
Era of Gods

On a simple night, an illumunating divine lightning appeared out of nowhere and struck the earth. The earth suddenly underwent earth-shattering changes. Sun dimmed, moon dimmed, stars dimmed, earth, water, fire, sky, everything dimmed as if they lost their Spirits. Shrines, temples, churches, monsques, pagodas... every kind worship places and traces of Gods all over the world disappeared as if the Gods themselves disappeared overnight. In unease and madness, the world soon plunged into war and chaos. The chaotic wars rose, rose and rose to an unprecedented level, to the point where earth is about to face eternal destruction. Then the humans awakened something, something unimaginable that pushed the world into a new Era.. the Era of Gods.

teja_tej · Fantasía
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1 Chs

New Era


May 30

5034th Year of Ear of Gods.

Five thousand years!

It's been five thousand years since that incident happened!

It was said that an illuminating divine lightning of an unimaginable scale suddenly appeared out of nowhere and struck the earth at that time. Since then earth suddenly underwent huge earth-shattering changes. It's whole volume expanded more than 100 times. The structure of the continents and countries on earth is changed so much that the previous world map became unrecognizable to the current one. Sun, moon, stars, earth, water, fire, sky, everything were said to be dimmed as if they suddenly lost their spiritual lives.

All these changes made people on earth uneasy and anxious. but The most startling thing is the sudden mysterious disappearence of the traces of Gods all over the world. Shrines, temples, churches, monsques, pagodas... every kind of worship places are gone. It was as if they never existed in the first place.

On earth, Most people believe in God. Whether it is Lord Vishnu, Jesus, Allah, Budha, etc etc.. Whatever might be the name and form, to them, God is someone who created the world, something that overlooks the world. To suddenly discover their sudden disappearence and all these unprecedented changes, it made the people very uneasy.

As the unease continued to grow, the world soon fell into unrest. Even government, police and millitary are not sure of what is happening, how could have they have time to calm down the public. It didn't take long for the unrest and outrage to evolve into something more. Chaos and war.

At the beginning, it only involved small nations. But as the time went on and on, it spread to all the nations including superpowers like America, China, Russia, UK, etc. Soon the world plunged to madness.

The number of these chaotic and maddening wars started to increase, its scale rose to an unprecedented level. Millions of sodiers, countless navy, thousands of aircrafts, satellites, tanks, submarines, even the forbidden nuclear weapons..... it was all madness. This chaos rose to the point where humanity almost faced destruction.

Then, something unimaginable and unthinkable happened!

In a small and remote country that was about to be invaded and destroyed, a youth wearing college uniform suddenly appeared in air. He was floating in the air as if he is a bird. Then with a single move of his hand, he insta killed an army of million that was about to invade his country as if it was nothing. It happened so fast that none could react in time.

This shocking news soon passed throughout the world and set people ablaze in disbelief, and before the anyone could digest this unbelievable information, numerous such cases started to appear all over the earth.

Many humans started to awaken all kinds of unimaginable heaven defying powers: power to manipulate water, fire, earth, air, lightning; power to fly; super strength, godlike speed, etc etc.. all kinds of powers that millitary and science could not suppress appeared.

This shocking development put an end to the wars and chaos going around the earth and pushed world into a brand new Era, an Era where techology, science and logic could no longer be dominate, An Era where strength rules everything: the Era of Gods!!!

And people quickly found out that those awakened super natural powers, are very very similar to the powers of various Gods and legendary heroes mentioned in myths.. Hence those powers are called THE AVATARS OF GODS!!!


I wonder why the world suddenly changed and why Gods suddenly disappeared. Such a mystery. I wonder if the world before the Era of Gods is really as peaceful as mentioned in stories.

Mother, father, sister, if the world at that time was really like that, then why did we not born back then? Why do we have to born in the present cruel world? If it was back then, I- I wouldn't have lost you all. I wouldn't have to be an orphan with no family since childhood...




Mother, father, sister.. Don't worry, even though I'm alone, I don't feel lonely. I know you are always watching me from somewhere and want me to live happily. I will definitely live try my best. I hope you too rest in peace.

Oh, do you know? Today is the day I'm finally going to the Divine ritual. I- I want awaken an Avatar of God, no, not just an Avatar of God but a very very strong Avatar! If not, then I- I can't take the revenge.

I know you will be upset to hear this and don't want to me to do this, but I can't listen to you this time. The hate in my heart is tormenting my soul every second! And that murderer who killed you all, he deserves to die million times, in the most painful ways. I swear if I don't kill him, I may struck by lighting! Even if he is a king, or an emperor, or a god, no matter what he is, I will hunt him down and cut in him into thousand pieces!!!

Mother, father, sister, Please rest in peace./

The 15 year old youth stopped writing and gently closed the old diary. A pearl like drop of water dripped down the youth's cheek and fell onto cover of the book.

The melancholic youth, Advik closed his eyes for a while and took a long and deep breath. As he slowly opened his icy blue eyes, they shone with an unprecedented bone-chilling coldness. An apathic and indifferent express appeared on his pale beatiful face. This kind of expression is not something a youth of age 15 should have.

That expression didn't stay long on his face. In a few seconds, Advik's face relaxed into lazy and gentle face of a next door handsome boy as if the previous chilling indifferent youth is just an illusion.

Hiding the diary under his bed, Advik got up and slowly walked out of his room.