
Epitome: Evil

This is your end. I will eradicate every single one of you and then destroy your universes. I'll enjoy watching you squirm, "heroes."

RoyalJest · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - The End To Everything Good.

Kanji Satoru slowly regained consciousness, his eyes opening to a disorienting sight—a vast expanse of empty whiteness stretching endlessly in every direction. Dizziness gripped him, leaving his mind reeling with confusion. No landmarks, no boundaries—just an eerie silence and a profound sense of isolation.

"Hello!?" He shouted.

No response. He stood up, his legs shaking as if he was standing in a wooden plank. He couldn't tell his up or downs, what was the ground or what was the roof. Kanji Satoru walked through the white void, his steps echoing endlessly. He continued walking despite not knowing where he was going.

Suddenly, amidst the vast white void, Kanji Satoru's eyes caught sight of something unexpected—a black door. It stood in stark contrast to the blank canvas that surrounded him. Intrigued and filled with a glimmer of hope, Kanji approached the door with his hand outstretched. He twists the knob, opening the door.

As he does so, maniacal laughter, wicked and unsettling, pierced through the white void, echoing with an eerie resonance. The laughter seemed to emanate from all directions, surrounding him with its disturbing presence. Suddenly, dark shadow burst forth, surging out from the depths of the door with alarming speed. Before he could react, the shadow lunged towards him, its tendrils wrapping around his body, tightening like a vice.

Panic surged through Kanji's veins as he struggled desperately, feeling its chilling presence envelop him. The laughter intensified, merging with his own desperate cries, as he fought against the unknown force that had seized him in its clutches.


But nobody came. The dark shadow fully engulfed him, silencing his desperate cries for help.


Kanji stretched his body.

"How long has it been since I was let out!? It's time to continue my plan, and nothing can stop me now!"