
Epic of the Apostate: Heretic

A lonely soul will embark on a journey to its destiny. What path will be chosen and whether he will be able to survive in an unknown place? Will luck smile at the hero or will he be destroyed? Find out here. The story is at the beginning the backstory of my heroic spirit, during the course of the plot the hero gets to the wars for the Holy Grail. (There will be a harem, but I don't want to put this tag yet, all tags will be updated during the story) "The cover is not mine, the story is just my fantasy, imagination" English is not my native language.

Flako · Cómic
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47 Chs

Gray reality

Hello everyone.

This chapter will not be in the usual format, but on behalf of the victim of the hero, in this case, a bandit. (One of the bandits from chapter 36)

As I wrote many times, the world is not divided into black and white, it is gray. And so I had a desire to write on behalf of the bandit, to show that even such disgusting scum has what they dream to achieve. Let it be women, money, power, but they have aspirations and thirst for this, their aspirations are not white and black, it's just their thoughts that drive them.

In general, what I want to say. Each person decides for himself what is good for him, what is evil, what is right for one, for another will be disgusting. This is the gray reality.

Enjoy reading.


(POV Bandit)

Today should have been a good day, I hope to get enough money to spend an evening with the lovely courtesan Via. A beautiful woman with a curvaceous figure, voluminous breasts, and a plump ass, which just pulls to grab. Via is beautiful, so to spend a night with her you need a lot of money, she is the main flower of courtesans, which can only be bought by nobles.

"Hoo-hoo. That juicy ass will be mine tonight. I will fuck her all night. "

Just by presenting that I'm already in it, my dick breaks out of my pants.

I've dreamed of her for so long, ever since the first time, I saw her in a brothel. And today she will be mine, I'm sure. My efforts for the gang did not go down the drain, at last, I was recognized and entrusted to be on an important deal ... Although I will be a simple observer and will not meet with the customer, I will still be paid a large sum. I will receive 80 silver coins, I have never seen such money, the largest amount that was in my hands is 21 silver coins.

[I can't wait to get this money, my hands are itching.]

The pick-up and appointment will take place when the sun goes down, so for now I can go to the tavern and eat.

(Time passed, the sun went down, ordinary people hid in their houses and the gangs woke up, going out in the darkness.)

[The time has finally come. Haha, easy money.]

Now we are walking along with the lanes, our route twists like a snake, and each observer is placed at the necessary observation points.

As I understood, from the words of the head, today some large cargo will be transported, and our task is simply to stand. So easy.

Usually, to get the money I had to climb out of my skin, robberies, kidnappings, get money for protection, and all this at night, trying not to get caught by the guards. Eh. And during the day I had to carry or deliver heavy bags. All this is just for the sake of a few copper coins, which are quickly spent in the tavern.

Only the top members of the gang could sit back every day, have fun with women, and drink as much as they wanted, and the lower members of the gang, like me, must work by the sweat of their brows, gaining authority to be recognized.

And today luck smiled at me, my work paid off and now I'm on such an easy job where you just need to stand. Now I understand how to be at the top of the gang, you don't do anything, but you get a lot of money.

Although standing is boring, enough time has passed, and nothing has happened ... or rather, it's even better that everything is in order.

Standing in silence and carefully observing my surroundings so as not to fail on the first day I was recognized, I acted very carefully.

And then I heard a knock on a stone, at that moment my heart almost stopped with fear, for the first time in my 27 years I felt such a tremor in my body.

[What if it's a guard? What should I do then?]

I have been caught stealing many times and ran away from the soldiers, but I always tried to avoid them, these bastards are not normal. There were many stories of how they beat and robbed the beggars, considering their animals, or simply killed for being disturbed. Although only clergymen can be worse than soldiers. Oh. I personally saw how the bishop's retinue beat ordinary people. If they catch me, they'll skin me off. I just want to survive.

When the sound got closer, I hid behind a wall near the alley, so that if something happened to escape.

But my fears quickly became unfounded, these were our guys.

A small cart covered with cloth and pulled by a donkey was moving along the street, a man walked in front of it, holding the reins and guiding the animal along the right path. Also, two people walked on the sides of the carriage, three more walked nearby, too, two were attentive and looked around and seemed to guard the third, and the man, who seemed to be guarded, walked relaxed as if he had gone for a walk. This man was my boss, the head of the Bloodfang gang, strong and sturdy.


[It's good that these are our guys.]

Passing by me, as if I were a rock on the road, which is not being paid attention to, they continued on their way in complete darkness, without even using a torch.

Time passed, I stood and watched in complete silence, which was again broken by a knock, and again it turned out to be members of our gang, only their number increased.

As they passed me, one of the early wagon guards turned to me and said in a serious tone:

"Follow us."

After his words, he turned away and just walked on, and I had no choice but to follow them.

Moving in complete silence, from time to time our number was replenished by other observers, all the time we were moving along the same route, only before the last turn to the street from which it all began, we went around. It certainly surprised me, but I'm not going to ask anything, everyone is so quiet that it's scary.

As soon as we reached the warehouse, the head opened the door and went inside with several people who were carrying something, and we were told to stay outside.

While I was waiting I started to get tired.

I want to be paid already so I can leave.

After a while, the warehouse door finally opened and the head of the gang came out.

After examining us with his menacing look, he smiled and, opening the door, entered again, saying the phrase: "Come in. On such an evening, it's not a sin to celebrate. "

After his words, we were pushed to enter, and eventually, everyone was inside.

From the inside, the warehouse looked ordinary, wooden walls, wooden supports, nothing out of the ordinary ... well, except for weapons that weigh on the walls and heaps of rubbish in the corner.

While I was looking back, the head, who was sitting in the center at the table, took a pint and said loudly:

"Hey ... sat down quickly at the table."

His voice was so menacing that I even froze with fear. But followed the order and took a place at one of the tables, like the others. On the table were chunks of meat, a lot of grilled meat, stews, and pints of drinks.

"As long as you work for me, you will eat and drink to your heart's content. You can eat now. "

While I was looking at this wonderful food drooling, the head said wonderful words, which my stomach was happy with and I pounced on the food like a beast, but I was not the only one, the others attacked the food too.

After taking the bite, fat spread in my mouth.

[Mmmm. How delicious, how long have I eaten fried meat.]

The meat is so expensive, the only meat I have been able to eat lately was in the tavern stew.

Enjoying food, drink, and stories, everything was so good ... up to a point ...

*Knock Knock*

There was a knock at the door.

And at the same moment, silence reigned, an oppressive silence.

A chill ran through my body, I instinctively felt the danger outside the door, and, looking at the worried faces of the others, I realize that I am not alone. (We remember how annoyed Lovelle was at this moment because of fatigue.)

Everything seemed to freeze, plunged into silence.

Then there was another knock on the door, but no one was going to move.

And suddenly the oppressive sense of danger vanished as if it had never existed, but as soon as it disappeared, a voice rang out outside the door:

"Hey. Maybe they will open it for me already? I worked a lot, watched the surroundings. And what do I get in return? I also want to drink after hard work. "

The voice was rough, like an old man. This caused some panic among us. No one could understand who Al was, everyone said they didn't know who he was.

The only one who did not panic and just looked at the door with a firm gaze was our leader, he looked like a formidable rock.

The atmosphere was very tense, and a voice again sounded outside the door:

"Well, brothers, that's not how things are done. Do you want me to die in the cold of the night? I would like to warm up, preferably from the inside with ale or mead. Or pay me what you owe and I'll go to the tavern. "


Taking a heavy sigh, the leader got up from his chair and went to the door, but did not open it, but clutching the sword, asked:

"Who is this?"

After the leader asked, the conversation continued, slowly escalating into insults.

These insults hurt my pride, I try so hard to work for the gang, and now this bastard dares to pour shit on her, it's unforgivable. And I was not the only one who was irritated, other brothers also shared my anger.

Even our calm leader began to get angry, which made his face veins protrude.

And the last insult was the last straw of patience for us and the leader.

The head grabbed the latch that closed the door, quickly opened it, and pushed the door hard.

And from that moment hell began.

As soon as the door opened and the leader stepped over the threshold, he froze, he did not move, and behind his broad back, we could not understand the reason for his inaction. Everything was strange, the recently angry leader froze in silence.

But in a second everything became clear, our leader gave a groan of pain and fell to the floor, on his back. He was covered in blood and organs fell from his ripped belly. It was a horrible sight to behold.

Then a stranger in black clothes and a closed face entered the door, only bright purple light was visible in the place where the eyes should be, entering, the stranger closed the door with a bolt.

And at that moment, I realized that death came for us, it was a demon who came to take us to hell for all our sins, just looking at him, I could not move because of fear.

Fear began to rule me, I wanted to escape, but our leader dies, lying on the floor, all doors are locked, and the rest of the brothers were enraged after the death of the leader.

Am I the only one who feels imminent death?

While I was thinking about a way to escape, one of the brothers attacked the "demon", but a second later his throat was cut. And the rest of the brothers did not stand aside and attacked too, surrounding the "demon".

Seeing the uselessness of the escape option, I also took part in encircling the enemy, but this did not stop him, he broke through the blockade. The killer, like a snake, slipped near me and the next moment I fell to the floor, my leg and side of my stomach were cut. Everything was so fast that I only felt pain when I was on the floor.


The pain is terrible, I feel my blood flowing and the wound, as if it were sprinkled with hot coals. (This happens when the nerves of the tissues, with a large wound, were in contact with the blood that had not yet cooled down, a feeling as if the wound was burning.)

Lying on the floor enduring pain, I could only watch what was happening, any attempts to get up were accompanied by severe pain and bleeding.

I watched what was happening, I saw how the demon was pinned into a corner, but he just jumped over the line of guys and continued the massacre.

The battle lasted for about five more minutes, everyone fell, only the demon continued to stand, he was not scratched at all.

I'm scared.

I feel like a chicken that is about to be slaughtered.

While I was overwhelmed with fear, the demon said something quietly, looking at the blood and corpses, and then walked over to the survivors and lifted them to a sitting position.

When he lifted me up and leaned me against the wall, I was like a limp doll and overwhelmed with fear.

When he finished lifting us, the demon said:

"So, guys, tell your daddy where your money from the deal is and then you will be" free "."

I did not believe in his blatant lie, but I kept silent, unlike the others who began to insult him.

[Idiots, it's clear to everyone that we will be killed. Why are you provoking him? ]

And indeed, my fears came true, the demon approached the most talkative. The demon calmly looked at him and spoke, and the idiot continued to provoke him.

And what happened next scared me so much that I wanted to die myself.

The demon took the ax and chopped off the peasant's penis, it was painful to look at, and the cry of pain of a man instilled terror in the soul.

When the cry died down and the man fell, the demon looked at us and asked:

"Do you want to die as he does or agrees to cooperate?"

I was silent again, I did not understand what kind of money he wanted.

The other four, unlike me, began to point at the pile of garbage and say that the money was there, these four were with the leader when he entered the warehouse.

The demon listened to them and went to check the place, then he collected weapons and money from the corpses, sat down at the table, and ate.

Gathering everything he needed, he took the chest and headed for the exit.

I even wanted to breathe from such an outcome, but the demon pulled out a sword and chopped off the head of the first person near him.


I was in a panic, I could only scream with fear, waiting for my turn.

When the demon reached me, seeing the blade that would soon chop off my head, I could only say:


And then the world spun, and darkness fell.


How do you it?

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