
Erliel the queen of Alatus

Young girl dies due to her bullies. So she decided after reincarnation to become the most powerful entity in the world she is reincarnated into. Will she become god or die? Let's watch how she tries to survive the trials that await her on her way to the top. -Also this novel will be posted on my RoyalRoad account.

Nowgaming_CZ · Fantasía
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13 Chs

First contact with human. And someone knocked on my door?!

Today it was time to hunt with Pramis again. As always, I've been training magic with Drea for the last few days, and not just the celestial one. I learned the basic Twilight magic spells. Btw learning magic was a terrible pain. I had to create in my head something similar to a thought palace in which the spells are stored. The worst thing about it is that it uses mana while creating that palace. It took some time, but I did it. Oh, and I found out that Nature magic has the ability to heal.

There was silence between me and Pramis. We both knew that if we talked, we could scare the prey away. We already knew the surrounding part of the forest quite well. That's why we moved through the forest quite quickly. Today's hunting was pretty good, but out of the blue something pops up in front of us. We both stopped and watched the group of humanoid figures for a moment. My heart almost stopped. I immediately indicated to Pramis that we would watch them for a while. Of course, Pramis recognized humans, due to the fact that she inherited some knowledge from me.


Shit, I stepped on a twig and it broke. Immediately a whole group of humans looked at us. They all looked strong, but the strangest of the bunch was the girl in black. I don't know why, but I felt that she wouldn't be a problem for us. My eyes opened wide as I watched her disappear into the darkness.Despite that, I had the feeling that she didn't want to hurt us. The others prepared to fight. I wanted to say something, but in that moment i realized that I didn't know what language the were speaking.

"?!&@#!!" Said the person with the sword in his hands. This confirmed that I cannot talk to them. Actually how can I talk to Drea? Is it because Drea is a spirit?


A net flew by a short distance from me. Are they trying to catch me like some animal or something?! I don't know why, but out of nowhere I felt angry. After I adjusted everything to holograms, messages could be shown in front of my eyes, and that also happened.

(Skill Wrath of Rega has been unlocked.)

Btw my status lookes like this now.

Name: Erliel

Evolution percentage: 6%

Race: Rega Alatus

Age: 18d

Estimated strength:

Str: 352-⟩354

Sp: 152-⟩155

Dex: 252-⟩254

Hp: 421/421-⟩425/425


Skills: Evolve, Create servant, Book of Knowlage(II), Twilight Polearm fighting style, Danger detection, Leather Craft, Nature magic (beginner), Mana circulation, Twilight Magic, Combine, Body Strengthening, White burst, Cooking, Blacksmithing, Woodsmith, Leaders Soul, Celestial magic, Magic Palace,

Racial skills: Summon Tool(Master), Halo of power, Wrath of Rega

Titles: Pure-blooded Alatus, Hunter, Mage, One with nature, Born to rule, Leader, Magical spearman, True mage

(Magic Palace)

(A Palace created with the mind to store spells. This palace makes it easier to use spells because they are easier to recall.)

(Wrath of Rega)

(This racial skill is difficult to unlock. Enraging the user of the skill will increase users power.)

Blood started rushing to my head. Do they want to catch me alive and without a fight?! They think that the power I gained and almost died several times in the process is not even worth a fight?! I gritted my teeth in anger. Meanwhile, the humans were still talking to each other.

"Time to Fight" I said to Pramis. We both prepared for the fight. Another net flew, but this time it was aimed at Pramis.

*Swish, Swing* With a few quick slashes, she sliced it in mid-air. The Humans stared at her with open mouths. We both ran towards them. The man with the huge sword stopped Pramis from slashing with his weapon. Meanwhile, I created a lot of chains from the darkness and caught all the people who looked like knights and crossbowmen with them. Although the crossbowmen had no arrows with them.

I created several black and gold spears that started to fall on all the knights, but out of nowhere a blue shield appeared in front of them. They have wizard with them too huh? Aren't wizards quite rare? Where is the wizard? I scanned the humans group. I looked among the knights who were slowly getting out of my chains. Hiding between them was a woman who looked like a typical witch. That will probably be their wizard.

Using Shadow Step, which is one of the darkness spells, I transported myself behind the group of knights. I caught them off guard with another barrage of spears. Two fell to the ground with spears in their chest. They fell to the ground to the pools of their own blood. I didn't feel anything. It was like killing beast. Still, I feel somewhere deep inside that it's not right.

A blue shield appears in front of me. I clicked my tongue and created spears of darkness from the shadows of the knights. Those who got out of the chains jumped away before the spears could pierce them. All the crossbowmen were dead. Finally the knights realized what was happening and ran towards me. Two fireballs flew at me from the side. It was that wizard again. I stopped both fireballs using shields made out of light.


The sword was coming towards me. Of course, I easily blocked the blow with a spear. And with a quick flick of spear I hit the knight in the chest. Two more knights charged at me with two more behind them and the remaining four were trying to get behind me. Of course, such an outnumbering of people was not easy to fight back and slowly I had more and more small wounds on my body. During all this, magical spells cast by the wizard were falling on me. I started to get more and more exhausted. In the background we saw that Pramis also had problems. I guess I'll have to use Halo of Power.

A halo appeared above my head. It was divided into two halves with gaps between them. Power began to flow through my body. With a grin on my face, I began to fend off my attackers. I killed several knights in a few moments with my Nature magic and only the woman who was casting magic spells and four knights remained. As I fought, rays of light and darkness flew from my spear. I also started shooting wooden spears at them using Nature magic. But the spears didn't do much.

I raised my spear into the air and stabbed it into the ground. Cracks began to appear around the place where I stuck the spear and dark tentacles began to crawl out of them. But it didn't slow down the knight, so I ran towards them with another spear in hand. Out of nowhere, a whirlwind of flames appeared in front of me. Fortunately, I managed to block it in time with a light shield. I broke through the vortex of fire with my light shield and landed right in front of one of the knights. He wanted to slash at me with his sword, but I was faster and I knocked the sword out of his hand. The tip of my spear was aimed at his chest. Just one quick stab and it's-

*Swish. Cling*

A sword slashed at me from the side. Fortunately, I managed to block it.

*Swish. UGh*

Another knight attacked me from behind and slashed my back. Knight in front of me attacked when he saw opening. He stabbed me in the place where the kidneys are. In the back, The third one tried to hold me in place. I saw the wizard woman preparing the net. My spear evaporated from my hands, while being replaced by swords of darkness and light. With a swing of both swords at once, I cut off the heads of all three.

The last knight ran at me with a net, but before he could get to me, I slashed twice in the air with my dark sword and made a cross. I pierced the cross with that light sword and a ray of light and darkness appeared. Another knight died. Only the Wizard women remains.

Speaking of that witch, she was casting another spell. I jumped away from where I think the spell will land, but I was too slow and the flame laser scratches my stomach. If it hit me, it would be very bad. Fire spears started falling at me and I countered them with light spears. While we were shooting spears at each other, I ran with my spear in my hands. And finally I hurt the witch. She fell to the ground clutching her chest. I wanted to end her, but I noticed that Pramis needed help.

Pramis was full of wounds all over her body. I created a spear and hit the warrior in the side. Pramis looked at me with eyes that seemed to say thank you. The warrior started shouting something with an angry face, but Pramis didn't wait for anything and pierced his throat. Now just get the woman and-

I looked where I left the woman, but she wasn't lying there anymore... Fuck she ran away.

"That was a tough fight... Ugh" I said to Pramis and held the wound on my stomach.

"Yes, and I only fought against that one fighter." She said Pramis. "Yeah and don't forget to use healing magic"

I did exactly as she said and answered her. "Could you collect their equipment?"

She nodded her head and began collecting swords and armor, throwing them at her own shadow. I couldn't learn this spell, but she did. I sat on the ground while treating my injuries. After a few minutes we collected everything and headed home. Pramis helped me walk because even though I closed the wounds, they hurt a lot. Of course, they are not completely cured and I will have to treat them at home.

Something flashed through my head. Did we forget something? I turned and looked into the distance, but there was nothing there. Wait, where is the woman in black?!

I woke up in the morning. Most of my injuries have healed, but it still hurts. I wanted to stay in bed all day and eat some Racle fruit but-


Someone knocked on the front door, which if you haven't realized by now is pretty weird. Drea usually walks in without knocking and there are a lot of beasts all around my house. Is it one of Drea's friends?

I went down the stairs and opened the door. A woman dressed in black stood there with a long narrow sword on her back. She had nothing but scars on her face. Isn't she the one who disappeared yesterday at the start of the fight?

"Hello winged demon" She said. I could only look at her stupidly because I understood her. Wait?! She called me a winged demon??

I looked at her angrily and said. "I'm not a winged demon. I have wings yes but my race is Alatus not demon."

She looked at me in surprise for a moment and then smiled and said. "Alright I won't call you winged demon just tell me your name. My name is Bunme."

"Elriel. Wait how did you even get past all those beasts?!" I asked because I still didn't understand what was going on.

Suddenly, Drea's voice came from behind me. "That's because I told them not to attack her. She's quite interesting, believe me. She may be human, but she has quite a bit of Alatus blood in her." I turned around and Drea and Pramis were standing behind me.

"That's why you're here Bunme, right?" Drea smiled.

Bunme was taken aback but answered after a moment. "Yes. One day when I was hunting beasts I saw a pillar of golden light in the distance. It drew me here as if it were the answer to all problems."

She stopped and after a while started talking again with a sad face. "I protect a village of people who are like me. We are human only we have body parts of 'Demons' as the church calls them. They always chase us and that's why I tried to find a place where we could live. That's why I want to ask.. Could we live here under the protection of you and the great Spirit?"