about, I stabbed into the air again, but this time I used the magic of light to create a beam that made a hole in the tree. I pointed my spear into the air and a multitude of spears of light and darkness formed from the ground, piercing through anyone who would be standing there. Dream and Pramis stared at me.

When I noticed that, I looked at Drea and said. "Btw, that thing about changing the shape of the weapon. Before i can change the weapon I must have a Fighting style related to that type of weapon. I can just change it to polearms for now."

"That makes sense."Replied Drea while nodding her head.

Pramis kept staring at me. As if looking for how I did it.

"If you want to improve your skill, close your eyes and imagine Polearm fighting style, then say Evolve in your head." I said and a wide smile appeared on her face.

She closed her eyes and out of nowhere she started to glow. Out of nowhere, a naginata appeared in her hand, she swung it and it through the air flew blade of light. Another swing created a wave of darkness. The wave hit the tree, but just when I thought nothing was happening, a lot of spears emerged from the shadow of the tree and pierced the tree. That was a very cool attack. She then swung her weapon twice and formed a cross out of the darkness. Then she stabbed with the tip of her naginata blade and the beam of light blinded me.


Several trees fell to the ground. There was the imprint of the cross on all of them. Did she just create White burst with only naginata? That was a really cool attack.

Drea watched Pramis with wide eyes. "I didn't expect this. I never get bored when i'm with you, you always show me something interesting." She smiled.

"It's not my fault. Pramis is just a great fighter." I said.

We both watched her cut down trees with her attacks. Out of nowhere I realized something.

"What are we going to do with all that wood?" I asked, and judging by Drea's reaction, I think she didn't realize until now that we would have an unnecessary amount of wood here.

"What about building warehouse??" She replied and honestly,

it's a pretty good idea. With how strong Pramis has gotten, I think she'll be bringing home a lot of pray every day. Of course I'll hunt with her from time to time too, but I want to focus on making things for a few days for now. I would like to try to get Celestial magic. It is magic suitable for crafting potions and doing various rituals.

"Btw Drea? Can you help me get Celestial magic?" I said and suddenly a flame appeared in Drea's eyes. She was probably looking forward to more experiments. I didn't even have time to tell Pramis where we were going because Drea started dragging me into the lab. She suddenly pulled maps of the night sky out of thin air.

"Um, what's the point of these maps?" I asked.

"When there were other races in this world like Humans and Monsters, I had a alchemist friend from long-lived race. He told me how to learn celestial magic because I was interested in it at the time. The first thing you need to do is memorize the stars at night sky." She said and that started my personal hell.

I studied the night sky for several hours. Although I have a fairly good memory, remembering the stars and their positions gave me quite a bit of trouble. Each constellation in Celestial magic represents something different. There are two most important constellations for alchemy. They are the constellations of Libra and Fire. Then I learned the rituals associated with different types of magic. From rituals that predict the future to those that cast curses. Wait why is Drea teaching me how to curse someone?

We continued until night. Pramis had long time ago returned home from hunting, but I was still sitting in the lab with Drea, who was teaching me Celestial magic. She seems to enjoy it, but it feels like my head explode. I'm complaining, but honestly Drea is a great teacher. She explains everything in such a way that it can be understood, but at the same time all the important details are there. Of course, I didn't learn everything in a day. It took several days before I learned everything important about celestial magic. Meanwhile, something was happening somewhere far away from where we were.

(Garul. POV.)

Today was the day the king would send us on our mission. We all gathered in the courtyard of the castle. There were a lot of people there, so we probably won't be the only expedition. Oh, and in between we were joined by a strange woman who always wears black clothes and covers her face. She is said to be quite a well-known swordsman, so it didn't matter that she joined us.

Everything fell silent and everyone knelt down. Of course I did the same. The king came to the balcony of his castle. No one dared to look at his face.

"Greetings to you who have gathered here. Today I will send you all on various missions important to the kingdom. All of the people from main explorer team step forward." The king's voice echoed through the courtyard.

Suddenly, servants carrying a huge chest appeared in front of the first team. They put it in front of them and when they opened it, we all froze. There were a lot of weapons potions and artifacts.

"This is all the equipment the kingdom has to offer you. As you all know, your job is to slay the dragon and bring its blood here." Said the king. I wanted to scream in annoyance. Why didn't he send me on a mission to kill a dragon and instead I was sent to catch some girl from the forest. With that he sent them on their mission. We were still kneeling and it was already uncomfortable for me.

"Now the other team. There aren't that many of you, because the more people go into that cursed forest, the less chance of survival." He stopped for a moment and then said. "Step forward." He said and the servants came running again with the chest. We approached the chest and were surprised when it opened. There were lots of strange artifacts and nets.

"This mission is very dangerous so I wish you good luck. The servants will explain everything about the artifacts." With that he turned and left.

After everything was explained to us, we set off on our journey. For several days we had to sleep in the wagons in which we traveled towards the forest. I also found out that the woman in black doesn't talk much unless she has to. I talked the most with Mara along the way, who was excited about this expedition. According to what is said about her, she is a genius who taught herself magic. And also she is a rare Elemental mage. Most mages use Celestial magic, which is focused on predicting the future, ritual, and alchemy, but she uses magic for combat. She looks like a mature woman in her thirties. Thanks to her, we had no problems along the way. I also talked to the soldiers who were sent with us. A few of them said that they have a new experimental magic weapon that looks like a bow and can shoot magic arrows. The others were normal knights and one was even a Magic swordsman. I think we don't have to worry about this mission. I think it will be boringly simple. I regret that I ever accepted such a mission.

It has been several days and we are finally at the forest where we set up camp and got ready for the hunt. We walked through the forest for several hours and encountered many beasts. A couple of the knights were even wounded. We have not even found our target and we are already losing combat power. Suddenly we reached a place where the beasts stopped appearing. The forest seemed to fall silent.

"Something doesn't seem right." The woman in black said. What is her name anyway?

"Of course, something is wrong when the beasts stop appearing out of nowhere." Mara replied angrily.

Suddenly I felt something strange. I felt a chill go down my spine. I felt like someone was watching us.

"It looks like someone is following us, so be on your guard!" I said and everyone started looking around.


We all turned in the direction we heard the branch snap. A girl was standing there. A short distance behind her was another girl. The one in front had a strange weapon that I had not seen before but it resembled a halberd. The other one in the back had a gold and black spear. Both had large white wings. I remembered the teachings of the church, which spoke of winged demons that were destroyed with the help of the god Unmo. But now two such demons were standing in front of me, and one of them was exactly like the girl we were looking for. Maybe this mission won't be as boring as i thought. With these thoughts, I smiled, activated my skill and readied my sword.