
Chapter - 45

"So what you're going to do?" The Emperor asked sitting in the backseat

"Sirin is human" Anastasia said looking at her hand "I'll reclaim her soul"

"And if you fail?" Magnus asked sitting next to his father

"Uhm...machines like this no longer exist in our universe" Rogal said as he played with the window

"Then I'll kill her..." she replied with a sigh before chuckling "It's strange to see you all with normal sizes... and without armors"

"Huuuuuuuh...I don't like this shirt...it's blue" Kitten said as he looked at his own clothes which consisted of a light blue polo and a pair of jean "I'M SORRY BUT WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO'S NOT WEARING A MILITARY UNIFORM?!"

"because we're important members of a prestigious family of soldiers, who serve in the military for generations while you're Anastasia's househusband" The Emperor replied

"You do realize that I'm a High Lord of Terra, right?" Kitten replied

"You do realize that I'm the motherfucking Emperor and that you're whatever I see fit?" The Master of Mankind replied

"I'm sorry Kitten...I know that I will never be like Shadowsun but put up with me until we get out" Anastasia joked preparing for the captain-general's reaction

"For the last...fucking time...THAT IS NOT FUCKING CANON!" Kitten shouted as everyone in car started laughing

"that is funny" Rogal said as Anastasia pulled up into a driveway

"Okay now, don't blow our cover" Anastasia said

"Don't worry, I'll be the always grumpy grandpa, who still doesn't like the husbands of her daughters but it's sweet to his grandsons" The Emperor replied

"I'll be the smart uncle" Magnus said with a chuckle

"And I...will be the architect uncle" Rogal said

"You're an army man Rogal" Magnus commented

"Soldiers always need to be build fortifications" Rogal replied

"Wait...what am I?" Kitten asked

"you're the normal uncle, who tries his best to look cool but miserably fails" The Emperor "Now let's go! I want to finally speak to someone else"

"Wait...how should we call you?" Magnus asked

"Ceasar" The Emperor replied "yes, like that roman emperor, now let's go" he said before leaving the car

"He's strangely excited" Kitten remarked as he also left the car

"Ten Millenia sitting on a chair and surrounded by people who do the exact opposite of what you told them to does that to you" Magnus replied.

The five of them walked to the door of the house and knocked on it

"Who could be at this hour?" Anastasia heard Siegfried

"Wait here Sirin, I'll get the door" she then heard Cecilia said before she opened the door "Ana!"

"Sorry for being so late, work took a while" Anastasia replied while hugging Cecilia "They are with me" she whispered to her ear knowing that Cecilia wasn't under the influence of the illusion "I brought father and the others, I hope you don't mind them"

A loud gasp could be heard coming from the living room as Cecilia smiled "Of course I don't mind! Kiana, Sirin! Come to say hi to your grandpa and uncles!"

A grown-up Kiana ran towards the entrance wearing a beautiful white and light blue dress "Auntie!" she shouted before hugging Anastasia

Anastasia hugged her back "How could I miss the birthday nephew" she replied before Kiana looked at Magnus and the others

"Hi!" she said with a smile

"Would you look at that" Ceasar said with a smirk "how old are you? 23?"

"Eeeeh!? I'm 16 now grandpa!" Kiana replied as she crossed her arms

"Is that so? Then You can drive now" he replied causing Kiana to til her head confused "the gift that is waiting for you outside"

Kiana widened her eyes and ran outside and saw two magnificent white and purple Ducati Panigale V2 "OH MY GOD! MOM! GRAMPS BOUGHT ME TWO MOTORCYCLES!"

"Only one" Ceasar corrected him "the other is for Sirin, after all, we missed her last birthday due to work"

"WWWWWWWHAT?!" Siegfried shouted as he run-up to the entrance of the house, only to freeze in place one he saw Ceasar looking down at him

"so you finally showed up Siegfried" he said with a stern tone "I thought you were going to keep hiding"

Siegfried started to visibly sweat "Uhm...I wasn't...hiding...I was...YES! I was telling to Sirin to say hi!"

As he said that, the purple-haired girl peeked around the corner of the hallway unsure of what to do

'Well, she doesn't look so evil without all her herrscher stuff' The Emperor said to Anastasia telepathically as he walked to the girl and lifted her "There you are, my little genius" he said causing Sirin to panic "How is school going?"

The girl was at confused as hell and didn't know how to reply "Ehm...I...well...good?"

"That's great!" Ceasar replied patting her head

"seeing behaving like this sure is making my blood boil" Magnus muttered to Rogal

"Yes...seeing him able to perform healthy parental interactions makes you think how so many things could be avoided" The Primarch of the Imperial fist replied

The Emperor put down Sirin "I'm proud to see that none of your father's trait kept you from becoming a brilliant mind"

"Hey...now...are you like insulting my ancestors?" Sieg muttered to himself

"Well, Kiana doesn't have to same grades at me though" Sirin said with a smug expression

"It's all because of Siegfried genes" Ceasar replied with a sigh as Siegfried literally started crying

Anastasia smiled and walked up to the two of them and hugged Sirin "Aaaah how I missed this feeling!" she said happily "You're soft and squishy as ever"

Again, Sirin went into panic mode and didn't know what to do, fortunately for her, her sister came to her rescue

"Gramps! Can I drive it now?!" Kiana asked excitedly

"So you don't want to see our gifts?" Anastasia asked with a smirk causing Kiana's eyes to spark

"Gimme! Gimme!" Kiana said

"Shit, we needed to bring gifts?" Magnus whispered to Rogal

"Brother, it is tradition to bring gifts to birthdays, it has been common practice for millennia" Dorn replied

"So where's yours?" Magnus asked

"My gift cannot be carried with my hands" Rogal replied stoically

Kiana rushed to them with sparkling eyes

Anastasia seemingly pulled out a bag out of nowhere "I wonder what's inside of it"

the girl snatched the gift from her hands "Thanks auntie!" she said before pulling out a fully leathered white motorcycle outfit with protections included "Woah! It's beautiful!"

"I'm glad you liked it" Anastasia replied before sneaking another bag to Sirin.

The girl was confused and looked inside of it only to see another motorcycle outfit inside of it but purple "...thanks" she muttered getting a wink from the woman next to her

Kiana dashed to Rogal and Magnus "Woah there little lady! no need to rush!" Magnus said as he put his hands behind his back and started conjuring something "there you go!" he then said before handing her a box

Kiana opened the box and saw several board games "Oh? What's this?"

Magnus smirked "That my dear is a limited edition of a game called DnD, an Ouji Board, Regicide Board with metal pieces" he said proud of himself "along with some very interesting books"

Anastasia and Ceasar snickered a bit as Kiana made a bit of a forced smile "Thanks uncle!" she said before looking at Rogal

"My gift is too big to fit in this house" he said causing Cecilia and Siegfried to look at him with a worried expression "You should look at the tree in the backyard...now preferably"

Kiana literally blurred away and went to the backyard soon followed by the others. On the tree, there was a massive yet beautiful gothic-styled treehouse

"When the fuck did you built that?" Magnus asked

"Father helped me conjure it from my mind" he replied as Kiana looked at the house with a shocked expression "I fortified the tree so that it could support the house which has a working bathroom, kitchen, heating and electric system and three bedrooms, one for you, for your sister and a guest...it is a masterpiece of mine if you ask me, not even Perturabo can ruin it"

"I don't know who Perturbo is but thanks!" Kiana replied with a beaming smile

Magnus placed himself in front of Sirin and cleared his throat "I took the liberty of leaving your gifts in your bedroom up there"

Sirin slowly nodded

"Tell me Siegfried, what have you gifted to my grandaughter?" Ceasar asked looking at the man in question

"Ehm...a DS4?" he replied

"I see" the Emperor replied with sigh

Siegfried looked at his wife "I have to buy a car for Kiana...no two of them one for Kiana and the other for Sirin"

Cecilia chuckled "There's no need for that dear"

"B-But your father!"

"Don't worry about that" she cut him off causing the man to sigh

"Uncle Kitten also has a gift for you!" Anastasia said

"Oh yes!" Kitten said giving another bag for Kiana to open

Kiana quickly opened it and smiled "BUT THIS IS THE ENTIRE COD SERIES!"

"It sure is! DLCs included!" Kitten said getting hugged by Kiana

The night went on and the girls went to sleep, Sieg was knocked out from the beer while the others stayed downstairs to speak a bit

Cecilia, the Emperor, Anastasia, and her brothers were sitting in the dining in complete silence...

"Well this is awkward" The Master of Mankind said

"Yes" Rogal agreed

"still better than our usual family reunions..." Magnus muttered

"You have been busy huh?" Cecilia suddenly said

Anastasia nodded "Yes...how was your maternity?"

"Probably one of the happiest periods of my life..." the Valkyrie replied "Ana...I believe Sirin can be saved"

"I know" Anastasia replied nodding "Otherwise we wouldn't be speaking right now"

Cecilia smiled "I see...I'm happy to see that you understand...after the nations you conquered for a moment I..."

"I conquered those nations out of necessity" Anastasia said calmly "I don't do things without a reason Cecilia, everything that I do, is beneficial for humanity"

"Schicksal depicts you as criminal though..." Cecilia said with a saddened tone

"The same organization that put children under experimentations for who knows what objective and created an Herrscher" the Empress said

"Not that the space marines are old when recruited" Kitten muttered

"Is that true? Those bulky men? Were all recruited as children?" Cecilia asked shocked

Anastasia slowly nodded "Yes...the golden and red ones were made by him" she said gesturing the Emperor "The others...are made under my command"

"Then what right do you have to criticize Shicksal?" The white-haired woman asked

"There is a difference between human experimentation and certified protocols" Anastasia replied "When recruited, we made as clear as possible what is going to happen to them and how they will become. Initially, the mortality rate was immense but now it is so low to not be considered...meanwhile, Otto experiments on people! He just does something to them and sees if they die or not, if they don't then he experiments more on them until he gets what he wants for fuck's sake Cecilia look at what he has done to you! Or to me! You know that you were destined to die because of the experiments he has done on you?"

"Calm down Anastasia" The Emperor intervened